On June 25, under the guidance of the China Cultural Industry Association and the Education and Cultural Creativity Branch of the China Education International Exchange Association, hosted by the Beijing Jinghe Culture and Tourism Development Research Institute and the School of

Picture from Jinghe Culture and Tourism Development Research Institute

On June 25, it was guided by the China Cultural Industry Association, the Education and Cultural Creativity Branch of the China Education International Exchange Association, and sponsored by the Beijing Jinghe Culture and Tourism Development Research Institute and the School of Culture, Creativity and Media of Hangzhou Normal University , the second phase of the "Jinghe Lecture Hall" specially supported by the Beijing Suntech Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park - "Employment? Unemployed? Starting a business? Our choice? ! 》The "online + offline" live lecture on ended successfully. The lecture was hosted by Dr. Qi Yinmo, Director of the Academic Department of Beijing Jinghe Culture and Tourism Development Research Institute, professor and doctoral supervisor at Communication University of China, honorary dean and chair professor of the School of Culture, Creativity and Media of Hangzhou Normal University, Qiantang scholar, and Beijing Jinghe Cultural Fanzhou , dean of the Tourism Development Research Institute, gave the lecture. The following is the full text of the lecture.

Source | Beijing Jinghe Culture and Tourism Development Research Institute

Number of words: 13806 words | Reading time: 16 minutes

As of June 25, more than half of the provinces have announced their college entrance examination results, and 11.93 million college entrance examination candidates across the country are about to enter university campuses. , at the same time, 10.76 million fresh college graduates have left their alma maters and entered society this summer. Both groups are facing a "choice." Choose a job, choose a school, choose a major, and even choose a city. As a teacher who has worked on the education front for 40 years, I have experienced countless graduation seasons, and I deeply feel that choice and hard work are equally important.

The picture comes from unsplash

Therefore, I would like to share with young friends that under the various changes in society and the times, when facing different aspirations, industries, and cities, we should make calm and trend-oriented judgments.

This year is the third year of the pandemic, and it is a major event recorded in human history. With the epidemic raging, all-day offline mobile activities have been forced to stop, especially cultural and tourism activities, commercial retail activities, and experiential activities. Under this circumstance, people's production and life have undergone great changes, including leisure consumption, cloud teaching, remote office, cloud exhibition and tourism, etc., all of which can be carried out on the "cloud". The wave of digitization and intelligence brought about by , the fourth technological revolution, has been tested again during this epidemic, and breakthroughs have begun in many fields. At the same time, we are gradually adapting to some changes brought about by the epidemic.

So when faced with this rolling new change brought about by the rapid development of the Internet and determined by the objective environment of the epidemic, have everyone done enough psychological construction and prepared their skills? Preparations for training and other aspects? This is probably not a problem that these 22.69 million young people (11.93 million college entrance examination students and 10.76 million graduates) have to face. It is a question that must be answered before the whole society.

Affected by the epidemic, inevitable problems have arisen in graduation and employment. Many companies failed due to poor management, and some companies began to lay off employees. Unemployed? Employment? Starting a business? Where will you go from here?

The choice of volunteer

The selection and filling out of the volunteer application is very important. Regarding this issue, let me first share with you a little story.

There is a child named Du Qingyun. In 2016, he passed the 704 score and . Before filling out the application form, he longed for poetry and literature. However, after decades of hard work and based on social experience and judgment, my parents believe that poetry and literature are neither profitable nor have many benefits, and Peking University Guanghua School of Management is very well-known and valued by companies. From here After graduation, the salary is considerable. The child went to Guanghua College to study at the persuasion of his parents, but he didn't want to learn these things in his heart. The first day entered Guanghua, Du Qingyun was frustrated. He watched others discussing various companies, computer software, and TOEFL scores easily. He couldn't understand and could only stare at others nervously, unable to interrupt. , for fear of being laughed at by others. Due to the disparity in family conditions and mediocre grades, he didn't want to interact with anyone, and he didn't even want to go to class. During this period, he went to the hospital, was diagnosed with moderate depression, and then went through the procedures for dropping out of school. The next year, with 718 points, he rose from second place to top scorer in the science college entrance examination, and was admitted to Tsinghua University.This time he followed his heart and chose Tsinghua University Xinya College, where he found many classmates with similar interests. Du Qingyun finally took this path of self-salvation steadily. He said that "Although the results were miserable and the price was high, everything was worth it for rebuilding oneself."

Picture from NetEase News

This is an extreme case and does not represent universality. The main purpose is to explain that the choice of the choice must not be the wish of the parents, and it must not be for the children to fulfill the ideals of the past for their parents. From this story, we can see that the birth of a volunteer is often influenced by personal interests, family environment, school reputation, and professional popularity. There is no distinction between "cold" and "hot" in the profession. The reasons are the staged differences in social form, industry scale, and market demand. The deeper reason is the lack of systematic understanding of the major, but "blind guessing" about the situation of the major.

A 2021 social survey said that 367.7% of the respondents who filled out the college entrance examination application form said they were unclear about the prospects of their major and employment situation, and 350% of the respondents said they did not understand the meaning of the major and the learning content. From a historical perspective, in the late 1990s, under the background of internationalization, China's economy ushered in a stage of rapid development. GDP exceeded one trillion in 1998, and foreign trade became one of the troika driving China's economic development. . What followed was a change in the industry, with increasing demand from television, media, animation, newspapers, art design and other industries. Under this circumstance, the State Education Commission adjusted and revised the 1998 professional catalog, setting up a total of 11 first-level categories, 71 second-level categories, and 249 majors. China's economic development began to enter the fast lane of internationalization. Prior to this, There are 11,135 majors in colleges and universities across the country. The majors are concentrated in electronic information, economics, machinery, business administration, , foreign languages, literature and art. The least number of majors is astronomy, with only three.

picture comes from unsplash

First, the progress of the times and economic development have prompted changes in the profession. In the ten years from 1999 to 2009, the four categories with the largest increase in majors in Chinese universities were engineering, literature, management and science, accounting for 381.2% of the total increase in majors.. According to official data, the employment rate and salary benefits of engineering students are the best. Entering the 21st century, the proportion of the industrial structure has begun to change. Can the clarion call for overtaking in corners sounded by the fourth technological revolution be realized? Recently, people often mention a word called to change lanes and overtake . Because in the context of digitalization, some corners are of the same quality, but now there are differences in quality. Our country has quantum transmission , AI technology, artificial intelligence , and the degree of digitalization and intelligence is becoming more and more prominent, such as It also promotes the economic direction involved in big data and becomes a popular major. This is the influence of the times .

Second, the intensity of iteration in the industry often leads to professional segmentation. The change in demand for majors has led to vertical and precise professional settings within the same discipline. For example, the subject of brain science was originally an interdisciplinary discipline formed by mixing two or three disciplines, but now brain science has become an independent discipline and an independent school of thought. In February this year, the Ministry of Education website announced that 1,961 new majors and 188 new majors for approval in 2021 were added to the registration and approval of undergraduate majors in general colleges and universities, while 804 majors were cancelled. A total of 30 new majors have been included in the catalog of undergraduate majors in colleges and universities. Among the 31 new majors, new engineering majors have the most . There are 14 specific majors involving 12 professional competencies. Among the new professional points, artificial intelligence major has the largest number of 95. It can be seen that talent training and industry development are coordinated.

picture from unsplash

Third, driven by technological changes and market demands, the boundaries between different disciplines began to weaken and merge. In 2020, the Ministry of Education issued "Notice of the Ministry of Education of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council on the Establishment of the "Interdisciplinary" Category, " Integrated Circuit Science and Engineering " and "National Security" First-level Disciplines" , " Interdisciplinary "The category has become the 14th subject category in my country, with two first-level disciplines. At the same time, each university is allowed to independently set up cross-disciplinary majors and manage them according to secondary disciplines. The list published in 2021 involves 455 universities and 5,669 secondary disciplines and interdisciplinary subjects, including 5,053 self-established secondary disciplines and 616 interdisciplinary subjects. The emergence of interdisciplinary subjects has changed the situation where the liberal arts and sciences subjects in high school have a direct impact on future major choices. More students with complex knowledge backgrounds have broader development space and more career choices. Therefore, when filling in the application form, you can refer to the characteristic interdisciplinary subjects independently established by the school.

