In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Ministry of Education's "Guidelines for Comprehensive Practical Activities in Primary and Secondary Schools" and the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Stre

People's Life News In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Ministry of Education's "Guidelines for Comprehensive Practical Activities in Primary and Secondary Schools", the CPC Central Committee and the State Council's " Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Labor Education in Primary, Secondary, and Primary Schools in the New Era " and other documents, explore the linkage of vocational education and general education to promote the The in-depth development of vocational experience activities in primary schools helps students form correct labor concepts and life aspirations, and improves students' comprehensive quality and career planning abilities. On June 30, 2022, the "Implementation Seminar on Vocational Education Linkage to Promote Vocational Experience Activities in Primary and Secondary Schools" hosted by the Comprehensive Practice Branch of Primary and Secondary Schools of the Chinese Education Society and hosted by the Chengdu Academy of Educational Sciences and the Chengdu Longquanyi District Education Bureau was successfully held.

This meeting adopts a combination of "offline + online". The online meeting is broadcast live using the Chengdu Primary and Secondary School Teachers Continuing Education Network, and the offline venue is located at Chengdu Automobile Vocational and Technical School in Longquanyi District. A total of more than 20 people including Luo Qinghong, President of the Chengdu Academy of Educational Sciences, and Li Hongbing, Vice President, Yan Ling, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Education Bureau of Chengdu Economic Development Zone (Longquanyi District), and other leaders, experts, and representatives of teachers from some vocational colleges and primary and secondary schools attended the meeting. Offline meetings, relevant research departments of Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Guangzhou, teaching and research departments of districts (cities) and counties in Chengdu, Deyang City , Meishan City , Ziyang City teaching and research departments participated in the online meeting . The meeting was chaired by Xiao Hui, a teaching researcher at the Chengdu Academy of Educational Sciences.

The theme of this meeting is "Practical Exploration on Jointly Carrying out Vocational Education and Vocational Education Activities in Primary and Secondary Schools". The meeting is divided into three agendas. At the meeting, Luo Qinghong, president of the Chengdu Academy of Educational Sciences, expressed sincere welcome to all online and offline experts and colleagues on behalf of the Chengdu Academy of Educational Sciences, expressed his gratitude to the Primary and Secondary Schools Comprehensive Practice Branch of the Chinese Education Society for setting up a research and exchange platform, and introduced the research and exchange platform in recent years. The situation of some vocational schools in Chengdu carrying out vocational experience activities for primary and secondary schools emphasizes the significance of vocational education linkage to carry out vocational experience education. At the same time, it proposes to deepen understanding, improve positions, improve mechanisms, diversify collaboration, highlight key points, and broaden paths. Three suggestions.

Yan Ling, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Education Bureau of Chengdu Economic Development Zone (Longquanyi District), delivered a speech. On behalf of the cadres and workers of the education system in Longquanyi District, she welcomed the leaders, experts and colleagues who attended the meeting, and introduced Longquanyi District as one of the five major schools in the country. He also discussed the efforts and achievements made by the Experimental Zone and the Chengdu Labor Education Pilot Zone in jointly carrying out vocational experience education with universal vocational education. He also expressed his hope to take this seminar as an opportunity to discuss the future of vocational enlightenment education with the participants.

Subsequently, representatives from educational and scientific research institutions and schools in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and other places gave special speeches. They introduced the rational thinking and practical exploration of various schools in various places on the implementation of vocational education linkage to promote vocational experience. . Chengdu Automobile Vocational and Technical School Principal Wei Shengjian shared the theme as a school representative in Chengdu. Principal Wei Shengjian introduced the exploration and practical experience of Chengdu Automobile Vocational School in vocational enlightenment education in recent years, and hoped that there will be more vocational education across the country. Technical schools carry out and widely publicize vocational enlightenment education, which substantially changes society's cognitive concepts and emphasis on vocational education, workers and skilled talents.

This seminar established a communication platform for various places to promote vocational experience through vocational education linkage. Participants discussed the practical experience of vocational education linkage to promote vocational experience under the same theme. Discussions at different levels integrated vocational education technical skills and basic education. The effective connection and implementation also provide diversified action options for regional teaching and scientific research institutions to carry out vocational education integration reform and for vocational colleges to cooperate with primary and secondary schools to carry out vocational enlightenment education.

After the meeting, Luo Qinghong, president of the Chengdu Academy of Educational Sciences, and his delegation visited the school's automotive training center, industry-education integration center, etc., and listened to the relevant leaders of the school about professional construction, training base construction, industry-education integration , Work reports on school-enterprise cooperation and other aspects, and on-site viewing and guidance of the 2021 Chengdu Secondary Vocational School Transportation Teacher and Student Skills Competition being held by Chengdu Automobile Vocational School.

(Picture/Text: Xu Qiongdan)

(Source: Chengdu Automobile Vocational School)