Source: Xinhua Viewpoint (reporters Song Jia, Hu Hao, Zheng Tianhong, Wang Ying) Statement: The content comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author. Unless it cannot be confirmed, we will indicate the author and source. If there is any infringement,

Source: Xinhua Viewpoint (reporters Song Jia, Hu Hao, Zheng Tianhong, Wang Ying)

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The 2022 college entrance examination volunteer application form has been opened one after another, and some changes have occurred in the setting and admission plan of undergraduate majors.

Data from the Ministry of Education shows that 31 new majors have been included in the " Undergraduate Major Catalog of General Colleges and Universities ". At the same time, some colleges and universities have withdrawn majors such as Public Utilities Management , Information Management and Information Systems, and no longer enroll students.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, since 2012, a total of 265 new majors have been included in the undergraduate major catalog, 17,000 new undergraduate majors have been added to colleges and universities, and 10,000 have been withdrawn or suspended.

The adjustment of undergraduate majors in colleges and universities has always been regarded as a "barometer" of the demand for talents in economic and social development, and has attracted much attention from students and parents. What trends do the latest professional adjustments of


Engineering majors account for nearly half of the new majors, and "intelligence" and "wisdom" have become high-frequency words

The registration and approval results of undergraduate majors in general colleges and universities for 2021 announced by the Ministry of Education show that 31 new undergraduate majors have been added, covering engineering and economics. , law, art and other nine major disciplines.

New majors such as carbon storage science and engineering, aerospace intelligent electric propulsion technology, and smart forestry have appeared in the enrollment plans of some universities for the first time.

Some management and art majors have had many cancellations

In recent years, the cancellation of some majors in colleges and universities has been highly concerned by the society.

In 2021, Inner Mongolia University will cancel 12 art majors. In 2020, Chongqing University announced that it plans to cancel 10 undergraduate majors such as Finance and Finance that have been suspended for a long time on the grounds that some majors that are incompatible with the school's educational positioning and have weak professional foundations will gradually cease enrollment. Starting from 2019, South China University of Technology will suspend the enrollment qualifications of some undergraduate majors that lack social demand and have poor employment status.

The person in charge of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education said that the majors to be canceled in 2021 involve 804 majors, mainly majors that cannot adapt to the needs of social changes and have too low employment rates.

Spring employment two-way selection meeting for 2021 graduates. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Qing on March 25, 2021.

reporters learned that has made major adjustments in 2021, and many universities have canceled some management and art majors. Among them, the two majors of information management and information systems and public utility management were withdrawn by 33 and 31 universities respectively. Followed by majors in clothing and apparel design, information and computing science, were withdrawn by 19 universities. 15 universities have withdrawn their product design majors.

There are principles for adjusting majors. It will have little impact on further education and employment.

Should the majors in colleges and universities be increased or stopped?

The Ministry of Education requires that when colleges and universities add majors, they need to compare with the "National Standards for Teaching Quality of Undergraduate Majors in General Colleges and Universities" to strictly demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of the proposed new majors, and conduct on-campus deliberation and publicity before applying online. During the centralized release of professional application materials, the Ministry of Education will organize more than 4,300 experts to conduct online reviews, provide opinions and suggestions on the talent training plan, teaching staff, teaching conditions, etc. of the applied majors, and provide real-time feedback guidance.

The person in charge of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education said that the overall idea of ​​setting up and adjusting majors is to serve the national strategy, regional economic and social and industrial development needs, to focus on quality, and to optimize the structure.

The Ministry of Education has made it clear that when colleges and universities apply to add majors, they must fully investigate social needs and use detailed talent demand research data as the reason and basis for adding majors. They must strengthen communication with employers and clarify the specific requirements of society for new majors.

On July 25, 2020, parents of candidates learned about college admissions information at a consultation meeting. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Su Yang)