Candidates will always face the problem of "choosing a major or a school" when filling out their application form. Regarding this question, let me share with you a true story.

In 2008, Zhou Hao, a college entrance examination student from Northwest , advanced into the top five science subjects in Qinghai Province with a high score of 60. With this score, he can choose the entrance to the top universities in the country. Therefore, Zhou Hao, who has been interested in mechanical assembly and manual practice since he was a child, set his sights on Beihang University, which has the best mechanical engineering and automation majors in China. But this choice was strongly opposed by parents. His parents said, "It would be a waste if you don't go to Tsinghua and Peking University with your scores!" Zhou Hao struggled for a long time and finally chose to compromise. When school started in September, Zhou Hao packed his luggage and became a freshman at the School of Life Sciences of Peking University. But his trip to and Peking University brought him more pain and depression. In 2011, he made a shocking decision: abandon Peking University, attend a technical school, and transfer to Beijing Industrial Technician College . He loves machinery and spends more than ten hours every day on the CNC machine tool , practicing what the teacher taught day and night until he is perfect at it. In 2014, in the highest-level national competition in the CNC profession, Zhou Hao defeated 811 people and won the championship. In the following years, Zhou Hao also won many awards in national competitions and was introduced and settled in Beijing as a highly skilled talent. Talking about his original choice, Zhou Hao said, "I have no regrets, I am very lucky." The story of

is a bit extreme, but it is also very representative. "prestigious school complex" seems to be a word that cannot be circumvented. Even top academics like Zhou Hao have to face this problem. Going to a prestigious school is not a one-time deal, nor does it mean a lifetime of ease. Whether you can go to a prestigious school depends on your past learning ability, and whether you can achieve anything depends on your future efforts and opportunities. When we were children, we may have all been asked "Do you want to go to Tsinghua University or Peking University in the future?" . There was a news that the neonatal birth ward was named after the university, which caused an uproar at the time. "You must enter Tsinghua University and Peking University as soon as you are born" actually became a reality. Therefore, when applying for a job, "985/211/c9/double first-class" is the hard target.

The picture comes from the official website of Peking University Guanghua School of Management

Can we really find the perfect choice among thousands of choices? "Denimo's Law" says that everything should have a place to be placed, and everything should be where it should be. Compared with the scores in the college entrance examination, the wishes you fill out and the choices you make are often a huge change in your destiny. The most reasonable way should be to find the one that is most suitable for you among more education carriers. The volunteers are in front of you, pay more attention to some industry development information, consider more your ambitions and interests, and listen more to your inner voice. Undoubtedly, Zhou Hao's second choice was the result of his personal ambition overcoming his "prestigious school complex". In this case, vocational education became the most reasonable and appropriate carrier for his ambition. So how should we view vocational education today? Do we still have prejudices?

The National Vocational Education Law has ushered in a new revision, proposing that vocational education and general education have an equally important status.Since 1996, there have been tens of thousands of vocational and technical schools across the country, with nearly 10 million people studying in vocational and technical colleges. Currently, 57% of the total number of high school students are going to study in vocational and technical schools. Therefore, it is of great significance to cultivate new high-quality technical and technical talents that adapt to the national development strategy. From the perspective of professional settings, the fit between the teaching profession and industrial development is constantly improving. The Ministry of Education has a special catalog in this area. Among the 1349 majors set up according to disciplines, secondary vocational majors, higher vocational majors and vocational education undergraduate majors Catalog adjustments reached 61.1%, 56.4%, and 260% respectively.

The picture comes from the official website of Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts

From an industry perspective, advanced manufacturing, , new energy, new materials, modern agriculture, modern information technology, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence, which one can leave vocational technology? And we must speed up the construction of pre-school care, health care and medical and other technical personnel training.

From the perspective of market demand and prospects, there will be a huge gap in ’s future senior professional and technical talents. From this aspect, it continues to be above 90%, and higher vocational colleges are above 95%. Therefore, we are interested in such talents, whether they are front-line, new, employees, or more than 70% of graduates from vocational and technical colleges. Well, we're all going to have a brand new one on it. On the other hand, our country's manufacturing talent development planning guide says that by 2025, three years from now, the talent gap in the top ten key areas of China's manufacturing industry will reach 30 million, with a gap rate of 48%. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that at the end of 2020, my country’s skilled talents accounted for 26% of the total employed population. High school skills only account for 28% of skilled talents. Skilled talents are among those seeking employment. They are growing exponentially during development, which is the development of high skills. Even so, why are people unwilling to go to this kind of technical school? In foreign countries, sometimes they are higher than our normal so-called engineers from engineering schools. So the cases I just wanted to talk about all want to illustrate that, as a Skilled workers, so when I talk about volunteering, I combine it more with the comfort that future employment brings to you.

97 industries, 1838 occupations

What makes you so fond of him?

In 2015, Zheng Bingqing, who was studying at the University of Irvine in the United States, gave up the excellent scientific research environment abroad and returned to his hometown with advanced scientific and technological breeding technology. She put on waders and walked into the muddy pond to learn practical breeding knowledge and study breeding problems. In just a few years, the scientific research team led by her has applied for national invention patent and published 4 related papers; they were the first to use drones, unmanned boats baiting, and independently developed The aquatic ERP system has gradually transformed traditional farming into modern agriculture; they have carried out ecological transformation of ponds, transforming the aquaculture industry into a green fishery that is more environmentally friendly. Affected by the epidemic, some of the company's products were unsalable for a time. Zheng Bingqing broadcast live broadcasts at home to popularize knowledge about Yangtze River fish. There are more and more fans online. Michelin restaurant from other places proactively contacted for cooperation. The products were successfully promoted to first-tier cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. In the first year of this year The company achieved sales of more than 20 million yuan in the quarter, which doubled compared with the same period last year.

The choice of industry is not only a decision when filling out the application form, but also a life plan. As the saying goes, "Three hundred and sixty skills will lead to the number one scholar." Social development has brought about the increasingly refined social division of labor. According to the latest implementation of "National Economic Industry Classification" and " Occupational Classification of the People's Republic of China " implemented in our country. Our country includes 97 industries, involving 1,838 occupations, within the scope of national economic statistics. From the perspective of the relationship between majors and industries, among the 14 disciplines, most of the majors in engineering, medicine, agriculture, and education have obvious industry application trends. From the perspective of the correlation between occupations and majors, most majors and occupations have a one-to-many relationship, that is, the study of one major can meet the needs of multiple occupations. But the reality is that complete consistency between learning and application is an ideal state.Under basic conditions such as it is easier to expand personal interests and preferences, the speed of social development and change is accelerating, and the integration characteristics of various industries are becoming more obvious, the situation of "learning more than applying" is more common.

Putting aside factors that cannot be quantified such as life ideals, measuring income and salary is one of the most important factors for everyone to make judgments about industry and career choices.

