On June 30, the launching ceremony of the "Red Cross Life Education Campus Health Protection Action and Gansu Provincial Red Cross Society 99 Public Welfare Project" was held at the No. 1 Primary School of Baiyin District, Baiyin City. The provincial and municipal Red Cross socie

On June 30, the launching ceremony of the "Red Cross Life Education Campus Health Protection Action and Gansu Provincial Red Cross Society 99 Public Welfare Project" was held at the No. 1 Primary School of Baiyin District, Baiyin City. The provincial and municipal Red Cross societies distributed "Yikouhao" to primary school students. They provided 256 tooth-loving kits and conducted health check-ups on oral cavity, eye vision, growth and development for more than 400 primary school students. They also conducted an educational and entertaining class to popularize self-rescue and mutual-rescue knowledge.

Ceremony site

The "99 Charity" project is an online crowdfunding project planned and implemented by the Gansu Provincial Red Cross Society in 2018 with the help of Tencent Charity Platform, including "Yi Le Reading - Reading Support for Rural Children in Gansu" and "Yi Mou Good Teeth - -Children's Oral Health Service" 2 children's humanitarian service public welfare projects. Through demonstration reading, picture book classes and other methods, we can ignite the reading dream of rural children. At the same time, we popularize oral health knowledge among children, distribute dental care packs, and teach children to brush their teeth correctly and develop good habits of caring for and caring for their teeth. In the five years since the project was implemented, through online and offline interactive promotion, a total of more than 2 million yuan has been raised. More than 18,000 children in 97 primary schools in 32 cities and counties across the province have been sent reading kits and dental care kits, and have carried out reading companion services and care services. 168 dental classes.

event site

"Red Cross Life Education Campus Health Protection Action" was initiated by Chinese Red Cross Foundation and jointly implemented by Red Cross societies at all levels across the country in conjunction with local medical institutions and Red Cross volunteers. It aims to pass health examinations and popular science education In other forms, we help young students master knowledge and skills in disease prevention, first aid and mutual rescue, mental health, sports and fitness, etc., and develop scientific, civilized and healthy lifestyles and behavioral habits. Gansu Province, as the first batch of project provinces, will carry out 100 campus health protection activities in 100 primary and secondary schools across the province this year, with an estimated investment of approximately 750,000 yuan.

Text·Pictures |Benliu News Reporter Ouyang Haijie