Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Chen Liang intern Yang Rui correspondent Sun Jiajia Li Weimiao Photo/provided by the school On July 2, the 2022 Master of Public Administration (MPA) graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony of Jinan University was held at th

text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Chen Liang

intern Yang Rui

correspondent Sun Jiajia Li Weimiao

pictures/provided by the school

July 2nd, Jinan University 2022 Master of Public Administration (MPA) graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony in Jinan Held at the University Tsang Science Museum. School leaders, teachers, and relatives and friends of graduates gathered together with 159 Master of Public Administration graduates to witness the sacred and solemn graduation moment. The graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony were hosted by Liao Yong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Public Administration/School of Emergency Management.

Blessings from the school: apply what you have learned and shine in the dazzling Jinan

Sun Yu, deputy secretary of the Jinan University Party Committee, said in his speech that graduates of the Master of Public Administration shoulder the heavy responsibility of governing the country and seeking happiness for the people. "Graduates go out of campus and return to their jobs. They must apply what they have learned and achieve success, and continuously enhance their ability to solve practical problems and deal with complex situations. At the same time, they must also cultivate feelings for their family and country, and always bear in mind their responsibilities and Mission, dare to venture, dare to try, dare to be the first, and shine the dazzling light of Jinan!"

Sun Yu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Jinan University, delivered a speech

Dean of the School of Public Administration/School of Emergency Management Professor Cai Lihui reviewed the development history of the college in his speech, In particular, it was pointed out that MPA Education Center relied on the college to continuously improve the subject layout, enrich the teaching team, optimize the training system, and achieve leap-forward development of MPA education.

Professor Cai Lihui, Dean of the School of Public Administration/School of Emergency Management, delivered a speech

He highly praised the MPA students’ fighting spirit in overcoming difficulties and successfully completing their studies despite heavy work. At the same time, he put forward three hopes and entrustments to the graduates: first, only by lifelong learning can they meet the challenges; second, by tempering their character can they go further; third, by being broad-minded can they be calm. Professor Tang Pan,

teacher representative and director of the Department of Emergency Management, told the students in his speech that they should learn skills well outside the campus, never forget their original aspirations, and participate with fuller enthusiasm in the great cause of modernizing the national governance system and governance capabilities. .

Graduates’ speech: If you are in Jinan with the “QR code”, just scan it and we are all here.

MPA graduate representative Chen Chao reviewed the interesting things in study and life in his speech. He said: “In the future, maybe we will play More roles, more labels, but we will always print the same 'QR code' - Jinan University MPA! As long as the school needs us, scan it and we will all be there."

MPA student representative Chen Jiayi. Lead all the graduates in a thank-you ceremony to express their gratitude to the teachers who have always cared for and helped MPA students in all aspects.

Graduates thanked their teachers

After Cai Lihui read out the decision on the graduation and degree awarding of the Master of Public Administration, Liang Yan, Han Gang, Cai Lihui and others conferred degrees, earrings on the graduates who received the degrees, and sent them to the college specially designed alumni card.

Alumni cards were issued to the graduates

Finally, the melody of "The Yangtze is rolling to the Pearl River , and Jinan's teachings are spreading in all directions..." slowly sounded. The graduates and teachers present stood up to sing the Jinan University school song , ending the graduation ceremony.

Create Jinan’s golden signature in the field of MPA education and cultivate public management talents

It is reported that a considerable number of MPA students graduating this year are engaged in grassroots front-line work in public departments such as fire protection, public security, and streets.. They took the lead in fighting the epidemic, fighting floods and providing disaster relief, and kept studying and completing their studies. They handed over satisfactory answers to the school and society, which fully demonstrated the spirit of Jinan people's perseverance in struggle.

In recent years, with the strong support of leaders at all levels of Jinan University and all walks of life, Jinan University’s MPA education has achieved historic development.A "trinity" talent training model based on ideological and political guidance and knowledge growth, with the goal of improving professional abilities has been formed; it condenses urban public security and emergency management, Greater Bay Area construction and regional governance, public policy, social organizations and society The five major talent training directions are governance, fire safety management and emergency rescue; the curriculum system, teaching staff, and management service levels are constantly improving, and the social impact is increasing day by day. The brand effect is gradually taking shape.

According to reports, the successful holding of the 2022 Master of Public Administration (MPA) graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony will further promote the high-quality development of Jinan University’s MPA education and create a golden brand of Jinan in the field of MPA education. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

source | Yangcheng Pai

editor | Chen Hui