A student in Leizhou, Guangdong, received an admission notice from Tsinghua University. When his father heard the good news, he happily planned to entertain the whole village for dinner. However, at this time, the villagers said that there were typos in the admission notice.

text | Documentary in the movie

Editor | Documentary in the movie


A middle school student got an admission notice from a college . In the eyes of his parents, it was a very honorable thing, but in 2020, something like this happened. A strange thing.

A student in Leizhou, Guangdong Province received the admission notice from Tsinghua University. When his father heard the good news, he was so happy that he planned to treat the whole village to a dinner. However, the villagers at this time said that there were typos in the admission notice.

What on earth is going on?

The picture comes from the Internet

01. The pride of the whole village

"The son of Lao Cao's family has been admitted to Tsinghua University! The notice has arrived!"

One day in August 2020, the small village of Tiaofeng Town, Leizhou, Guangdong, because of a piece of news Suddenly it became lively, and almost everyone was spreading the rumor that the son of the old Cao family, Cao Rui, was admitted to Tsinghua University.

The village where Cao Rui lives is relatively remote and backward, and there are not many children who can study hard.

Cao Rui is the only one in so many years who can be admitted to Tsinghua University.

Out of joy, Lao Cao's family hung a banner "Warmly Celebrating Cao Rui's Admission to Tsinghua University" at the entrance of the village early in the morning.

Seeing such a big happy event at first sight, the villagers couldn't wait any longer and ran to Lao Cao's house to congratulate him.

A banner hanging at the entrance of the village

Ever since the news spread that his son was admitted to Tsinghua University, the threshold of Lao Cao's family has almost been broken.

Anyone who enters the door must look for Lao Cao and say the first sentence:

"Congratulations, Lao Cao, your son is really up to date. The person who can get into Tsinghua University is definitely not an ordinary person!"

I saw Lao Cao coming to congratulate him. The villagers surrounded me layer by layer, with smiles on their faces that stretched from ear to ear.

At first, when his son told him after the college entrance examination that he would definitely go to Tsinghua University, he thought his son was lying to him. Now that his son has received the notice, he is so happy that he doesn't know which step to take.

Now the whole village has come to congratulate him. This can be regarded as the most proud day for Lao Cao.

The picture comes from the Internet

Lao Cao, who was overwhelmed by joy and reason, immediately said in front of the whole village:

"This is a happy event for my son to be admitted to Tsinghua University. I will set up a few tables and invite everyone in our village to attend. , let’s all have a good time!”

Seeing that they could eat Lao Cao’s son’s college entrance banquet, everyone was extremely happy and cheered one after another.

After congratulating Lao Cao, the villagers turned their attention to today's protagonist Cao Rui.

At this time, Cao Rui was also surrounded by people, shaking hands and taking photos, and kept saying "thank you" to the congratulatory people.

Someone took advantage of the excitement and said to Cao Rui expectantly:

"Can you take out the admission notice and let everyone see it? We people have never seen the admission notice from Tsinghua University!"

Picture source Since the Internet

this statement was immediately received by everyone's response.

Before Cao Rui could react, Lao Cao, who was in high spirits, turned around and entered the room and shouted loudly:

"I just put down the notice, I'm going to get it now!"

At this time, Cao Rui's expression changed. He scratched his head and said: "What's so good about the admission notice?"

Lao Cao came out holding the notice and said in front of everyone with a proud look on his face: "Let everyone see what's wrong. I can't see this notice." Bad!"

After that, Lao Cao handed the notice to the villagers who couldn't wait.

However, who knew that this look would really reveal the problem.

Cao Rui's admission notice

02. Errors on the admission notice

After receiving the admission notice, the villagers gathered around and read it attentively.

The current admission notice was like an imperial edict issued by the emperor in ancient times. The villagers were reluctant to let go of every word on the paper.

At this moment, a villager pointed to a line of small words on the notice and asked:

"What does 'highly educated' mean? I have never heard of this term before?"

was also looking at another part of the admission notice. A villager said thoughtfully:

"The word 'higher education' should be written as 'high degree'. There are typos in the admission notice of Tsinghua University!"

At this time, the villagers who learned the news started to panic. During the discussion, someone loudly said:

"There are no typos in such a rigorous document as the admission notice!"

Hearing what the villagers said, Lao Cao, who was beaming just a second ago, was instantly confused.

He took the notice and took a closer look. It really had the four characters "highly educated" written in black and white on it. This really made no sense.

Lao Cao just wanted to take out his mobile phone to check if there were typos in other people's admission notices. Unexpectedly, a call came in at this time.

The caller was none other than Chen Mouhan, the mayor of Tiaofeng Town, Leizhou, Guangdong.

The picture comes from the Internet

I heard Chen Mouhan seriously preaching to Lao Cao on the phone:

"Your son's admission notice is fake, quickly take down the banner you hung at the entrance of the village!"

Lao Cao Zha When he heard the news, he didn't have time to react, so he subconsciously asked:

"How could my son's admission notice be fake? Mayor, don't make such a joke!"

