Ode to the Dusk River by Bai Juyi [Tang Dynasty] A setting sun spreads over the water, half of the river is rustling and half of the river is red. It's a pity that on the third night of September, the dew looks like pearls and the moon looks like a bow. Translation: The setting s

Dusk River Yin

Bai Juyi Tang Dynasty

A setting sun spreads over the water, half of the river is rustling and half of the river is red.
Poor night on the third day of September, the dew is like pearls and the moon is like a bow.

The setting sun is reflected on the river, and the rays of sunlight are shining, and the waves are sparkling; half of the river water shows a deep blue color, and the other half shows a red color.
The most lovely thing is that night on the third day of September, when the dewdrops are like pearls and the bright crescent moon is shaped like a bow.

Dusk River Yin: A poem written by the river at dusk. Yin, a form of ancient poetry.
setting sun: the light of the sun that is about to set. Also refers to sunset.
Sese: The original meaning is green treasure, here it refers to green.
pitiful: cute.
The third day of September: The third day of September in the lunar calendar.
real pearl: that is, pearl. htmlThe month of July is like a bow: On the third day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, the first quarter moon of is like a bow.

Ti Xilinbi

Su Shi [Song Dynasty]

Viewed horizontally, it looks like a ridge and a peak on the side, with different heights near and far.
I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain.

Looking from the front and side, Lushan Mountain has rolling hills and towering peaks. It looks different from far, near, high and low. The reason why
cannot distinguish the true face of Mount Lu is because I am in Mount Lu.

comment question Xilin wall: written on the wall of Xilin Temple . Xilin Temple is located at the western foot of Mount Lu. Title: writing, inscription. Xilin: Xilin Temple, in Jiangxi Lushan .
horizontal view: viewed from the front. Lushan Mountain always runs north-south. When viewed horizontally, it means looking from the east to the west.
side: side.
is different: each is different.
does not know: cannot recognize or distinguish. The true face of
: refers to the real scenery and shape of Mount Lu.
edge: because; due to.
This mountain: This mountain refers to Mount Lu.
Xilin: Xilin Temple, on Lushan Mountain in what is now Jiangxi Province. This poem is inscribed on the wall of the temple.


Lu Yue [Song Dynasty]

Plum snow contends for spring but refuses to fall, Sao Renge writes for comments.
Plum blossoms are three points whiter than snow , but snow loses some of the fragrance of plum blossoms.

Plum blossoms and snowflakes both think that they have all the beauty of spring, and neither one is willing to admit defeat. It is difficult to judge the quality of plum and snow, so I have to put down my pen and think about it carefully.
plum blossoms make snowflakes crystal clear and white, but snowflakes lose the fragrance of plum blossoms.

Lu Meipo , a poet of the Song Dynasty. The year of birth and death is unknown. "Meipo" is not his name, but he calls himself Meipo.
drop (xiáng): admit defeat.
poet: poet.
gepen: Put down the pen. Pavilion, the same as "put down".
review: review. This refers to judging the quality of plum and snow.

Jingwei reclamation

Anonymous [Pre-Qin]

The girl of Emperor Yan, named Nvwa. The girl swam in the East China Sea and drowned, so she became the Jingwei . She often carried wood and stones from the Western Mountains in her hands and threw them into the East China Sea.

Translation Emperor Yan’s youngest daughter was named Nvwa. Once, the girl went to play in the East China Sea, drowned and never came back, so she transformed into the Jingwei bird. The Jingwei often carries sticks and stones from the Western mountains in its mouth, and uses them to fill up the Eastern Sea.

Comments The Girl of Emperor Yan: The youngest daughter of Emperor Yan.
drowning: drowning, submerged.
therefore: therefore.
is: become, become.
堠: Padding.

Going out of the fortress

Wang Changling [Tang Dynasty]

The bright moon of the Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty closed , and the people who marched thousands of miles have not yet returned.
But the flying generals of Dragon City are here, and Hu Ma is not taught to cross the Yin Mountains.

