At the end of the college entrance examination, many parents will ask their children, "Did they do well in the exam?", "Did they know all the questions?", "How many points will they probably get?", etc. In the past, the purpose of estimating college entrance examination scores wa

At the end of the college entrance examination, many parents will ask their children, "Did they do well in the exam?", "Do they know the questions?", "How many points will they probably get?", etc. In the past, the purpose of estimating scores for the college entrance examination and was mainly to fill in the application form. Volunteer, because the previous method of filling out the volunteer application was different from the current one.

Now, the main purpose of college entrance examination score estimation is to get a rough idea of ​​the child's score, to be aware of it, and to analyze and understand some target colleges in advance.

However, the accuracy of score estimation is not high. When children estimate scores, there may be large or small errors due to the influence of many factors. Sometimes children overestimate scores, but parents are worried. If you don't hold back your anger and celebrate in advance, you may make a big joke.

For example, on the Internet, a parent stated with great fanfare that his child's college entrance examination score was estimated to be 710.. In September, he even posted the child's estimated score in each subject: Chinese language score was 137. , 143 points in mathematics, 138 points in foreign languages, and 292 points in comprehensive science.


As for this parent’s arrogant behavior, netizens basically don’t buy it. They think he is a bit embarrassed. The estimated score of 710 is not really a score of 710. Is it necessary to be so excited?

Netizens gave a lot of comments on this parent's behavior:

"The estimated score was 710 points, but the result was 170 points."

"It sounds pretty loud, but the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

"It's really amazing. , you can estimate the score in subjects such as Chinese. "

"What kind of wine did you drink? "

"You won't be able to drink like this if you have two taels of peanuts. "

It can be said that it can basically be done. The comments I saw on were all negative, and I felt that this parent was a bit arrogant.

However, is this parent's "big breath" really just blowing out?

After that, when the scores came out, the netizens who had said that the parent was loud were silent because the candidate’s score was indeed not low. Although it did not reach 710 points, it reached 709 points, including 131 points in Chinese. , which is 6 points different from the estimated score. The error is indeed a bit large. Mathematics score was 144, one point higher than the estimated score of 143. The foreign language score was 143, which was 5 points higher than the estimated score of 138. The comprehensive science score was 291, one point lower than the estimated score of 292.

Generally speaking, this candidate’s scoring ability is quite strong, and the total estimated scores are basically the same. It seems that Qingbei will not be able to escape. After the results of this candidate came out, he also slapped those who laughed at him in the face. people.

However, not everyone’s score estimation is so accurate, and most people’s score estimations actually have large errors.

There have been a lot of inaccurate estimates around me.

A neighbor in his hometown was very happy when his son’s college entrance examination ended and his score was estimated to be more than 600. Although the official score had not come down, the old neighbor could no longer contain his excitement.

then held a banquet, invited neighbors, relatives and friends to eat, and solemnly announced the child's score, as if his child had already entered a prestigious school.

However, when the score came out, the old neighbor kept silent. I was not sensible at the time and thought that the old neighbor might have forgotten to notify me, so I wrapped a red envelope and went to the door to congratulate myself.

However, the old neighbor did not accept my red envelope, and it seemed that he was not in a very good mood. Only then did I suddenly understand that the child might not have done well in the exam, so I found an excuse to leave.

Later, I found out through others that my old neighbor’s child had only scored more than 400 points in the exam.

Such things are not uncommon around me. It can be said that they happen every year.

So, why do children always fail to estimate scores accurately? Do you really know your child?

① It is related to family factors such as family atmosphere and tutoring methods.

Many candidates actually consciously and deliberately raise their estimated scores in order to gain temporary recognition from their parents.

Children in this situation, as well as the parent-child relationship, are quite sad. There are three main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Parents are too strict with their children and often criticize them, so the children hope to exchange for short-term peace by reporting overestimated scores.
  • Parents have high expectations for their children, and children hope that their parents will be happy, so they report overestimated scores to achieve their goals.
  • is worried that his parents will not love him, so he reports high scores to gain love from his parents.

② It is related to the child's judgment and memory ability.

The inaccurate score estimation in this case is actually relatively easy to accept, because there are no interfering factors. It is purely because the child himself has forgotten the test content, or It is caused by errors in judging the answers.

If your child falls into this situation, congratulations, your child's psychological environment is still relatively positive, and he should be relatively healthy in all aspects.

③ It is related to the child’s personality

Children with different personalities have completely different evaluations of the same question and the same answer.

Some children have a relatively conservative personality. When they evaluate scores, they often like to estimate a score that they can definitely get.

For example, if a child feels that 50% of a question can score 10 points, 70% can score 7 points, and 100% can score 5 points, then conservative children will estimate themselves at 5 points.

Another example is that the answer to a certain question is relatively subjective. Children will find as many deductible items as possible to get a score that is basically impossible to get any lower for evaluation. Therefore, these children's estimated scores are often lower than their actual scores.

Some children have a cheerful personality and may estimate the "ideal score" when estimating scores. For example, for a subjective question, if their possible score is between 5 and 10 points, these children may give themselves I rate it 9 or even 10 because they are always optimistic.

However, although these children are optimistic, their estimated scores are often higher than their actual scores.

There are also some children who are more rigorous and objective, and these children tend to estimate their scores more accurately, such as the previous candidate who estimated his score at 710 points.

Therefore, if you want to know whether your child's score is accurate, you need to really understand your child.

Do you think your child’s score will be high or low?