Books are audible in campus classrooms, teaching and research conferences are discussing teaching methods, and "cloud" education and training are transmitting knowledge... Construction projects that promote educational development, scientific courses that inspire students' wisdom

The sound of books is audible in the campus classroom, teaching and research conferences are discussing teaching methods, and "cloud" education and training are transmitting knowledge... One after another, construction projects promote the development of education, one after another scientific courses that inspire students' wisdom, and one after another new teaching methods. Exploration and implementation, one after another effective research topic, all show every bit of Weihai's education and youth assistance, and also bear witness to the fruitful results of Weihai's education and youth assistance in the past three years.

Great love is speechless, full of love on the plateau. Since joining the Youth League in 2019, the Weihai Youth Aid Management Team has focused on the "four combinations" of "hardware + software", "online + offline", "blood transfusion + hematopoiesis" and "short-term + long-term", increasing investment in hardware and focusing on Model innovation, focusing on connotation development, strengthening intellectual assistance, and promoting the reform and development of Menyuan education have achieved remarkable results.
 “Hardware + Software” to build a solid foundation for education and youth aid

 On June 17, 2021, the construction of Luqing Senior High School in Menyuan County started as scheduled. This school, with a total investment of 252 million yuan, is funded by national special projects, Shandong aid construction and county financial funds. After completion, it can accommodate 2,000 high school students for study and accommodation, and can effectively solve the problems of large school capacity, large class capacity, and difficult management of Menyuan County high school.

Luqing Senior High School in Menyuan County is not the only school built with aid from Weihai. In accordance with the requirement that "more than 80% of construction aid funds should be used to improve people's livelihood", in terms of hardware, nearly 130 million yuan of aid funds have been invested in the past three years to build a Luqing high school, three rural kindergartens, and Haibei No. 2 wind and rain playground, Menyuan Vocational School training building. At the same time, we strive for caring enterprises to donate teaching equipment worth more than 200,000 yuan and 20,000 sets of student clothing worth 2.6 million yuan to primary and secondary schools in Menyuan.

As the hardware improves, the software cannot lag behind either. A total of 2.7 million yuan of youth aid funds was invested to strengthen the campus cultural construction of 18 primary and secondary schools in the county; we strived for Weigao Group to invest 1 million yuan in 10 years to carry out rescue operations for more than 80 "de facto orphans"; Weihai Charity Federation invested 600,000 yuan in 3 years Yuan was used to support poor students; Weihai Education Bureau invested 400,000 yuan to purchase educational network resources such as " subject network " for Menyuan teachers; Weihai counterpart schools, China Charity Federation , and Weihai Transportation Group donated a total value of 180 90,000 books worth 10,000 yuan... The continuous investment in hardware and software has further laid a solid foundation for supporting youth through education.
"Online + offline" innovative education support model

On April 13, more than 440 teachers from
19 primary and secondary schools in Menyuan County gathered in the "cloud" and participated in a meeting titled "How primary and secondary school teachers do tasks Research" online special training session. The person "teaching" them at the other end of the network is Chen Mei, director of the Educational Science Research Office of Weihai Education and Teaching Research Institute.

Such "cloud" training has become a daily educational exchange between Weihai and Menyuan County - on March 4, Weihai City Middle School and Menyuan No. 3 Middle School carried out a special training activity on homework design; on March 24, Weihai City Middle School The middle school and Menyuan No. 3 Middle School carried out a pre-examination student psychological counseling seminar with the theme of "Accompanying the Examination"; on March 28, the First and Second Groups of the Middle School of Menyuan Primary School carried out information technology application capabilities centered on the group school. Engineering 2.0 remote teaching and research activities...

In order to solve the problems of high cost, low frequency and small number of on-site teacher selection, since August 2019, Shandong Youth Aid has launched the "Weihai·Menyuan Remote Smart Teaching Aid Project" for three years. We have continued to invest 3.67 million yuan in aid funds to equip 18 schools in Menyuan with remote information equipment. The corresponding schools in the two places have used remote information technology to achieve the "four synchronizations" of "synchronous lesson preparation, simultaneous listening to lessons, simultaneous lesson study, and simultaneous lesson evaluation" "Target. Up to now, more than 800 activities have been carried out, with more than 6,000 teachers from the two places participating. Teachers from both sides have communicated from an average of two times a year to an average of once a week in each discipline and teaching and research group. The effective communication time between the two parties has increased by 15 times. above.

