There are only 4 days left before the Shanghai College Entrance Examination. Before the exam, you should actively adjust your mental state and go into battle relaxedly. Psychological research has found that anxiety has an inverted U-shaped relationship with learning efficiency. L

There are only 4 days left before the Shanghai College Entrance Examination. Before the exam, you should actively adjust your mental state and go into battle relaxedly.

Psychological research has found that anxiety has an inverted U-shaped relationship with learning efficiency. Learning without anxiety at all is not very efficient. Learning with moderate anxiety can achieve optimal efficiency. Therefore, you can neither completely relax nor be too nervous. You can adjust the learning rhythm according to the teacher's arrangements and personal characteristics, balance work and rest, and improve efficiency. On the eve of the exam, constantly give yourself psychological hints every day, "I can do well in the exam" and "I will definitely win"... which will help you actively take the exam.

In addition, before the college entrance examination, you must stay active and keep your body moving. The closer you are to the exam, the more you must pay attention to your health and arrange appropriate exercises every day, such as running, playing table tennis, shuttlecock , etc. Methods for body relaxation include breathing relaxation and muscle relaxation. abdominal breathing method can be performed at any time in a safe environment with eyes closed. Taking 5 to 10 deep abdominal breaths each time can relieve tension quickly. . The muscle relaxation method is suitable for before going to bed: lie flat on the bed, first clasp your hands, tighten your arms, point your toes upward, and tighten your legs, then take a deep breath and hold it, then use your hands, arms, and feet , slowly relax your legs one by one, and finally exhale slowly. Doing 5 to 10 exercises every day before going to bed can relieve anxiety and help you sleep better.

One-minute massage helps you get started easily

Before the college entrance examination, if the candidates are under excessive pressure, they will suffer from various physical discomforts: dizziness, sluggishness, scalp numbness , migraine , neck and shoulder pain, etc. symptom. At this time, the muscles and fascia of the forehead and temporal parts are abnormally tense, compressing blood vessels and nerves, which will make the person in a bad state. To relax, you can relieve tension through self-massage and go into battle easily:

1. Scrape the forehead: Use the knuckles of both hands to scrape the forehead from the center to both sides, scraping 30 times. Note that the movement is in one direction.

2. Release temporalis muscle : The temporalis muscle is the area above the ear. Knead the temporalis muscle with your knuckles, just enough to make you feel sore and swollen, usually for 1 to 2 minutes.

If you feel tired or anxious, your limbs are weak, and you are out of breath, you can relieve it through the following actions:

1. Pat your armpits lightly. Raise your left arm, gently tap the left armpit with the palm of your right hand, 30 to 50 times, then alternately raise your right hand, and tap the right armpit with the palm of your left hand, 30 to 50 times;

2. Spare both ribs. Place your palms on both ribs and push from the front midline of the chest to both sides to the armpits 15 to 30 times.

Xiaoti wishes all candidates

to perform at their best

and achieve good results


Picture: China Sports News

Text: Liu Xintong