However, what the mayor said the next second, But Lao Cao almost fainted.

It turned out that after the village chief learned that there was a top student in the village who was admitted to Tsinghua University, he took a photo of Cao Rui's admission notice very early and sent it to the local government WeChat group.

Chen Mouhan, who has always been rigorous, quickly discovered that there was such a typo on the photo of the admission notice after carefully examining the photo.

He immediately doubted the authenticity of this admission notice.

immediately called the Zhanjiang Municipal Education Bureau to inquire, wanting to know whether Cao Rui had really been admitted to Tsinghua University.

The fact is that as Chen Han suspected, this admission notice was also forged and was not issued by Tsinghua University.

After the staff checked Cao Rui's college entrance examination scores, they found that his scores were not enough to be admitted to Tsinghua University.

The picture comes from the Internet

Lao Cao, who was so angry with his son, insisted on taking down the banner hanging at the entrance of the village with his own hands. He felt so proud before, but now he feels so embarrassed.

The crowd who came to congratulate him didn't know what happened for a while, so they had to go home. No one dared to mention the college entrance banquet again.

The incident of forgery of the admission notice made Cao so angry that he couldn't even eat. He couldn't help but pointed at his son and shouted loudly:

"How many points did you get in the exam to dare to forge the admission notice of Tsinghua University?"

Cao Rui Seeing that his father was so angry, he no longer dared to hide what he had done, and told the whole story clearly in front of the whole family.

However, what Lao Cao did not expect was that the reason why his son forged the admission notice was actually related to him.

The picture comes from the Internet

03. A filial child makes an own mistake

"I only scored 235 points, and I am definitely not qualified to go to Tsinghua University!"

Faced with his father's anger, Cao Rui finally reported his true college entrance examination results.

At first, Lao Cao thought he had misheard his son’s score. Then his son pulled out his college entrance examination scores from the query webpage and showed him, and he was sure that his son really only scored 235 points.

Cao Rui did so poorly in the exam, yet he dared to forge the admission notice from Tsinghua University. This undoubtedly added fuel to Lao Cao's anger.

Lao Cao couldn't help but pointed at his son's nose and cursed:

"You told me that you got admitted to Tsinghua University with such a low score, and even wrote a notice. Did you deliberately embarrass me?"

But at this time, Cao Rui just whispered: "Isn't this all to make you happy?"

His son's words made Lao Cao stupid. The purpose of lying and forging was to make him happy. What is this?

Cao Rui's real results

Cao Rui is a filial and sensible child. When he was very young, he hoped to be recognized by his parents.

Most parents like children with excellent grades, and Lao Cao is no exception. Whenever Lao Cao goes to school for a parent-teacher meeting, he always praises other children's outstanding achievements when he comes back.

even sometimes lamented that Cao Rui's grades were not good, and repeatedly lectured Cao Rui.

In order to gain his father's approval, even though Cao Rui had no talent in learning, he still pretended to be serious about his studies.

When he reached high school, Cao Rui learned to cheat in the exam room, modify his own grades, and even hide the exams organized by the school from his parents.

This led Lao Cao and his wife to think that their son was enlightened. His academic performance was not good when he was a child, but he improved by leaps and bounds in high school. They often praised their son for this, and smiled every time they praised him.

However, paper could not contain the fire after all. In the fair college entrance examination that finally arrived, Cao Rui lost the opportunity to cheat.

The picture comes from the Internet

Perhaps he wanted his parents to be proud and happy of him too much. After the college entrance examination, Cao Rui had other thoughts.

After he walked out of the examination room, he first lied to Lao Cao about the good news that he could be admitted to Tsinghua University, and then he searched on the Internet for illegal channels of "forging documents."

When Cao Rui asked them if they could forge an admission notice from Tsinghua University, the people on the other side of the network said there was no problem, and immediately asked Cao Rui for 3,000 yuan.

At first, Cao Rui also thought that the price was too expensive, but the man repeatedly promised him that he would help him make the notice perfect and no one would see it.

Cao Rui was shaken when he thought that his parents would smile satisfied with him after seeing the notice.

The picture comes from the Internet

Without thinking about the consequences, he transferred the money to the person.

Who would have thought that a month later, Cao Rui actually received a fake certificate from this person in the mail. Although

is not very similar, it is enough to deceive parents who have never seen the Tsinghua University admission notice.

Originally, Cao Rui did this and spent money to create false certificates just to make his parents happy.

However, the subsequent development of the situation was beyond Cao Rui's control!

The picture comes from the Internet

His father first sent the news to many friends through WeChat that Cao Rui was admitted to Tsinghua University, and then found someone to make a banner and hang it at the entrance of the village.

Even when everyone came to the house to congratulate Cao Rui, his father agreed to treat the whole village to a dinner out of joy.

The smiles and pride of his parents became the tape that stuck to Cao Rui's mouth when he wanted to tell the truth. He could only choose to continue his deception with a smile on his face.