In addition, in the past three years, Weihai has also selected 41 Youth Aid teachers to carry out counterpart teaching work, and 57 famous education experts have gone to Menyuan to carry out teaching activities, with a total of more than 9,000 people participating; organized 100 ordinary primary and secondary school principals and teachers in Menyuan , 96 vocational school teachers and students went to Weihai for shadow training, which was the largest teacher training event in recent years. The joint efforts of the "dual lines" not only saved resources, but also further improved efficiency, expanded the scope, and upgraded the level, achieving an upgrade from "small group" to "large group" assistance.
"Blood transfusion + hematopoiesis" cultivates a team of famous teachers that "cannot be taken away"

On July 19, 2021, 11 high school teaching researchers and key teachers from
, Weihai City, arrived in Menyuan County, Qinghai Province with their education and teaching experience. A seven-day educational exchange was launched.

During the exchange activities, the "teaching teachers" focused on the curriculum management, teaching management, college entrance examination enrollment system reform and interpretation of related supporting policies in high school schools, and through special lectures, interactive seminars and class evaluations, Weihai The excellent teaching achievements and experiences of secondary vocational education and general high school education are imparted to help Menyuan's local "seed teachers" grow into "Menyuan famous teachers" as soon as possible.

According to reports, during the three years of Weihai Education’s aid to youth, our city has successively selected 6 teachers, including senior teachers, special teachers , and subject leaders, to Menyuan to carry out education, teaching and research and the creation of "famous teacher studios": In terms of model, 6 famous teacher studio teams with Youth Aid teachers as consultants and Menyuan key teachers as moderators have been established to help Menyuan teachers grow scientifically and rapidly; in terms of methods, the macro theoretical teaching and research has been transformed into micro " "Research on Small Problems" and carried out a series of demonstration demonstrations, guidance training, school diagnosis and other activities, which more directly improved the quality of local education and teaching in Menyuan.

The "blood transfusion + hematopoiesis" model has cultivated a group of famous teachers who "cannot be taken away" - in 2020, three teachers in Menyuan County won the title of Qinghai Province Teaching Expert and the first prize of job training . The results are the best in history; in 2021, the Menyuan County Mental Health Education Famous Teacher Studio was established, investing 200,000 yuan in hardware equipment for psychological consultation rooms in 10 schools and training activities for 14 seed teachers. Currently, more than 40 people have been carried out Individual consultations, group counseling for more than 300 people, and class teacher training activities for more than 90 people have pioneered education counterpart assistance to youth.
 "Short-term + long-term" Enhance the lasting power of counterpart support for

 In July 2019, as a member of the teaching support team, Zhong Yanmei, director of the Xindu Primary School Office of Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone, came to Menyuan County, Qinghai Province, thousands of miles away. In addition to carrying out volunteer teaching work, he also became friends with two pairs of siblings, and devoted everything he had to helping them resolve their low self-esteem and grow up healthily.

There are many outstanding youth aid teachers like Zhong Yanmei. Since the launch of the youth aid work, Weihai has taken the "short-term + long-term" model as a breakthrough and made every effort to enhance the lasting power of counterpart assistance. Among them, in terms of short-term teaching support, since 2019, Weihai has selected 3 batches of 41 outstanding educational cadres and key teachers to form a youth aid team, and carried out 1.5-year group assistance, 1-year teaching support and other work, involving educational administration, teaching and research, School management, teachers and other levels and fields have successfully achieved efficient linkage between administrative promotion, teaching and research promotion and grassroots action. So far, with the help of a five-person group, Haibei No. 1 Middle School's college entrance examination admission rate has increased by 6.5 percentage points, and one volunteer teacher has won the "Qinghai Province May Day Labor Medal".

In terms of long-term cooperation, promote the establishment of "one-to-one" pairing relationships between 45 schools (kindergartens) in the two places and carry out three-year assistance work. It is the first to achieve full coverage of primary and secondary schools in Haibei Prefecture, and kindergartens above the town resident level. Full coverage; vocational schools adopt the "many-help-one" format according to professional categories. Seven vocational schools in Weihai have established long-term assistance relationships with Menyuan Vocational School, and a total of nearly 100 teachers and students from Menyuan Vocational School have been selected to go to Weihai Participating in professional and technical skills improvement training activities helped Menyuan Vocational School achieve a historic breakthrough of zero first prizes in the Qinghai Provincial Vocational Skills Competition and participation in the national competition.The short-term efforts of the youth aid teacher team, coupled with the long-term assistance of the paired assistance schools, present a pattern of assistance that builds long-term results and upgrades. (Hi Weihai client reporter Qu Liyue correspondent Cheng Bin Du Feng)