Therefore, it is very necessary to understand the consumption of various industries and the income of various industries. Against the background of the rapid development of digitalization and informatization, the supply of professional talents exceeds the demand, and online consumption is becoming increasingly prosperous, which has given rise to a huge Internet service market. These comprehensive factors have enabled salaries in the IT industry to maintain a high growth rate in recent years. From the perspective of graduates' salary, engineering majors continue to lead, ranking first in both ranking and increase. According to Max -China's 2019-2021 college graduate training quality tracking evaluation, the monthly income of engineering graduates after three years of work and five years of work is ahead of other disciplines, and the average monthly income after three years It was 9,748 yuan, and after five years it exceeded 10,000 yuan (11,778 yuan), with salary increases reaching 78% and 152% respectively. Among them, computer majors include information security, software engineering, computer science and technology, network engineering, Internet of Things engineering , digital media technology and other popular majors, and these majors are among the top high-paying majors. The monthly income of the class of 2021 will be more than half a year after graduation. Over 6,300 yuan. It is worth mentioning that since the class of 2014, information security has been the major with the highest monthly income among major undergraduate majors for eight consecutive years. The salary of has also been rising, from 5026 yuan in the class of 2014 to 7439 yuan in the class of 2021. Salaries increased by 48%.

Picture comes from unsplash

At this stage, mismatches between salary and industry also occur from time to time. In addition to the development of the industry itself, the factors affecting salary changes are also related to social concepts and public opinion environment. In the early days of reform and opening up, the argument that "it is better to sell tea eggs than to sell atomic bombs , and to hold a razor than to use a scalpel" became popular for a while. This was when the market economy was just emerging and all industries were waiting to flourish. Under the market tide, "everything" The social controversy caused by the concept orientation of "focusing on money" and the failure to use government macro-control measures in a timely manner.

Today's era is already a special era. In 1985, the industry with the highest per capita salary was construction workers, with a monthly salary of 1,827 yuan, while the income of scientific research and cultural and educational industries in government agencies was 1,300 to 1,200 yuan. The income of intellectuals was lower than that of laborers. Entering the 21st century, the income of scientific research and technical service industries has increased significantly. The income of scientific research units has far exceeded the income of construction workers back then. However, in the era of Internet traffic supremacy from 2010 to 2018, the sky-high remuneration of "traffic stars" triggered a discussion on the matching degree between industry and salary income.

The picture comes from the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission

Anti-epidemic hero Li Lanjuan Academician said: We must establish a correct outlook on life for young people, leave high salaries to some scientific researchers, and do not let young people blindly pursue acting stars. . "No buying and selling, no killing." The sky-high remuneration is also driven by the audience and the market. In extreme cases, the appearance fee can reach 10 million per episode, which is extremely unreasonable.

From the perspective of career choice, diversification must be a major trend in the future. In the pursuit of stability, the qualification review for my country's civil service examination exceeded two million, but the actual number of people admitted was only over 30,000. The trend of taking the civil service examination is very obvious. Among undergraduate students applying for the civil service examination in 2021, 63% are female, which is much higher than the 37% of male students. At the same time, young friends’ enthusiasm for entrepreneurship is very high and remains unabated. A survey conducted by Renmin University of China showed that in addition to the increase in the employment aspirations of civil servants, 27.5% of the respondents also had the intention to start their own businesses. Therefore, the government work report mentioned that we should promote the development of entrepreneurial investment, carry out in-depth mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and enhance the service capabilities of both platforms. In the context of strengthening entrepreneurship and promoting employment, many cities have begun to actively respond to the creation of entrepreneurial cities and introduce policy benefits to retain talents.For example, Zhejiang has been encouraging college graduates to stay and work locally. Among the new first-tier cities, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, and Changsha are the top three cities according to the proportion of talent leaving, and the three cities at the bottom are Chongqing, Chengdu, and Hangzhou. These three cities not only attract a large number of non-local talents, but are also the big cities that are best able to retain people. This not only involves the level of economic development, but is also closely related to the continuous improvement of the urban employment environment and the improvement of the life happiness index.

Entrepreneurship is an incubation process, which requires the support of funds and talents, as well as the confidence and patience of society. There is no need to set limits on the choice of career. You can choose any career as long as it suits you. The settings in disciplines such as engineering, medicine, agriculture, and education all have obvious industry application prospects. However, it is now very common for students to learn but not use . The research report on the status and trends of the workplace shows that for young people in the new era, employment is no longer limited to traditional industries. People working as video bloggers account for 19%, e-commerce anchors account for 13.8%, and food experience officers account for 12.6%. thus shows that the exploration of self-worth is not achieved overnight, and it is possible to try more.

but think carefully after trying it. Do we need that many bloggers? Recently the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has clarified the behavioral norms for online anchors. Internet anchors who require a higher professional level in medical and health, finance, finance, legal education, etc. must obtain corresponding professional qualifications and hold certificates in accordance with the law.

City choice

Work is work, life is life

Where is your ideal residence?

The high housing prices, the huge pressure of commuting, the endless overtime work... Some people say that in "Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou" you can only live, but you are not worthy of living. Back then there was a “flight from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou”, but today “people who left Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are coming back”. When we choose a city, what exactly are we choosing?

Traditionally speaking, the regional characteristics of employment behavior are often attributed to the overall development vitality and potential of the region. Since the reform and opening up, my country has experienced the fastest and largest urbanization process in the world. my country's urbanization level has increased from 7.3% in 1949 to 3.89% in 2020. Although some cities have met the basic conditions for urbanization rate, the quality is not enough.

Therefore, China’s regional economic development is essentially a process of flow of elements and resource allocation at the spatial level, and the flow of population at the spatial level further forms the main driving force and fundamental feature of urbanization. As a result, cities have been labeled as “lots of opportunities, high income, and good environment.” The entire city's "big campus", the city's museums, art venues, unique historical culture and other resources are all parts that can be learned and researched. There are many higher education institutions in super first-tier cities and first-tier cities, and the subjects, majors and resources of these institutions are also learning opportunities directly available to students. In addition, the characteristics of cities are also important factors when choosing. A city has warmth, personality, expressions and its own temper.

According to the "China Undergraduate Employment Report" conducted by Max Research Institute for many years, in 2021, on average, out of every 10 undergraduate graduates, 2 will be in the Yangtze River Delta , 2 in the Pearl River Delta, and 2 I work in the Bohai Rim region, which is one of the most economically developed regions in China. Most of the new first-tier cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Nanjing are basically in these three regions. Correspondingly, rural areas have gradually become areas with weak regional economic development, and the hollowing out phenomenon has become more serious. In recent years, with the introduction of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization strategies, the development potential of rural areas has been gradually discovered.

Picture comes from unsplash

In recent years, the willingness of fresh graduates to go to new first-tier cities for employment has continued to increase. The proportion of undergraduate graduates choosing to find employment in new first-tier cities increased from 23% in 2016 to 27% in 2020.The ranking of the top ten cities in 2022 selected by college graduates and netizens was recently announced. The selected cities are Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, and Xi'an. In addition to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, the other six cities Both cities are “new first-tier cities” with huge development potential.

Among them, Hangzhou attracts talents from various related industries with its developed digital economy and preferential talent policies. According to the "2020 High-end Talent Report in China's Internet Industry" released by Liepin, , from 2018 to 2020, Hangzhou ranked first in the net inflow rate of high-end talents in the Internet industry. In 2020, 20 Ele.me Blue Knights passed the Alibaba Local Life University training and examination, and obtained the " online delivery person " professional skill level certification junior certificate, becoming the first batch of vocational skill level certificates in the country. Food delivery riders enjoy government training subsidies, bonus points for settling in Hangzhou, special personal income tax deductions, and a series of policies for skilled talents.

Judging from the statistics of the number of cities in my country, the number of super first-tier cities, new first-tier cities, provincial capital cities, and cities under separate state planning is around 40, but the number of prefecture-level and county-level cities in my country is more than 2,000. The proportion of undergraduates seeking employment in prefecture-level cities and counties has increased year by year, with the total proportion even exceeding half. In 2016 it was 50%, in 2018 it was 53%, and in 2020 it rose to 56%. This means that it is actually more common for graduates to find jobs in fourth- and fifth-tier cities, and there are many small cities in economically developed areas among these cities. For example, the public examination craze in fourth- and fifth-tier cities frequently appears in the media.

