After pausing for a while, I continued to teach the students about oil painting: "Standing in the new historical development period, the horizons of our country's literary and art workers are constantly expanding, their cultural confidence is constantly being established, and pai

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In art class, I told the students about oil painting: "Students, today we will talk about the significance of the localization development of oil painting and the important issue of how to promote the localization development of oil painting in the new era. As everyone knows, oil painting It was introduced to my country from Europe and after a long period of absorption and innovation, it gradually formed our own unique localized art.

After a pause, I continued to talk about oil painting to the students: “Standing in the new historical development period, The horizons of our country's literary and artistic workers are constantly expanding, and their cultural confidence is constantly being established. Painters are increasingly realizing that the localization of oil painting is facing huge opportunities, and it is a period in which they can make a difference. What do students think about this topic?

One student stood up and said: "Teacher, we listened to your class and realized that the Chinese people's rural sentiment is the biggest driving force and the biggest foundation to promote the localization of oil painting. We must work hard to incorporate it into the creation of oil paintings." Elements of local culture.

I hope that my students can make more and greater contributions to the local development of oil painting in the future.

At the end of the article, I once again invite friends to enjoy a wave of exquisite human body oil paintings!