"Classmates, do you know what holiday tomorrow is?" "The birthday of the Communist Party of China!" "Yes, there would be no New China without the Communist Party. The theme of our painting today is 'Childlike Heart Loves the Party and Loves China'. Please draw it love for the par

"Students, do you know what holiday tomorrow is?" "The birthday of the Communist Party of China!" "Yes, there would be no New China without the Communist Party. The theme of our painting today is 'Childlike Heart Loves My China', please draw Showing love for the Party." On June 30, the New Civilization Practice Station of Yunshuimingzhu Community in Wucheng Street carried out the "Childlike Heart Loves China to the Party" painting activity. More than 20 children painted colorful pictures to express their feelings for the Party and express their love for the Party. Love and birthday wishes.

"For the founding of New China, the revolutionary ancestors shed their lives and blood, were not afraid of sacrifice, and marched forward bravely..." The staff told the children the heroic deeds of the Communist Party members, and let the children learn the history of the party in a relaxed atmosphere. Later, the children used paintbrushes to depict the heroes in their hearts to express their gratitude to the party. After a while, sunshine, flowers, five-pointed stars, and uncles from the People's Liberation Army, the children's brushes danced between the papers, and beautiful scenes appeared on the paper. Ren Zhizhong, secretary of the Party branch of the

community, said: "Children are living in a happy new era. We must strengthen patriotism education so that children cannot forget history. We carry out theme activities for children to root their love for the party and country in their hearts. "

source Taiyuan Evening News reporter Wang Dan correspondent Zhou Huiru