Picture from unsplash

Recently, Suichang County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province released a talent introduction list. The shortlisted candidates for the 24 basic positions recruited are all from famous universities, including University of Science and Technology of China , Fudan University , Zhejiang University , Shanghai Jiao Tong University , etc., including 4 doctors, 19 masters, and 1 undergraduate. In addition, a county in Guangdong issued an announcement on the introduction of highly educated talents in 2022, planning to introduce 82 college graduates in normal schools, engineering and other majors. As a result, more than 810 entries were received. In terms of academic level, there are 31 doctors and more than 700 masters. The above is the situation of first employment. Generally speaking, after working for 3-5 years, there will be a window for secondary employment. Should stay in the city he chose when he graduated and continue to work hard, or should he change cities and look for new opportunities?

secondary employment, "cost-effective" is king. Among various indicators, the most important ones are rental cost and commuting time . Rent and commodity prices in first-tier cities are the straw that weighs on everyone, and they are also one of the most important factors affecting happiness in life. Therefore, the urban environment for employment that more and more people look forward to is "high income and low rent." At the same time, the problem of household registration and is also a key reason. Competition in Beijing and Shanghai is fierce and it is difficult to settle in. Compared with the new first-tier cities' attitude of opening up and embracing talents, the new first-tier cities have become the places that many people yearn for.

Data in the "2021 China Undergraduate Employment Report" shows that about 30% of undergraduates from the 2014 and 2015 classes who worked in first-tier cities after graduation chose to leave after five years of hard work. Beijing, the capital, is a first-tier city in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen with the highest proportion of young people leaving. Among the new first-tier cities, ranked according to the proportion of talent leaving, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, and Changsha are the top three, and the three cities at the bottom are Chongqing, Chengdu, and Hangzhou. These three cities not only attract a large number of non-local talents, but are also the big cities that are best able to retain people. This not only involves the level of economic development, but is also closely related to the continuous improvement of the urban employment environment and the improvement of the life happiness index.

Speaking of this, in fact, whether it is studying or working, it is just like taking a high-speed train. In the end, you have to get off, live a normal life, and find your own little happiness. Whether you stay in the city or go elsewhere, needs to comprehensively consider your actual situation, consider the suitability of urban development and individuals, and what is best for you is the best.

If you don’t understand the times

- you may be eliminated by the times.

Volition, industry, and city are three relatively concrete perspectives. The next part of is more about our relationship with the times. To understand majors and employment, you must first understand the times. The discussion of "sunrise industries" and "sunset industries" in seems to have never stopped. Faced with the current unprecedented "involution" of the job market, how should we enter the game? In addition to focusing on micro-standards such as employment rate, salary level, and professional matching degree , we also need to understand the macro background of 's economic and social development and have the ability to plan and act according to the situation.

First, the world is changing, globalization and internationalization are affected by the epidemic, and China's economic development cannot be immune to it. second, technology is changing, and the transition speed of technology has increased significantly. From the emergence of 1G to 2G, it took 15 years; from 2G to 3G, it took 10 years. It took 5 years to go from 3G to 4G. Today, the fourth industrial revolution , which is based on 5G communication technology and general artificial intelligence technology (AGI), is rapidly emerging. Human beings are liberating themselves from the "shackles" of machines step by step, and data, information, and knowledge have become the highest productivity.

"Computing is no longer just about computers, it determines our survival." The sharp insights made by American scholar Negroponte in his book "Digital Survival" published in 1996 have become a reality. In the digital age, with the help of ubiquitous terminal information acquisition devices, our acceptance of information has been greatly improved, the computing power of data processing has been significantly improved, and the cloud storage capabilities have been significantly enhanced.

Third, the natural environment is changing, and climate changes caused by human activities are continuing and profound. Since the 19th century, human activities and carbon emissions have led to dramatic warming of the global climate. The global average temperature has increased by 0.8~1.3℃, and under current carbon emissions, it will increase to 2.1~3.5℃ by the end of this century. As the world's second largest economy and the world's largest industrial country, my country's realization of the "double carbon" goal itself is an extensive and profound change. In the process of carbon neutrality, the world's economic development will transform from resource-dependent to technology-dependent; currently household consumption accounts for more than 65% of total carbon dioxide emissions. Under the background of "double carbon", the lifestyle of this generation may change. fundamental changes occur. Along with , industries are changing, industries are changing, careers are changing, and the job market is also changing. These changes are reflected in employment carriers, employment forms, labor literacy and employment skill requirements and so on.

In the digital age, are we ready to be replaced by machines?

Today, the Internet platform has become an important employment carrier. According to calculations by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the number of jobs in China's digital economy reached 3.191 billion in 2018, accounting for 324.6% of the total employment in the year. Among them, the number of jobs in the field of digital industrialization reached 312.2 million, and the number of jobs in the field of industrial digitalization reached 3.178 billion. The flexibility of working time and space has rewritten the form of employment. Especially since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020, remote working and flexible work system have become “standard”. In December 2021, the number of online office users in my country reached 469 million, accounting for 45.4% of the total Internet users. At the same time, emerging business formats have broken the fixed restrictions of traditional employment on one job and one person. The "Digital Cultural Industry Employment Report (2020)" released by the China Employment Research Institute of Renmin University of China shows that the total number of full-time and part-time employment in live broadcast, online literature, games, e-sports and other related industries is about 30 million, of which The number of full-time employees is 311.45 million, which has exceeded the of 327.89 million people employed in traditional cultural industries announced by the National Bureau of Statistics. "Slash youth" has become a career choice for more young people, and has even become an attitude towards life.

What we should think about in this process is whether it is "machine replacing people" or "machine calling people"? Our country has become the world's largest consumer of industrial robots for eight consecutive years. The application fields of industrial robots have covered 52 major industry categories and 143 industry types such as automobiles, electronics, metallurgy, light industry, petrochemicals, and medicine. Service robots and special robots are Large-scale applications have been realized in the fields of warehousing and logistics, education and entertainment, cleaning services, security inspections, and medical rehabilitation, and the process of "machine substitution" is constantly advancing.

At the same time, the replacement of old and new business formats has accelerated the elimination of positions and has become more prominent. Some labor-intensive industries will be severely impacted due to industrial innovation and upgrading, which will lead to a certain scale of unemployment.

For example, the development of the e-commerce industry has triggered the decline of the traditional commodity trading market. The proportion of employment in the traditional commodity trading market to the total employment in the wholesale and retail industry has declined year by year from 33.0% in 2007 to less than 18.0% in 2018. As the influence of smart technology further deepens, its impact on the employment of Chinese residents will continue to strengthen. According to McKinsey's prediction, by 2030, at least 118 million people in China will be replaced by artificial intelligence or robots, and another 7 million to 12 million people will change careers.

In 2017, JD Group adopted intelligent sorting robots to replace 86% of manual sorting, ushering in a new era of intelligent logistics. However, JD Logistics’ employees increased from 95,000 in 2018 to 316,000 in 2021, including front-line employees. More than 300,000 employees. Using AI technology to improve platform operation efficiency and order volume, employment opportunities have increased instead of falling. In the era of weak artificial intelligence, machines will eliminate backward industries and unchanging thinking. The height of cognitive thinking will determine whether we create value or be replaced.

Jingdong unmanned delivery robot

Therefore, under the impact of modernity, technology and environmental changes, human beings' pursuit of their own health and the meaning of life is also constantly moving forward. BGI Group CEO Yin Ye believes that is currently in the "life era" and will integrate the physical world, the information world, and the life world to build a new life world. Today, modern biotechnology is gradually moving to the center of the human stage.

