The final exam season is here again. Do you know how important primary school grades are? There are multiple reasons for this: 1. Internal reasons: students themselves lack stamina. In junior high school, the subjects have increased and the difficulty has increased. Students are

Final exam season is here again. Do you know how important primary school grades are? How deceptive is it? This is why many parents wonder: Why did my child do well in elementary school, but his grades failed in junior high school?

The reasons for this are diverse:

1. Internal reasons: The students themselves have insufficient stamina. In junior high school, the subjects have increased and become more difficult. Students are somewhat overwhelmed by their diligence alone.

2. External reasons: Students live on campus and socialize with friends. For various reasons, without the supervision and supervision of their parents, many students lack self-control and are easily changed by the environment.

In addition to these internal and external subjective and objective factors, there is another important reason: you have seen the results of primary school The excellence is not necessarily the real excellence.

Rather than saying that excellent scores in the final exam represent the true level of students, it is better to say that ordinary unit exams can better show the true level of students. Why does

say this? During the

unit exam, the teacher will supervise the students and parents to revise the test papers carefully, and any non-standard papers will be judged as errors! Unless the answer is particularly good or perfect, you will get a better grade, because in order to urge students not to be overly proud, this is a suppressive teaching method that all teachers will adopt. This method can help students form a more rigorous and serious attitude in future test questions! Therefore, in the unit examination, the teacher will only take the test paper seriously and make sure that what is right is right or wrong, and there is no room for sloppiness.

But the final exam that everyone sees and the final exam that everyone values ​​​​is different. The final exam is not so much about the students as it is about the teachers, so the teachers will pay appropriate attention during the marking and invigilation process. The invigilator would not stop the students even if they started arguing.

What's more, during the invigilation process, although it is a cross-invigilation, there will be teachers who return to their own classes to beat the students and even secretly tell the students the answers. Some people may say, shouldn’t the invigilator care about this kind of behavior? How do you manage it? We are all teachers in this school, and everyone knows that there is no need to break up for an exam! It can be said that this is also the tragedy of education. Education requires teachers to have a good relationship with their colleagues and help each other. However, when encountering such a teacher, there is really no other way but to offend! Teacher

, why do you do this? That's because the results of this exam are not an assessment of students, but an assessment of teachers. Those with excellent test scores will receive certain rewards and honors. Parents and friends will also regard test scores as an important assessment criterion for whether to send their children to this class.

Secondly, during the marking process, of course, there will be various leakage phenomena. If the grading is as strict as usual, the students' grades will definitely not be very high, but the students' grades must be taken home to show to their parents, so the grades must be acceptable, otherwise they will also cause dissatisfaction among their parents. Therefore, many teachers will be cautious and leave the answers ambiguous during the marking process. It's almost right. There are even some answers that usually deducted one point when doing the questions but now deduct 0.5 points. To a large extent, 0.5 points will be rounded off in the input score, so there is still no point deduction! In addition to objective questions, other highly subjective questions can even be said to have almost no points deduction!

So with this two-step operation, you will find that your child's grades are much higher than you imagined!

is actually not the case!

You may ask, does this phenomenon only appear in primary schools?

is not. This phenomenon will not appear in other situations except the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. So this is why many people were failed in these two exams of the College Entrance Examination!

You may angrily scold the teacher for this kind of behavior. Is this irresponsible?

There are some teachers who have been wronged here. Most teachers are extremely serious in every ordinary study and pay great attention to children's academic performance, but parents do not take it to heart every time they report.Instead, focus all your energy on work and life! Only use the last assessment to evaluate your child's level! And for this last assessment, why do we do this? Most of the reason is that teachers also have to make some considerations for themselves.

Therefore, parents and friends advise you not to use the final exam scores as the final reference standard for your children in the future. Instead, consider the scores of the unit test papers that teachers usually hand out as more important!