It is still the bright moon and the border gate in the Qin and Han Dynasties. They defended the border and fought fiercely against the enemy for thousands of miles, but the soldiers did not return.
As long as Dragon City's flying general Li Guang is still here, he will definitely not let the enemy's iron hoofs step through the Yinshan Mountains.

but make: only.
Dragon City Flying General: "Hanshu Biography of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing" records that in the sixth year of Yuanguang
(129 BC), Wei Qing was a chariot general. He went out of Shanggu and went to Longcheng, where he beheaded hundreds of captives. Cage City, Yan Shigu notes: "cage" is the same as "dragon". Dragon City Flying General refers to Wei Qing's surprise attack on Dragon City. Among them, some people think that the flying general in Longcheng Feijiang refers to the Han Dynasty flying general Li Guang, and Longcheng is Lulongcheng in the Tang Dynasty (Lulongcheng was the place where Li Guang trained troops in the Han Dynasty. It was in the area near Xifengkou, Hebei Province today. It was the capital of the Han Dynasty. Right Beiping County is located). Throughout his life, Li Guang spent most of his life fighting against the Huns and preventing the Huns from raiding the border. This refers to generals who are brave and skillful in fighting.
teaches: order, make.
Huma: refers to the foreign cavalry that invades the mainland.
degree: crossed.
Yinshan: Located in central Inner Mongolia and northern Hebei today.

Liangzhou Ci

Wang Han [Tang Dynasty]

Grape wine luminous cup, if you want to drink Pipa prompt immediately.
Lord Grim is lying drunk on the battlefield. How many people have fought in ancient times?

Translation At the wine feast, the mellow grape wine was filled into luminous cups. Just as he was about to drink, the pipa sounded, as if urging people to go to war.
If you are lying drunk on the battlefield, please don’t laugh. How many people who went out to fight in ancient times returned to their hometowns?

Comments Liangzhou Ci: The name of Tang Yuefu, which belongs to the "Modern Song Ci". It is the libretto of "Liangzhou Song", the name of a popular tune in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Liangzhou Ci: Wang Han wrote two poems "Liangzhou Ci", which are generous and tragic and widely circulated. And this "Liangzhou Ci" was praised by Wang Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty as the masterpiece of the Tang Dynasty.
Luminous cup: A wine cup made of jade. When you put wine in the cup and place it under the moonlight, the cup will sparkle, hence the name of the luminous cup.
desire: will.
Pipa: This refers to the trumpet sound used in battle.
urge: to urge people to go to war; some people also interpret it as singing to cheer up.
battlefield: a flat and empty sandy land, often referred to as a battlefield in ancient times.
jun: You.
battle: fight.

Summer Quatrains

Li Qingzhao [Song Dynasty]

Live as a hero, and die as a ghost.
still thinks of Xiang Yu , refuses to pass Jiangdong .

When you are alive, you must be a hero among men, and when you die, you must be a hero among ghosts.
People still miss Xiang Yu because he refused to return to Jiangdong secretly.

Comments Renjie: A hero among men. Han Gaozu once praised the founding heroes Zhang Liang, Xiao He, Han Xin as "outstanding people".
ghost hero: the hero among ghosts. Qu Yuan " National War of Remembrance ": When the body is dead, the spirit is the spirit, and the soul is the ghost.
Xiang Yu: At the end of the Qin Dynasty, he established himself as the overlord of the Western Chu, and competed with Liu Bang for the world. In the battle of Gaixia, he was defeated and committed suicide.
Jiangdong: The place where Xiang Yu started his army with his uncle Xiang Liang.

Wang Rong did not take the roadside Li

Anonymous [ Southern and Northern Dynasties ]

Wang Rong was seven years old and tried to travel with children. I saw many plum trees on the roadside with broken branches. All the children raced to get them, but Rong couldn't move. When someone asked about it, he replied: "The tree beside the road has many children, so the plum trees will suffer." Take it, and believe it.

译文When Wang Rong was seven years old, he used to play with many children. They saw that the plum trees on the roadside were so laden with fruit that their branches were bent. Many children rushed to pick plums, but Wang Rong did not move.Someone asked him why he didn't pick plums. Wang Rong replied: "There are so many plums on the plum tree on the roadside. They must be bitter plums." After picking them, it was true.

Notes Wang Rong: Western Jin Langya (now part of Shandong), he was very smart since he was a child, and was one of the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest". He was promoted to Shangshu Ling and Situ.
taste: once.
Zhu: Many.
game: Have fun and play.
zi: plum.
branch bending: bending branches.
race walking: racing to run over.
competition: competition.
walk: run.
only: only.
Xinran: Indeed.