Modern vaccine technology is becoming more and more developed. In 2021, the output value of the vaccine industry is expected to be 0 billion , of which the new crown vaccine will be approximately 95 billion. ; the revenue of in vitro fertilization technology in 2020 will reach 4.9 billion. ; the revenue of genomics technology in 2020 will reach 13. billion US dollars, the compound growth rate in the next five years will be 5.4%... Along with this, we will have a huge demand for emerging talents such as professional genetic analysts, genetic counselors, and health managers.

picture from unsplash

Ten years from now, which field will be completely popular? It's a pity that we all lack a pair of eyes that can penetrate ten years. But that doesn’t mean we have to follow the crowd. As parents, are our considerations thorough and far-reaching? As young people, are we ready to grow with the times? From the time we enter college, we have to spend 4, 7, or 11 years studying. During this period, how do we cultivate our judgment and competitiveness? I hope that children can find the "new and unique" in "high-precision" in the land of practice, and not let the current "hot" blur their eyes.

The ability to turn "danger" into "opportunity"

- Do you have it?

What the era has not given us needs to be created by ourselves. The core of this last part is how we understand and deal with "crisis" and "opportunity" in .

New Oriental Online Education was officially established in 2005, and achieved revenue of 600 to 700 million yuan in the first year of its launch. In 2021, after the introduction of the double reduction policy, New Oriental Online announced the closure of the company's K9 business. On December 28, New Oriental officially launched the "Oriental Selection" live broadcast platform on Douyin, and Mr. Dong became a popular knowledge-based blogger overnight.

picture comes from Sina Finance

Those earth-shattering initiatives always make waves quietly. The "crisis" and "opportunity" of are sometimes just a matter of a second thought.

Looking back at the SARS period in 2003, China’s Internet development also ushered in new opportunities. China has a total of 30.89 million computers with Internet access and 79.5 million Internet users, compared with 20.83 million units and 59.1 million people respectively in 2002. SARS gave birth to the rise of e-commerce, travel platforms, online education and other industries. The three major information portals Sina, Sohu and NetEase all achieved their first full-year profits since their listing this year; Qidian Chinese website began Explore paid reading; countless people choose to submit resumes online to find jobs. 51job’s online recruitment service revenue increased by 166% that year, and it completed its listing in the United States in 2003.

By the end of 2003, China had a total of 30.89 million computers with Internet access and 79.5 million Internet users. Compared with the situation in 2002, it can be said that the development is rapid. The speed of development is evident. Looking at the current situation, domestic economic development is facing triple pressures of shrinking demand, supply shocks, and weakening expectations that have not been seen in many years. The impact of the epidemic on various industries in society is still continuing. Enterprises in some industries have reduced labor demand, and the pressure on enterprises to stabilize employment has increased.

On the "National Corporate Bankruptcy and Reorganization Case Information Network", we searched for corporate bankruptcy cases in the two and a half years since the epidemic, and the number was 160,000. Looking back two and a half years, from mid-2017 to the end of 2020, the number of bankruptcy cases was only a little over 30,000, a five-fold difference. In 2021 alone, 460,000 companies closed down and 3.1 million self-employed individuals were cancelled. In particular, industries such as wholesale and retail, accommodation and catering, transportation and tourism are recovering slowly, and there is still a process for recovering recruitment demand. For the graduate group, the number of college graduates in 2022 exceeded 10 million for the first time, and the incremental growth rate reached a new high. At the same time, the number of former students taking postgraduate entrance examinations and civil service examinations has increased sharply. The phenomenon of World War II and World War III is common, and the number of "slow employment" and those waiting for employment continues to accumulate. The phenomenon of "slow employment" and the number of people waiting for employment continued to accumulate during World War II and World War III.

In 2022, there will be about 34.57 million master's degree applicants nationwide, an increase of 800,000 over the previous year, and a year-on-year increase of 21.22% , while the actual enrollment number is about 1.1 million . Coupled with those who have returned from studying abroad and former unemployed graduates, the pressure on the total number of youth employment continues to increase.

China Criminal Police College registration list. Originated from Sohu personal account

. It was also under this environment that "flexible employment" became more and more popular. According to figures disclosed by the National Bureau of Statistics, as of the end of 2021, China's flexible employment population has reached 3.2 billion.. The employed population in China is .75 billion, and flexible employment actually accounts for nearly one-third of the total employed population. The proportion of flexible employment for 2020 national college graduates is 6.9%, and the proportion of 2021 college graduates is 316.9%. Flexible employment accounts for 316.25%. Among the undergraduates who graduated last year, the proportion of flexible employment at Tsinghua University and East China Normal University exceeded 10%.

Some people say that flexible employment and are equivalent to being laid off and unemployed. Is this true? Our country uniformly uses the expression "flexible employment" for concepts such as informal employment and non-standard employment. It includes not only part-time, temporary, seasonal, and flexible employment in the formal sector, but also includes small and micro enterprises, families, etc. Employment in the informal sector by enterprises and individual workers .

As a policy concept, flexible employment was proposed relatively late, but in fact it runs through the entire process of economic development: from gig labor in the agricultural economy era, to flexible employment in the industrial economy era, to new employment in the digital economy era. Form, different economic and social development periods have different manifestations. ’s current flexible employment positions are mainly concentrated in “blue-collar” positions. Relevant data from shows that “ordinary workers” are the most concentrated positions in companies using flexible staff, accounting for 45.6%. Among them, the number of flexible employment in the construction industry ranks first at 44.496 million, with flexible employment in construction companies accounting for 76.60% of the total number of employees; the number of flexible employment in the manufacturing industry is second only to the construction industry, at 15.302 million.

Picture comes from the consumer website

Since the 21st century, the platform economic model based on the Internet has been widely used, further giving birth to new features of flexible employment that break the boundaries of time and space. "IT and other technical personnel" is the second most concentrated position for enterprises to use flexible employment personnel, accounting for 18.2%. There are also a large number of flexible employment personnel in the tertiary industry. They are the "digital nomads" of the new era. They stay at home and engage in creation, writing novels, playing games, and doing post-production work, and gain more fulfillment through part-time jobs. From the perspective of policy guidance, from 2019 to 2022, the government work report mentioned "flexible employment" for four consecutive years. Policies have shifted from supporting the development of new employment forms and expanding flexible employment development channels to increasing the protection of the rights and interests of flexible employment personnel, further promoting the development of flexible employment.

For example, in "The 14th Five-Year Plan for Digital Economy Development Plan" , the rights and interests of workers with flexible employment including work-related injury insurance and social security are improved, and at the same time, the pilot housing provident fund for flexible employees is promoted. But the problem remains. The characteristic of "unstable production" of flexible employees restricts the sustainability of their career development. For a long time, my country's labor rights and interests protection system has been mainly designed for stable employment relationships. Flexible employees are often excluded from system protection due to the short-term, diverse and complex nature of labor relations, especially in new employment dominated by platforms. Under the current situation, labor relations have become multiplexed and virtualized, making the lack of protection of labor rights and interests of relevant practitioners increasingly prominent.

Encouraging flexible employment is an inevitable trend of the development of the times, but promoting high-quality employment requires system design and humanistic care. We should treat every occupation and employee with less discrimination and more care. On the other hand, daily needs have been suppressed and amplified under the special social environment of the epidemic, while at the same time changing, subverting and reconstructing new industrial forms and consumption scenarios.

For example, the mask manufacturing industry is booming, the prepared vegetable market continues to be popular, and so on. In 2020, a total of 156,000 mask-related companies were registered, a year-on-year increase of 468%; in 2021, the growth rate of mask companies slowed down, but the increase continued to rise, with a total of 241,000 related companies registered, a year-on-year increase of 54%. Since April, the stock prices of many listed companies related to the concept of prepared vegetables have continued to rise. In 2021, the scale of China's prepared vegetable industry will be 345.9 billion yuan. It is expected that the scale of the prepared vegetable market will reach 1.072 billion yuan in 2026. The prepared vegetable industry will become the next trillion market.

