It's already July, and after finishing the final exams for this semester, many students finally started to make time to seriously prepare for the postgraduate entrance exams. At the same time, the arrival of a lot of free time also means that the courses during college are basica

It’s already July. After finishing the final exams of this semester, many students finally started to make time to seriously prepare for the postgraduate entrance exams. At the same time, the arrival of a lot of free time also means that the courses during college are basically over, the evaluation of excellence and awards has basically been finalized, and it is no longer difficult to find time to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship scientific research paper activities. If we have not participated in scientific research competitions, published papers, or even received scholarships each semester during our undergraduate years, will it have any impact on our entire postgraduate entrance examination process?

1. Scientific research papers and awards will not affect the preliminary examination registration and results

In the registration system of the Research and Recruitment Network in September this year, we will fill in the application system whether there are scientific research papers and awards, but it will not affect the postgraduate entrance examination registration. At the same time, in the preliminary examination for the postgraduate entrance examination in December this year, whether you have scientific research or awards will not affect your participation in the preliminary examination.

The role of scientific research papers and awards mainly lies in the re-examination stage. Here we take the "2022 School of Environment Master's Students Re-examination Admission Implementation Rules" released by Tsinghua University School of Environment on March 17, 2022 as an example. It can be seen that there are two aspects related to this. The re-examination content includes " Scientific research experience ", the personal statement prepared by the candidate includes " practical activities and award-winning ". The same situation is also reflected in the "Measures for Admission of Northeast Normal University's 2022 Master's Degree Reexamination" issued by Northeast Normal University.

(Source: Graduate School of Tsinghua University )

(Source: Graduate School of Northeast Normal University) (Source: Graduate School of Northeast Normal University)

2. How to make up for the "shortcomings" in scientific research and awards

First, Meng Meng Preliminary test scores. The actual admission of graduate students is determined based on the total admission score, which includes the preliminary test scores and re-examination scores. The two are multiplied by a certain ratio and then added together to form the total score for graduate students to be admitted. Many schools have stipulated the proportion of the preliminary examination and the re-examination in the total score. Some schools stipulate that the proportion of the preliminary examination is relatively high, even to the extent that the preliminary examination accounts for 70% and the re-examination accounts for 30%. Candidates rely on their higher initial test scores to make up for possible "shortcomings" in the retest to a certain extent. For example, The School of Education of Central China Normal University stated in the "School of Education 2022 Master's Degree Re-examination Admissions Work Rules" released on March 22, 2022 that the initial test scores account for 70%.

(Source: School of Education, Central China Normal University)

Second, pass English level 4 and 6 skills certificates. The re-examination is a phased examination of a comprehensive interview. Scientific research papers and awards are only a small part of the re-examination. We can achieve high scores in the CET-4 and CET-6 exams in December and exert the "long board effect" to build our foundation. advantages and increase the competitiveness of our exams. At the same time, we are preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination in English, which can also help us with the CET-4 and CET-6 exams. Students who have passed the CET-4 and CET-6 exams are recommended to also pay attention to applying for the CET-4 and CET-6 exams in December. On the one hand, take English exams before the preliminary test Exams can test your ability to withstand stress to the greatest extent and identify existing problems for correction. On the other hand, passing the CET-4 and CET-6 with high scores is also beneficial to our postgraduate entrance examination process.

3. Careful advice

Finally, I want to say that it is already July, and it is unlikely that it can be compensated without scientific research papers and awards. In other words, this is something that cannot be changed. Moreover, if still costs Instead of spending time and energy pursuing scientific research papers and awards, it would be better to improve your initial test scores and raise your scores like crazy. Just imagine, after exceeding the basic score line for the re-examination of the target school by a few points, can this also increase the probability of admission? Therefore, at this stage, what we have to do is to move forward towards the preliminary examination of the postgraduate entrance examination!

Summarize today’s content in one sentence: No matter whether you have a halo during your undergraduate period or you are mediocre, you need to try your best at this stage.