If the villagers hadn't discovered that the admission notice was forged, he might have concealed the matter.

Unexpectedly, the lies were eventually exposed, and in an extremely embarrassing way.

Cao Rui and his father took a photo with the notice

Seeing his father turn from joy to anger, Cao Rui regretted it.

He sincerely apologized to his father and confessed all the deceptions he had committed when he was in school.

After learning the reason why his son did this, Lao Cao's anger gradually subsided, and then he felt guilty for not noticing his son's emotional state in time.

He knew that it was precisely because of his excessive expectation that his son would succeed that he turned into a person who could lie and forge, and he had to bear a lot of responsibility for this matter.

Lao Cao forgave his son, but not long after, the police came to the house.

Because Cao Rui’s forgery of the Tsinghua University admission notice was a personal act, which already involved forged certificates and other issues, the public security organs need to investigate and deal with this matter.

The picture comes from the Internet

04. Who is to blame for the fraud?

In fact, incidents of falsifying college entrance examination scores and college admission notices are not isolated cases.

In 2010, a Fujian candidate scored more than 300 points in the college entrance examination, lied to her family that she scored more than 500 points, and forged a Fuzhou University admission notice. However, her parents did not know that everything was fake until they accompanied their child to report.

In 2012, a parent of a candidate in Hunan posted on the Internet claiming that his child's usual scores were among the top in the province, and questioned his child's college entrance examination score of only 229 points. Subsequently, it was investigated that the candidate's three high school mock exams only scored more than 200 points. There is no problem with the college entrance examination scores.

In 2018, four parents of Henan candidates suspected that their children's college entrance examination scores were seriously inconsistent with their previous scores. They suspected that the answer sheets had been transferred and requested that their children's scores be re-checked. As a result, the final investigation found that these were indeed the real scores of the candidates, and one of the children deliberately failed the test.

Why does the college entrance examination score controversy that occurs almost every year happen?

What is the reason why candidates lie about their scores and forge admission notices after taking exams?

pictures from the Internet

First of all, these children have their own problems.

The reason why parents are skeptical about the authenticity of their children's college entrance examination scores is because these children are generally top students in school, so it seems inappropriate to fail in the college entrance examination.

We do not doubt the authenticity of these children's daily test scores, because there are indeed cases where top-achieving candidates seriously perform abnormally in the examination room.

These children attach too much importance to the college entrance examination, which leads to excessive psychological pressure. Under the complex psychology of nervousness and vulnerability, it is normal to perform abnormally in the college entrance examination. This is due to the lack of strength in one's heart.

However, some children whose grades were not excellent originally had to lie about their grades after the exam, and even forged their admission notices, which was also a loss in their own hearts.

They are afraid to face reality, afraid to face failure, and afraid to admit that they have not put in the same efforts as others. Therefore, after learning the true results, they choose to evade, lie, or even commit illegal acts such as forgery.

The picture comes from the Internet

Secondly, the parents of these candidates also need to bear part of the responsibility.

These parents often pay too much attention to grades and ignore their children's own emotional problems.

When their children's academic performance declines, these parents often adopt not a calm communication strategy, but more accusations and preaching, and never help their children solve the problems well.

At the same time, when educating children, they often compare their children with other children, causing children to have negative emotions and thus doubt and deny their own abilities.

Learning is inherently a difficult process that requires both talent and hard work. Parents' excessive anxiety and heavy pressure often make children breathless and lead to failure in the college entrance examination.

Pictures from the Internet

In addition, current social public opinion has gradually forced the word "achievement" to become the focus of every family.

Paying attention to education is certainly the inevitable result of the continuous development and progress of society, but the current educational atmosphere seems to be gradually heading towards impetuousness and anxiety due to excessive attention from all parties.

In the past, children with poor grades were simply said to be "not working hard enough or smart enough", but now they are all dubbed " chicken babies ". This is really a good guide for children and parents. ? The introduction of the

double reduction policy ushered in the wails of parents. There is still a long way to go to reduce the burden on schools and family education .

I hope parents can think more about what kind of children we want to raise?

Pictures come from the Internet


I write this article to say to all candidates:

An excellent result brings only a moment of joy. What deserves our gratitude most is that we have spent time and time again in order to realize our dreams. The self who works hard in a measured way.

What brings us a sense of satisfaction and success is always dedication and hard work, rather than forged halo and achievements.

At the same time, the author also wants to say to all parents:

Every child has his own unique shining point. In the process of growing up, every child needs the recognition and encouragement of his parents.

Although each child may have a different personality, I believe we all sincerely hope that the child can become an honest person, a magnanimous person, and a person with a healthy and positive mentality. All of this is based on parents paying more attention to the inner world of their children and On top of the correct cultivation of character!

sincerely hopes that all candidates can make steady progress and achieve satisfactory results in the college entrance examination!

At the same time, I also hope that parents can relieve their anxiety, relax and accompany their children to grow up happily!

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