The college entrance examination is a very strict examination. Everything from question setting, transportation, examination and marking must be kept strictly confidential, and no mistakes are allowed.

The college entrance examination is a very strict examination. Everything from question setting, transportation, examination and marking must be kept strictly confidential, and no mistakes are allowed.

Take the grading work as an example. Candidates’ personal information will be kept strictly confidential. The grading teacher does not know whose paper he is correcting. If you use a computer to correct the paper, the probability of making an error is very small. Like some subjective questions, you still need to Multiple teachers will grade together to make the scores as reasonable as possible, and it is basically impossible to switch test papers, which can ensure justice and fairness.

If the score is not much different from the usual score, there will be no suspicion that there is anything wrong with the score. If the college entrance examination score is very different from the usual score, some candidates will find it difficult to accept it and will take the initiative to apply for score review.

A few days ago, a candidate in Jilin only scored 17.5 points in the physics test, which made her uneasy. According to the candidate, she usually ranks among the best in physics, often scoring over 80 points. In addition, she only answered one question correctly in the multiple-choice question, but she did not answer only one question correctly. This situation made the candidate suspect that her test paper had been transferred.

Judging from the examinee’s own results query, her total score is 412, including 106 points in Chinese, 78 points in mathematics, 93 points in foreign languages, and 135 points in comprehensive. If her physics test scores more than 80 points as usual, the total score will also be Just around 500 points. Now the physics score is only 17.5, and there are only a few good schools that you can apply for.

I think anyone who encounters such a situation would like to review their test scores. This Jilin candidate thought so too, and even applied to the Jilin Education Examination Institute for handwriting appraisal.

Candidates are full of expectations and hope that the review will find problems, but there is no problem with the score review. The opinion of the Provincial Education Examination Authority is that "the score review is correct."

The notice of review results for candidates in the "Comprehensive Science" subject issued by the Jilin Provincial Education Examination Authority shows that the review team's opinion is that "the image of the reviewed answer sheet is clear, the scoring is reasonable, and the points awarded are correct."

However, the candidates were not satisfied with the results of the review and did not accept the facts. Instead, it further requires handwriting identification. There is only one chance to review the college entrance examination results, and the result of this review is the final result.

Although the candidate wants to conduct handwriting identification, it will not be reviewed again. There is a strict process for marking and checking scores for the college entrance examination, so it is unlikely that there will be any mistakes.

The marking of college entrance examination papers is done in a closed environment and is very strict. No marking teacher will risk being punished. If we think about it carefully, we know that there is no benefit to doing so. What's more, when the marking teacher is correcting the test paper, he has no idea whose test paper he is correcting. The so-called "swapping" of the test paper is basically impossible to talk about.

Since it is impossible to adjust the test papers, the candidates' college entrance examination scores are very different from their usual scores. What is the reason? If you look at this candidate's usual answer papers, you can find that this candidate's physics test score of 17.5 is not suspenseful and should be her true level.

The multiple-choice question is to write the answer directly. There is basically nothing to comment on this. But let’s take a look at how this candidate usually solves the questions. He ignores the steps and just writes the answer directly. In physics, like mathematics, problem-solving steps are essential. If these problem-solving steps are missing, points will be lacking.

Then, even if the answer is correct, the marking teacher may not give a high score, which may lead to low scores.

Through the usual comprehensive science examination, it can be found that the candidate does not have the correct method to solve the problem and lacks the necessary steps to solve the problem. In addition, when the college entrance examination was only more than 50 days away, this candidate also made such a comment, how to learn Chinese? There are more than 50 days left.

It can be found from this update that this candidate is a little anxious and only starts to worry when it is urgent. What's the use of cramming for the moment?

Although his grades were not particularly good, this candidate spent a lot of money on making up classes. According to the candidate himself, he spent nearly 500,000 yuan in one and a half years from the second to the third year of high school.

I spent a lot of money on making up classes, but the improvement in my grades was very limited. If you usually do well in the exams, but your college entrance examination scores are so different from the actual scores, there is also a possibility that you are not very strict with yourself, and you cheated on the exams to make your parents happy and make them feel that it is worthwhile to spend money on making up lessons.

But when it came to the college entrance examination, there was no way to cheat, so the secret was revealed. The college entrance examination results were very different from the usual exams, which made her unable to compete with her parents. Therefore, she attributed her poor performance to herself. The test paper was "switched", but such suspicion cannot withstand scrutiny or review.

Whether it was because of poor basic skills and cheating, or because he was too nervous about the exam and filled in the wrong answer sheet, I think only this candidate himself knows.

I personally think that the college entrance examination marking is very strict and the possibility of mistakes is very small. If you didn't do well in the test and there are no problems with the review results, don't doubt it.

Either prepare to repeat a year, or directly choose a school to go to college. You should be clear about your own strength and level. If you never accept test scores and results, dare not face reality, deceive yourself and your parents, it will be even more detrimental to yourself. Just like some netizens said, stop now and don't delay your future.

Parents hope that their children will succeed and their daughters will succeed, but too many realities tell us that true academic success does not rely on tutoring.

Instead, it requires self-awareness and self-discipline, as well as high learning talent and comprehension ability. In addition, it is necessary to have an understanding of the child's learning situation and actual level.

Encourage children to take the exam honestly. No matter how well the child does in the exam, they should treat it with a normal mind. Instead of letting the child deceive themselves, it is better to let the child face reality from the beginning and speak with real results. If you keep falsifying, you will end up making a fool of yourself. , the gain outweighs the loss.

Interactive topic: A student in Jilin scored 17.5 in physics and questioned whether the test paper was changed. What do you think?