Picture comes from unsplash

In addition, the number of daily active accounts of Tencent Meeting exceeded 10 million within two months of its launch, and the international version of VooV Meeting has been launched in more than 100 countries and regions around the world; the home cleaning and care market continues to expand. China's home care market has grown from 95.5 billion yuan in 2016 to 110.8 billion yuan in 2019, with an average annual compound growth rate of 3.65%, and is expected to reach 141.7 billion yuan in 2022. There are also smart security, unmanned delivery, online medical care, online education, cloud performing arts...

At the same time, the demand for talents in key industries is expanding, and the supply of some related occupations has also increased. New careers are also emerging. The "2022 Future Talent Employment Trend Report" released by Liepin Big Data Research Institute shows that the number of new jobs in the field of artificial intelligence in 2019 will increase by 13.96% compared with the same period last year, and in 2020 it will increase by 28.12% compared with the same period last year. A year-on-year increase of 51.39% ; the number of new jobs in the manufacturing industry in 2019 increased by 32.88% year-on-year. In 2020, affected by the epidemic, the year-on-year growth of new jobs has slowed down, to 2.20% , but it is still rising, in 2021 year-on-year growth of 38.73% .

On June 14 this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced to the public that robot engineering technicians, additive manufacturing engineering technicians, data security engineering technicians, digital solution designers database operation administrators, information system adaptation verifiers, digital There are 18 new occupations including twin application technician, business data analyst, agricultural digital technician, B&B housekeeper, family education instructor, and study tour instructor. Under the background of the normalization of the epidemic, our outlook on employment must also change. We must not only treat the epidemic calmly, but also correct our attitude towards employment and adjust our psychological expectations in a timely manner. For children who graduated during the epidemic, experienced industry reshuffles or even layoffs, please be enriched while waiting and try while enriched.The fluctuation period can also be a cooling-off period and a recharging period. Reading, studying, and seeing different scenery will all be your plus points. Don't regard a difficulty as a prelude to life's lament.

In 1929, Dewey published the book "The Search for Certainty". Turning to the homepage, what comes to mind is: "People live in a dangerous world, so they have to seek safety." Today, with the spread of the new crown epidemic, frequent extreme weather, and turbulent international situations, Dewey said, and The current living situation of mankind is very consistent.

He wrote in the book that there are two ways to seek safety. Path 1: changes oneself emotionally and conceptually, and surrenders to the various forces that control one's destiny to gain a sense of security; Path 2: invents various skills, changes the world through actions, and uses natural forces to benefit oneself Build a safe fortress.

The picture comes from the official website of Tsinghua University

In the ancient world, due to the rudimentary production tools and low technical level, people were more inclined to find a "security" by passing through. In today's ever-changing world, what choice will you make? If you don't take refuge in things, it will not be difficult if you know they are difficult. As it is written in "Song of Youth", "As long as you float, you struggle, and you are willing to grit your teeth, the ocean of life will never sink you."

Young people, may you have "style" Chang Yi has the broad mind of , the stamina of that “remains strong despite repeated hardships”, and the determination of that “still calmly flies through the chaotic clouds”!

Nine golden sayings, share with you

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This time he followed his heart and chose Tsinghua University Xinya College, where he found many classmates with similar interests. Du Qingyun finally took this path of self-salvation steadily. He said that "Although the results were miserable and the price was high, everything was worth it for rebuilding oneself."

Picture from NetEase News

This is an extreme case and does not represent universality. The main purpose is to explain that the choice of the choice must not be the wish of the parents, and it must not be for the children to fulfill the ideals of the past for their parents. From this story, we can see that the birth of a volunteer is often influenced by personal interests, family environment, school reputation, and professional popularity. There is no distinction between "cold" and "hot" in the profession. The reasons are the staged differences in social form, industry scale, and market demand. The deeper reason is the lack of systematic understanding of the major, but "blind guessing" about the situation of the major.

A 2021 social survey said that 367.7% of the respondents who filled out the college entrance examination application form said they were unclear about the prospects of their major and employment situation, and 350% of the respondents said they did not understand the meaning of the major and the learning content. From a historical perspective, in the late 1990s, under the background of internationalization, China's economy ushered in a stage of rapid development. GDP exceeded one trillion in 1998, and foreign trade became one of the troika driving China's economic development. . What followed was a change in the industry, with increasing demand from television, media, animation, newspapers, art design and other industries. Under this circumstance, the State Education Commission adjusted and revised the 1998 professional catalog, setting up a total of 11 first-level categories, 71 second-level categories, and 249 majors. China's economic development began to enter the fast lane of internationalization. Prior to this, There are 11,135 majors in colleges and universities across the country. The majors are concentrated in electronic information, economics, machinery, business administration, , foreign languages, literature and art. The least number of majors is astronomy, with only three.

picture comes from unsplash

First, the progress of the times and economic development have prompted changes in the profession. In the ten years from 1999 to 2009, the four categories with the largest increase in majors in Chinese universities were engineering, literature, management and science, accounting for 381.2% of the total increase in majors.. According to official data, the employment rate and salary benefits of engineering students are the best. Entering the 21st century, the proportion of the industrial structure has begun to change. Can the clarion call for overtaking in corners sounded by the fourth technological revolution be realized? Recently, people often mention a word called to change lanes and overtake . Because in the context of digitalization, some corners are of the same quality, but now there are differences in quality. Our country has quantum transmission , AI technology, artificial intelligence , and the degree of digitalization and intelligence is becoming more and more prominent, such as It also promotes the economic direction involved in big data and becomes a popular major. This is the influence of the times .

Second, the intensity of iteration in the industry often leads to professional segmentation. The change in demand for majors has led to vertical and precise professional settings within the same discipline. For example, the subject of brain science was originally an interdisciplinary discipline formed by mixing two or three disciplines, but now brain science has become an independent discipline and an independent school of thought. In February this year, the Ministry of Education website announced that 1,961 new majors and 188 new majors for approval in 2021 were added to the registration and approval of undergraduate majors in general colleges and universities, while 804 majors were cancelled. A total of 30 new majors have been included in the catalog of undergraduate majors in colleges and universities. Among the 31 new majors, new engineering majors have the most . There are 14 specific majors involving 12 professional competencies. Among the new professional points, artificial intelligence major has the largest number of 95. It can be seen that talent training and industry development are coordinated.

picture from unsplash

Third, driven by technological changes and market demands, the boundaries between different disciplines began to weaken and merge. In 2020, the Ministry of Education issued "Notice of the Ministry of Education of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council on the Establishment of the "Interdisciplinary" Category, " Integrated Circuit Science and Engineering " and "National Security" First-level Disciplines" , " Interdisciplinary "The category has become the 14th subject category in my country, with two first-level disciplines. At the same time, each university is allowed to independently set up cross-disciplinary majors and manage them according to secondary disciplines. The list published in 2021 involves 455 universities and 5,669 secondary disciplines and interdisciplinary subjects, including 5,053 self-established secondary disciplines and 616 interdisciplinary subjects. The emergence of interdisciplinary subjects has changed the situation where the liberal arts and sciences subjects in high school have a direct impact on future major choices. More students with complex knowledge backgrounds have broader development space and more career choices. Therefore, when filling in the application form, you can refer to the characteristic interdisciplinary subjects independently established by the school.

Candidates will always face the problem of "choosing a major or a school" when filling out their application form. Regarding this question, let me share with you a true story.

