The weather in July is very hot, and most people will feel a little irritable, especially for college graduates. At this time, if you have been admitted to work or passed the graduate entrance examination, you still have certain expectations for the future. , if you fail in the p

The weather in July is very hot, and most people will feel a little irritable, especially for college graduates. At this time, if you have been admitted to work or passed the graduate entrance examination, you still have certain prospects for the future. It is expected that if you fail in the postgraduate entrance examination, it will be difficult to find a satisfactory job position at this time, which will lead to a confused mentality. So, how to choose between the postgraduate entrance examination and the public entrance examination in World War II? Woolen cloth?

First of all, for college graduates in July, this is the time to seize the time to prepare for the career establishment exam. On the one hand, both the national and provincial examinations have been taken. At this time, preparing for the civil service examination is somewhat in vain, because there is still a long time before the provincial and national examinations. The same is true for preparing for the postgraduate examination, and the general postgraduate examination. All registrations are made in December. At this time, if you are involved in it, it is easy to get bored with the long-term review, and you need to face a lot of pressure. Therefore, in terms of time, whether you are preparing for the civil service examination in July Or the postgraduate examination, it is not a suitable time period.

On the other hand, for enterprise establishment examinations, recruitment is relatively frequent between July and September. Generally speaking, most of the public institution exams and exams are concentrated in the past few months, and recruitment announcements are announced one after another in various places. Under such circumstances, it is more appropriate to choose to prepare for the public institution examination, because after there are people who will take the civil service exam After the experience, I have a certain foundation for preparing for the public institution exam. I set aside a month to review specifically, and then take the public institution examination to continuously verify the effectiveness of my preparation. Then I can adjust my mentality and continue to take the next public institution exam. , so as to achieve the purpose of landing smoothly.

Secondly, examinations and reviews for public institutions are somewhat different from those for civil servants. Examinations for public institutions are very regional and are generally held by each locality. Therefore, for exam preparers, they can take multiple exams for public institutions from July to September, thereby increasing their chances of landing. At the same time, The review for public institutions also needs to be targeted. Generally, the actual situation of the local county needs to be considered when reviewing for the public institution exams in each county. Therefore, when preparing for the public institution exams, candidates need to lock in their own exam scope. , so that there are gains and losses in review. Of course, if you take the exam for public institutions at or above the prefecture level, you can choose general textbooks for review by public institutions. It is recommended to recommend the book for the comprehensive basic knowledge examination of in public , which has relatively comprehensive knowledge points.

Finally, for July college graduates, even if they fail the postgraduate entrance examination or public examination, they should not feel confused, but should look for the next employment opportunity, and do not think too much about what to do if they "fail" again in the career establishment examination. Because if you prepare for the Civil Service Examination and the Graduate Entrance Examination in a timely manner, you may continue to "fail". These exams do not mean that you will be able to pass them if you work hard, but also require a certain amount of luck. Therefore, for college graduates in July, you need to pay close attention to Seize every opportunity to take the postgraduate entrance examination, so that you can truly achieve employment, instead of choosing to put all your chips on the postgraduate entrance examination or the civil service examination.