Xi'an Jiaotong University held the 2022 undergraduate graduation ceremony. West China News (Reporter Li Zhuoran) This morning (July 2), Xi'an Jiaotong University held the 2022 undergraduate graduation ceremony. 4,150 undergraduate graduates started a new journey in life with the

Xi'an Jiaotong University held the 2022 undergraduate graduation ceremony.

Western Network News (Reporter Li Zhuoran) This morning (July 2), Xi'an Jiaotong University held the 2022 undergraduate graduation ceremony. 4,150 undergraduate graduates started a new journey in life with the blood of youth and the passion of struggle.

Lu Jianjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University.

Lu Jianjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University, encouraged the graduates in his speech not to give up their integrity because of temporary utilitarianism, not to give up the future because of temporary ups and downs, but to use faith, hard work and persistence to achieve better selves, "The alma mater will always be I care about you and pay attention to you, no matter whether you are outstanding or ordinary, you will always be the pride of your alma mater, and your alma mater will be your eternal harbor."

He sent a message to all graduates to have "the greatness of the country" in mind and carry forward the spirit of westward migration . , shoulder the national mission and jointly create the honor of SJTU.

President of Xi'an Jiaotong University Wang Shuguo .

This year’s graduation ceremony coincides with the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland. Wang Shuguo, president of Xi’an Jiaotong University, made a 25-year agreement with the graduates. He hoped that graduates would look up to the stars, chase their dreams, integrate their youthful struggles into the cause of the party and the people, and demonstrate the value of life; they would be down-to-earth, firm in confidence, bravely face setbacks and challenges, and stimulate their potential and improve their talents in overcoming difficulties. , show talents and contribute in the journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The status of the 2022 undergraduate graduates of Xi'an Jiaotong University was reported at the ceremony. According to reports, as of July 1, Xi'an Jiaotong University has a total of 4,150 undergraduate graduates in the class of 2022, and more than 70% of the students have chosen to continue their studies. Among the graduates who have signed employment contracts, 237 have found employment in key national units. The undergraduate employment work shows that we will continue to carry forward the fine tradition of diligent study at Jiaotong University; actively serve the national strategy and join the main battlefield of the national economy; strive to be the new heirs of the spirit of moving westward in the new era, and actively choose to go to the western region, grassroots front-line and other places where the motherland needs it most. Make contributions and establish careers; fulfill the scientific and technological mission of serving the country by "raising the sail of dreams and opening up the road to entrepreneurship", and opening up a new world of innovation and entrepreneurship.

The ceremony also announced the "Decision on Commending the 2022 Xi'an Jiaotong University Undergraduate Graduates, Outstanding Graduate Cadres, and Graduates Employed in Key Grassroots Units", awarding 877 undergraduates the title of "Excellent Graduates" and 229 undergraduates. We will give students the title of "Outstanding Graduate Cadres", and commend and reward 25 graduates who took the initiative to find employment in grassroots units and national defense and military industrial units in the western region and were admitted as HT2 selected students.