#Which majors in science and engineering have good prospects#1.

1. Good professional prospects do not mean good employment: It is currently difficult to find employment. The advantage of science and engineering is that you can find a corresponding job and the income is good, but this does not mean that this major will develop well in the future and you will make money. For example, chip semiconductor industry The development potential is huge, and everyone knows that the prospects are good, but if you want to have a high income in this industry, you need a high degree of education and high quality. If the academic qualifications are not enough to be employed, the income can be imagined.

2. In any industry, if you can get in front of 50% of the people in the industry, you will make money: In any industry, as long as you can reach the mid-to-high end, you will definitely make money if you get in front of 50% of the people in the industry. So choice is important but working hard is more important. , even if you choose wrongly, you can still make money as long as you reach the middle or above.

3. The way to choose a school and major is very simple:

① Do well in the exam, good school and good major: Even if it is an unpopular major, as long as there is a major, it proves that there is demand. Good schools and good majors are the scarce talents in this industry, and there will be future Guaranteed.

② The exam is medium, generally the school is good, major: For example: [Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology ] Maybe most people are unfamiliar with this university's [Architecture] and [Civil Engineering], which are all ranked among the top ten in the country. 985 non-211 universities are ranked higher than many 985 and 211 universities. Employment in architecture and civil engineering is very good, and the scores are lower than those of 985 and 211 universities.

③ If you do poorly in the exam, choose a major with strong adaptability: , computer majors with relatively wide employment are good majors.