In 2008, Zhou Hao, a college entrance examination student from Northwest , advanced into the top five science subjects in Qinghai Province with a high score of 60. With this score, he can choose the entrance to the top universities in the country. Therefore, Zhou Hao, who has been interested in mechanical assembly and manual practice since he was a child, set his sights on Beihang University, which has the best mechanical engineering and automation majors in China. But this choice was strongly opposed by parents. His parents said, "It would be a waste if you don't go to Tsinghua and Peking University with your scores!" Zhou Hao struggled for a long time and finally chose to compromise. When school started in September, Zhou Hao packed his luggage and became a freshman at the School of Life Sciences of Peking University. But his trip to and Peking University brought him more pain and depression. In 2011, he made a shocking decision: abandon Peking University, attend a technical school, and transfer to Beijing Industrial Technician College . He loves machinery and spends more than ten hours every day on the CNC machine tool , practicing what the teacher taught day and night until he is perfect at it. In 2014, in the highest-level national competition in the CNC profession, Zhou Hao defeated 811 people and won the championship. In the following years, Zhou Hao also won many awards in national competitions and was introduced and settled in Beijing as a highly skilled talent. Talking about his original choice, Zhou Hao said, "I have no regrets, I am very lucky." The story of

is a bit extreme, but it is also very representative. "prestigious school complex" seems to be a word that cannot be circumvented. Even top academics like Zhou Hao have to face this problem. Going to a prestigious school is not a one-time deal, nor does it mean a lifetime of ease. Whether you can go to a prestigious school depends on your past learning ability, and whether you can achieve anything depends on your future efforts and opportunities. When we were children, we may have all been asked "Do you want to go to Tsinghua University or Peking University in the future?" . There was a news that the neonatal birth ward was named after the university, which caused an uproar at the time. "You must enter Tsinghua University and Peking University as soon as you are born" actually became a reality. Therefore, when applying for a job, "985/211/c9/double first-class" is the hard target.

The picture comes from the official website of Peking University Guanghua School of Management

Can we really find the perfect choice among thousands of choices? "Denimo's Law" says that everything should have a place to be placed, and everything should be where it should be. Compared with the scores in the college entrance examination, the wishes you fill out and the choices you make are often a huge change in your destiny. The most reasonable way should be to find the one that is most suitable for you among more education carriers. The volunteers are in front of you, pay more attention to some industry development information, consider more your ambitions and interests, and listen more to your inner voice. Undoubtedly, Zhou Hao's second choice was the result of his personal ambition overcoming his "prestigious school complex". In this case, vocational education became the most reasonable and appropriate carrier for his ambition. So how should we view vocational education today? Do we still have prejudices?

The National Vocational Education Law has ushered in a new revision, proposing that vocational education and general education have an equally important status.Since 1996, there have been tens of thousands of vocational and technical schools across the country, with nearly 10 million people studying in vocational and technical colleges. Currently, 57% of the total number of high school students are going to study in vocational and technical schools. Therefore, it is of great significance to cultivate new high-quality technical and technical talents that adapt to the national development strategy. From the perspective of professional settings, the fit between the teaching profession and industrial development is constantly improving. The Ministry of Education has a special catalog in this area. Among the 1349 majors set up according to disciplines, secondary vocational majors, higher vocational majors and vocational education undergraduate majors Catalog adjustments reached 61.1%, 56.4%, and 260% respectively.

The picture comes from the official website of Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts

From an industry perspective, advanced manufacturing, , new energy, new materials, modern agriculture, modern information technology, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence, which one can leave vocational technology? And we must speed up the construction of pre-school care, health care and medical and other technical personnel training.

From the perspective of market demand and prospects, there will be a huge gap in ’s future senior professional and technical talents. From this aspect, it continues to be above 90%, and higher vocational colleges are above 95%. Therefore, we are interested in such talents, whether they are front-line, new, employees, or more than 70% of graduates from vocational and technical colleges. Well, we're all going to have a brand new one on it. On the other hand, our country's manufacturing talent development planning guide says that by 2025, three years from now, the talent gap in the top ten key areas of China's manufacturing industry will reach 30 million, with a gap rate of 48%. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that at the end of 2020, my country’s skilled talents accounted for 26% of the total employed population. High school skills only account for 28% of skilled talents. Skilled talents are among those seeking employment. They are growing exponentially during development, which is the development of high skills. Even so, why are people unwilling to go to this kind of technical school? In foreign countries, sometimes they are higher than our normal so-called engineers from engineering schools. So the cases I just wanted to talk about all want to illustrate that, as a Skilled workers, so when I talk about volunteering, I combine it more with the comfort that future employment brings to you.

97 industries, 1838 occupations

What makes you so fond of him?

In 2015, Zheng Bingqing, who was studying at the University of Irvine in the United States, gave up the excellent scientific research environment abroad and returned to his hometown with advanced scientific and technological breeding technology. She put on waders and walked into the muddy pond to learn practical breeding knowledge and study breeding problems. In just a few years, the scientific research team led by her has applied for national invention patent and published 4 related papers; they were the first to use drones, unmanned boats baiting, and independently developed The aquatic ERP system has gradually transformed traditional farming into modern agriculture; they have carried out ecological transformation of ponds, transforming the aquaculture industry into a green fishery that is more environmentally friendly. Affected by the epidemic, some of the company's products were unsalable for a time. Zheng Bingqing broadcast live broadcasts at home to popularize knowledge about Yangtze River fish. There are more and more fans online. Michelin restaurant from other places proactively contacted for cooperation. The products were successfully promoted to first-tier cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. In the first year of this year The company achieved sales of more than 20 million yuan in the quarter, which doubled compared with the same period last year.

The choice of industry is not only a decision when filling out the application form, but also a life plan. As the saying goes, "Three hundred and sixty skills will lead to the number one scholar." Social development has brought about the increasingly refined social division of labor. According to the latest implementation of "National Economic Industry Classification" and " Occupational Classification of the People's Republic of China " implemented in our country. Our country includes 97 industries, involving 1,838 occupations, within the scope of national economic statistics. From the perspective of the relationship between majors and industries, among the 14 disciplines, most of the majors in engineering, medicine, agriculture, and education have obvious industry application trends. From the perspective of the correlation between occupations and majors, most majors and occupations have a one-to-many relationship, that is, the study of one major can meet the needs of multiple occupations. But the reality is that complete consistency between learning and application is an ideal state.Under basic conditions such as it is easier to expand personal interests and preferences, the speed of social development and change is accelerating, and the integration characteristics of various industries are becoming more obvious, the situation of "learning more than applying" is more common.

Putting aside factors that cannot be quantified such as life ideals, measuring income and salary is one of the most important factors for everyone to make judgments about industry and career choices.

Therefore, it is very necessary to understand the consumption of various industries and the income of various industries. Against the background of the rapid development of digitalization and informatization, the supply of professional talents exceeds the demand, and online consumption is becoming increasingly prosperous, which has given rise to a huge Internet service market. These comprehensive factors have enabled salaries in the IT industry to maintain a high growth rate in recent years. From the perspective of graduates' salary, engineering majors continue to lead, ranking first in both ranking and increase. According to Max -China's 2019-2021 college graduate training quality tracking evaluation, the monthly income of engineering graduates after three years of work and five years of work is ahead of other disciplines, and the average monthly income after three years It was 9,748 yuan, and after five years it exceeded 10,000 yuan (11,778 yuan), with salary increases reaching 78% and 152% respectively. Among them, computer majors include information security, software engineering, computer science and technology, network engineering, Internet of Things engineering , digital media technology and other popular majors, and these majors are among the top high-paying majors. The monthly income of the class of 2021 will be more than half a year after graduation. Over 6,300 yuan. It is worth mentioning that since the class of 2014, information security has been the major with the highest monthly income among major undergraduate majors for eight consecutive years. The salary of has also been rising, from 5026 yuan in the class of 2014 to 7439 yuan in the class of 2021. Salaries increased by 48%.

Picture comes from unsplash

At this stage, mismatches between salary and industry also occur from time to time. In addition to the development of the industry itself, the factors affecting salary changes are also related to social concepts and public opinion environment. In the early days of reform and opening up, the argument that "it is better to sell tea eggs than to sell atomic bombs , and to hold a razor than to use a scalpel" became popular for a while. This was when the market economy was just emerging and all industries were waiting to flourish. Under the market tide, "everything" The social controversy caused by the concept orientation of "focusing on money" and the failure to use government macro-control measures in a timely manner.

