"Teacher, how do you manage the class? There is a teacher in our school who manages the class, and I want to be like her!" "Can you give some specific examples?" "Her class wins the red flag every week. No points will be deducted in terms of discipline, study, and hygiene. All st

"Teacher, how do you manage the class? There is a teacher in our school who manages the class, and I want to be like her!"

"Can you give some specific examples?"

"Her class wins every week. Moving red flags, no points will be deducted in terms of discipline, study, and hygiene. All students are obedient and disciplined, and no one is running around, jumping around, or being late.

But the same cannot be said for the students in my class. There are always students running around and messing around. Those who dance, those who are late, those who do not clean the house, and those who do something bad are caught every week by the students on duty. What should I do? "

The students I once taught asked me for advice on WeChat.

"I can't help you in this regard. My class can only get one or two red flags every semester, just to take care of me, the old class teacher. The students performed very well when I was in the class, but once they leave In my eyes, there are also students who are running around and running late, and there are always students who are caught by the students on duty. I am not successful in managing the class. In short, I am too soft-hearted and don’t have the guts to allow students to exercise "self-governance". "."

As a class teacher, there are also different levels and realms:

There are some class teachers who cannot convince students when they get along with students. Students disrespect them and insult them. This is the lowest level. There are not many such class teachers. , but still exists.

There are also some class teachers who are particularly fierce and ruthless, which indeed make students fear them, but they are just fear, not respect. The students behaved really well in front of the class teacher, but they let themselves go when away from his eyes.

There are also some class teachers who can make students get close to and praise them. Students respect and like them, have a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, and have a strong class style. When educating students, they not only pay attention to methods and techniques, but also pay more attention to the teacher's own cultivation and charm.