In order to implement the "simultaneous development of five educations" and improve students' comprehensive literacy, on June 30, Xiwenzhuang Primary School in Xiaodian District built a "Seven Color Garden" at the Xiwenzhuang Labor Practice Education Base with the color concept o

In order to implement " and five educations simultaneously with " and improve students' comprehensive literacy, on June 30, Xiwenzhuang Primary School in Xiaodian District used the color concept of "red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple" to build a new school in Xiwenzhuang Labor Practice Education Base. The "Seven Color Garden" carries out a variety of study activities, hoping that children can "grow in nature" and become aspiring children who can "take root downwards, grow upwards, develop five educations simultaneously, and be sunny and generous".

In the blue science and technology park, a series of magical scientific experiments such as "color-changing water", "big bubble" and "little rocket" were all launched. The teachers' humorous language, exaggerated movements and magical scientific phenomena satisfied the children intuitive experience. The children were extremely excited and enthusiastically came to the stage to experience the infinite charm of science.

In the Red Revolution Park, "Red Patriotic Education" is carried out to let students know and understand the Party through the Party History Exhibition, and inspire students to love the Party and their country; students seriously study the "May Fourth" spirit and the spirit of the Long March , Olympic spirit and other 16 kinds of spirit of the times, carefully understand the connotation; each class also selected student representatives to tell the "red story", review the red classics, and let the red gene moisten childhood.

Green Farming Garden covers an area of ​​approximately 40 acres. Students walked to the fields with questions, learned about corn, soybeans and other cash crops, and learned about the growth habits of seasonal vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. They also experienced it through hands-on practice, observation and recording, etc. The joy of labor.

Yellow Ecological Park brings students a different kind of warm experience. Get close to rabbits, peacocks, pigeons, geese and other animals, listen to the teacher's explanations, and intuitively understand the animals' living habits and popular science knowledge, which increases the students' attention to animals and cultivates the awareness of caring for and protecting animals from an early age.

research teacher guided the students in the Orange Creative Park, using cardboard, toilet paper, watercolor pens, and double-sided tape to use their imagination to create a beautiful handmade painting with the theme of "Mother's Image". Add a short text to express your deep love, and take it back to your mother after completion.

Through fun games such as caterpillars, hoops, and back-to-back dribbling, we burst out with vitality and gain happiness in the green athletic park. We feel the fun of sports in the games, the fighting spirit in the competition, and the power of unity in the cooperation.

" Ask the canal how clear it is ? For the source of living water." Reciting classics in the purple half-acre garden improves students' appreciation and perception of beauty, allowing students to understand the classics of Chinese classics and feel the culture of ancient Chinese poetry It is broad and profound, allowing students to grow up healthily under the sunshine of the " double minus " policy.

Source Taiyuan Evening News Reporter Wang Dan Correspondent Song Siyu