#理工pie's Professional Application Guide# Today I will continue to share a general undergraduate degree - a major that is not a big company but still has a considerable income - computer. The following sharings are all real cases. Don’t say that it is impossible to do this. If you

still introduces this major first, then shares how to do it better, and finally talks about its prospects based on the real situation of people around him. absorbs what is useful to you, don’t spray if you don’t like it!

(1) Computer major

Computer major is also considered one of the more difficult majors in engineering, but it has always been a hot topic due to its large demand and wide employment opportunities. Its biggest feature is its high income, yes, it's ridiculously high. It is definitely a good choice for students with average family backgrounds.

01 has high requirements for logical thinking ability, which extends to high requirements for mathematics. Of course, it does not ask you to deduce formulas and do math problems. It is more about the logic, and every step has logic to rely on.

02 requires high self-discipline. Due to the basic knowledge and mathematical foundation of each student, during college study, you will find that the knowledge learned in class is to take care of most of the students. This is from the teaching aspect and is an advantage. . But personally, the depth of the knowledge you have learned is not that profound, which requires you to study independently and consult the teacher privately!

03 Interest comes first. Why do we talk about interest? Because this major is very boring, yes, it is extremely boring. Most of the time you are dealing with the keyboard and your own code. It often takes several hours to break through a knowledge point. After you understand it, you still need to do exercises and review it for several hours. You are alone. Sit there, not saying a word, just listening to music at most. Just think about this scene and you will know how boring it is!

(2) How can I learn more deeply? Not only can I enter a big factory after graduation, but at least I can get a good salary.

01 If you want to achieve this level, it is not enough to just learn what the teacher teaches and what you learn in textbooks. This does not mean that the knowledge learned in textbooks is useless, but society is developing too fast, and the pace of universities is currently It seems that it is far behind the pace of social development. That requires individuals to learn through various channels on the Internet in addition to absorbing the knowledge in textbooks, such as Bilibili, Mooc, etc. In short, no matter what, learn, learn, learn knowledge that cannot be learned in the classroom. But knowledge that can be used in society. For example, a certain training class released a project video in order to attract traffic. Learn it and practice it. This gives you many advantages over other graduates.

02 Participate in the competition Participate in the competition Participate in the competition

Yes, this major is a major that values ​​results very much. The awards you won during college will be your weight in job interviews. If you want to be superior to others, it will definitely be a problem if you don’t have any real materials. No, and where can I get this real material? Just get it from the competition.

On the other hand, the competition itself allows you to check and fill in the gaps, and also to see how much your classmates in the same grade have learned. It serves as a reference, so that you can know the basics of your classmates in the same grade, so that you can get the opportunity to surpass them!

(3) Employment situation

This is relatively broad and is only based on personal circumstances and does not represent the results of the survey. Among the people I know well around

, the lowest one is 13k. I have been working for just one year now. I don’t know what you think of this salary. Among ordinary undergraduate graduates, I personally think it is a good salary.

There is a saying in this industry that is very tacky but very true. If you jump a little, your salary will rise. This means that if you change jobs once, your salary will increase by 30%. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it shows that the future of this industry is very bright. At present, there are too many large and small companies in China, and they are basically inseparable from computers, but the premise is that the graduates can have something that they can use ( knowledge and technology).

will share this today!

The road is still long and the future is promising. Brothers and sisters who want to study science and engineering should work hard. This is a major that cannot be taken lightly. If you choose it, then work hard to learn it, and it will also contribute to your career. You bring great rewards! !

is as passionate as engineering! I wish you can choose your favorite major!