Li Hao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the County Emergency Management Bureau, gave a mobilization speech before the lecture. He hoped that all information staff would take this training as an opportunity to focus on key tasks, firmly grasp information channels,

In order to further improve the government information writing level of the emergency team, on June 29, the Wuyi County Emergency Management Bureau held a government information work training meeting and invited Gong Pingyi, Chief of the Information Section of the County Government Office, and Liao Yanfang of the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau to give lectures.

Li Hao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of County Emergency Management Bureau, gave a mobilization speech before the lecture. He hoped that all information staff would take this training as an opportunity to focus on key tasks, firmly grasp information channels, strengthen the ability to refine and summarize, and integrate practical work into Good experiences, practices, and innovative measures are refined and displayed to carry out government information work with high quality and efficiency, and promote emergency government information work to a new level.

In the training, the teacher gave a detailed and vivid explanation based on the actual emergency work from five aspects: what is government information, why to write information, information types, how to write good information and work suggestions, and also taught how to write through examples. The "tips" for producing high-quality information are highly targeted and practical, and provide new methods and new ideas for everyone to do a good job in government information work in the future.

Through the training, the trainees expressed that they have a deeper knowledge and understanding of government information writing, and will combine the knowledge they have learned with their own work, based on the actual work, and continuously improve their level of government information writing.

Picture/text Hong Lu