In this era, few people think that the job of civil servants is not good. In recent years, we can know from the enthusiasm of college students after graduation that civil servants have long become a popular job for young people to apply for.

In this era, few people think that the job of civil servant is not good. In recent years, we can know from the enthusiasm of college students after graduation that civil servants have long become a hot topic for young people to apply for.

The advantages of civil servants are very obvious. They have stability that private companies do not have. They have generous benefits and benefits. There is no 996 or 007. Those who are able to be promoted will also have higher incomes and there is a lot of room for improvement. Those who are not able to be promoted can even become an ordinary scientist. Members can also live a stable life.

As more graduates discover the advantages of civil servants, the competition for civil service examinations gradually becomes fierce. Some positions in only recruit one person, but thousands of people apply for . Everyone wants to give it a try, in case they get admitted. It's me.

The difficulty of getting admitted is linked to the position. Majors determine the available positions.

If we only look at the recruitment ratio, it is more difficult to get admitted to the postgraduate program than to graduate students. Graduate students can also take transfers, but if they fail the postgraduate examination, there is no way out. , or give up. Or fight another time.

Many graduates complain that it is difficult to take the civil service examination. The increase in the number of applicants has indeed increased the difficulty of getting admitted. However, the difficulty of taking the civil service examination is also closely related to the choice of graduates. It depends on what position they are applying for.

Those positions with good remuneration are known to be fiercely competitive every year. Since graduates want good remuneration, they must overcome the difficulty of getting a job. Do not choose positions that have a large number of applicants.

It is recommended that candidates should not be anxious when choosing a position. Wait until halfway or near the end of the selection period before making a selection based on the application situation. can avoid falling into the "10,000-person position".

Of course, there are restrictions when choosing a position. The major determines the optional . Some majors can only choose three unlimited positions for the public examination. If you are sure that you will take the public examination in the future, is best to study a major that has advantages in the public examination. , Chinese language, law, and accounting are all good.

The difficulty of getting into the civil service examination varies from person to person. Some positions are obviously difficult to get into. graduates can turn their attention to relatively unpopular positions. For example, there are perennial shortages of grassroots positions in townships. In order to attract talents, the recruitment of township civil servants has also been lowered. standards.

The good news for the public party examination is here. Township civil servants have lowered their recruitment standards. Category 3 students can be given priority in admissions.

College students want to work in places with good environment and good pay, so there are permanent vacancies for township civil servants. Many graduates feel that township civil servants are hard work. , wages are low , and being far away from the city is contrary to the lifestyle of young people.

However, as the public examination becomes more and more difficult, township civil servants are also an opportunity, and the salary of township civil servants is improving, and capable people can continue to be promoted to improve the working environment, and the recruitment requirements for township civil servants have been relaxed , for This is good news for the Kaogong Party.

In the past, many people complained that they were too old to apply. In order to give more people a chance, the age limit for township civil servants in some areas was adjusted to under 35. There are also a few positions where people under 40 can apply.

Most of the academic qualifications for civil servants require a bachelor's degree, and graduates with a bachelor's degree are often unwilling to take the exam in small places. Therefore, the educational qualification limit for township civil servants has been lowered . Those with a junior college degree can apply, and some positions are relaxed to high school. Educational qualifications, College students should seize the opportunity.

Different from the strict professional restrictions for urban civil servant positions, township civil servants do not have many professional requirements, because most of the jobs of township civil servants do not require strong professional knowledge. The most important thing is the candidate's ability.

The treatment of township civil servants is not as good as that of urban civil servants, but towns and villages also need to build talents. There are three types of students who can enjoy priority recruitment when taking the civil service examination , namely, three-support and one-support project students, and the Western Plan Volunteers and veterans, as well as graduates who are willing and able to accept the environment may be considered.

What else can you do if you don’t take the public exam? The advice from people who have experienced it is very pertinent

In the past, college students liked to do challenging jobs after graduation, but now college students are more pursuing stability. On the one hand, taking the civil service examination is because civil servants are indeed worth choosing. On the other hand, many graduates do not know if they do not take the public service examination. What can be done.

A large part of college students are ordinary people. They are not good at reading and have not mastered a skill , so they can only follow the trend and take the public examination. Graduates are very confused about the future.

People who have experienced this suggest that students who have not yet entered college and do not want to take the public exam must choose a practical major. is similar to computer majors where you can learn a technology. After graduation, you can find a job without taking the public exam. .

If you are already in college, you can increase your employment opportunities through the postgraduate entrance examination. Having a graduate degree has more options after graduation.
As for students who have neither academic qualifications nor professional ability, instead of being anxious and confused, and imagining misfortunes that have not happened yet, it is better to think about what can do to satisfy and hope for you now , you may not be able to see it now The exit of life, but when efforts reach a certain level, it will cause qualitative changes.

Sometimes we feel helpless and hopeless, just because we think too far and too limited.

Today’s topic: Do you think it is worth applying for the township civil servant examination?