Today's era is already a special era. In 1985, the industry with the highest per capita salary was construction workers, with a monthly salary of 1,827 yuan, while the income of scientific research and cultural and educational industries in government agencies was 1,300 to 1,200 yuan. The income of intellectuals was lower than that of laborers. Entering the 21st century, the income of scientific research and technical service industries has increased significantly. The income of scientific research units has far exceeded the income of construction workers back then. However, in the era of Internet traffic supremacy from 2010 to 2018, the sky-high remuneration of "traffic stars" triggered a discussion on the matching degree between industry and salary income.

The picture comes from the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission

Anti-epidemic hero Li Lanjuan Academician said: We must establish a correct outlook on life for young people, leave high salaries to some scientific researchers, and do not let young people blindly pursue acting stars. . "No buying and selling, no killing." The sky-high remuneration is also driven by the audience and the market. In extreme cases, the appearance fee can reach 10 million per episode, which is extremely unreasonable.

From the perspective of career choice, diversification must be a major trend in the future. In the pursuit of stability, the qualification review for my country's civil service examination exceeded two million, but the actual number of people admitted was only over 30,000. The trend of taking the civil service examination is very obvious. Among undergraduate students applying for the civil service examination in 2021, 63% are female, which is much higher than the 37% of male students. At the same time, young friends’ enthusiasm for entrepreneurship is very high and remains unabated. A survey conducted by Renmin University of China showed that in addition to the increase in the employment aspirations of civil servants, 27.5% of the respondents also had the intention to start their own businesses. Therefore, the government work report mentioned that we should promote the development of entrepreneurial investment, carry out in-depth mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and enhance the service capabilities of both platforms. In the context of strengthening entrepreneurship and promoting employment, many cities have begun to actively respond to the creation of entrepreneurial cities and introduce policy benefits to retain talents.For example, Zhejiang has been encouraging college graduates to stay and work locally. Among the new first-tier cities, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, and Changsha are the top three cities according to the proportion of talent leaving, and the three cities at the bottom are Chongqing, Chengdu, and Hangzhou. These three cities not only attract a large number of non-local talents, but are also the big cities that are best able to retain people. This not only involves the level of economic development, but is also closely related to the continuous improvement of the urban employment environment and the improvement of the life happiness index.

Entrepreneurship is an incubation process, which requires the support of funds and talents, as well as the confidence and patience of society. There is no need to set limits on the choice of career. You can choose any career as long as it suits you. The settings in disciplines such as engineering, medicine, agriculture, and education all have obvious industry application prospects. However, it is now very common for students to learn but not use . The research report on the status and trends of the workplace shows that for young people in the new era, employment is no longer limited to traditional industries. People working as video bloggers account for 19%, e-commerce anchors account for 13.8%, and food experience officers account for 12.6%. thus shows that the exploration of self-worth is not achieved overnight, and it is possible to try more.

but think carefully after trying it. Do we need that many bloggers? Recently the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has clarified the behavioral norms for online anchors. Internet anchors who require a higher professional level in medical and health, finance, finance, legal education, etc. must obtain corresponding professional qualifications and hold certificates in accordance with the law.

City choice

Work is work, life is life

Where is your ideal residence?

The high housing prices, the huge pressure of commuting, the endless overtime work... Some people say that in "Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou" you can only live, but you are not worthy of living. Back then there was a “flight from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou”, but today “people who left Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are coming back”. When we choose a city, what exactly are we choosing?

Traditionally speaking, the regional characteristics of employment behavior are often attributed to the overall development vitality and potential of the region. Since the reform and opening up, my country has experienced the fastest and largest urbanization process in the world. my country's urbanization level has increased from 7.3% in 1949 to 3.89% in 2020. Although some cities have met the basic conditions for urbanization rate, the quality is not enough.

Therefore, China’s regional economic development is essentially a process of flow of elements and resource allocation at the spatial level, and the flow of population at the spatial level further forms the main driving force and fundamental feature of urbanization. As a result, cities have been labeled as “lots of opportunities, high income, and good environment.” The entire city's "big campus", the city's museums, art venues, unique historical culture and other resources are all parts that can be learned and researched. There are many higher education institutions in super first-tier cities and first-tier cities, and the subjects, majors and resources of these institutions are also learning opportunities directly available to students. In addition, the characteristics of cities are also important factors when choosing. A city has warmth, personality, expressions and its own temper.

According to the "China Undergraduate Employment Report" conducted by Max Research Institute for many years, in 2021, on average, out of every 10 undergraduate graduates, 2 will be in the Yangtze River Delta , 2 in the Pearl River Delta, and 2 I work in the Bohai Rim region, which is one of the most economically developed regions in China. Most of the new first-tier cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Nanjing are basically in these three regions. Correspondingly, rural areas have gradually become areas with weak regional economic development, and the hollowing out phenomenon has become more serious. In recent years, with the introduction of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization strategies, the development potential of rural areas has been gradually discovered.

Picture comes from unsplash

In recent years, the willingness of fresh graduates to go to new first-tier cities for employment has continued to increase. The proportion of undergraduate graduates choosing to find employment in new first-tier cities increased from 23% in 2016 to 27% in 2020.The ranking of the top ten cities in 2022 selected by college graduates and netizens was recently announced. The selected cities are Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, and Xi'an. In addition to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, the other six cities Both cities are “new first-tier cities” with huge development potential.

Among them, Hangzhou attracts talents from various related industries with its developed digital economy and preferential talent policies. According to the "2020 High-end Talent Report in China's Internet Industry" released by Liepin, , from 2018 to 2020, Hangzhou ranked first in the net inflow rate of high-end talents in the Internet industry. In 2020, 20 Ele.me Blue Knights passed the Alibaba Local Life University training and examination, and obtained the " online delivery person " professional skill level certification junior certificate, becoming the first batch of vocational skill level certificates in the country. Food delivery riders enjoy government training subsidies, bonus points for settling in Hangzhou, special personal income tax deductions, and a series of policies for skilled talents.

Judging from the statistics of the number of cities in my country, the number of super first-tier cities, new first-tier cities, provincial capital cities, and cities under separate state planning is around 40, but the number of prefecture-level and county-level cities in my country is more than 2,000. The proportion of undergraduates seeking employment in prefecture-level cities and counties has increased year by year, with the total proportion even exceeding half. In 2016 it was 50%, in 2018 it was 53%, and in 2020 it rose to 56%. This means that it is actually more common for graduates to find jobs in fourth- and fifth-tier cities, and there are many small cities in economically developed areas among these cities. For example, the public examination craze in fourth- and fifth-tier cities frequently appears in the media.

Picture from unsplash

Recently, Suichang County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province released a talent introduction list. The shortlisted candidates for the 24 basic positions recruited are all from famous universities, including University of Science and Technology of China , Fudan University , Zhejiang University , Shanghai Jiao Tong University , etc., including 4 doctors, 19 masters, and 1 undergraduate. In addition, a county in Guangdong issued an announcement on the introduction of highly educated talents in 2022, planning to introduce 82 college graduates in normal schools, engineering and other majors. As a result, more than 810 entries were received. In terms of academic level, there are 31 doctors and more than 700 masters. The above is the situation of first employment. Generally speaking, after working for 3-5 years, there will be a window for secondary employment. Should stay in the city he chose when he graduated and continue to work hard, or should he change cities and look for new opportunities?

secondary employment, "cost-effective" is king. Among various indicators, the most important ones are rental cost and commuting time . Rent and commodity prices in first-tier cities are the straw that weighs on everyone, and they are also one of the most important factors affecting happiness in life. Therefore, the urban environment for employment that more and more people look forward to is "high income and low rent." At the same time, the problem of household registration and is also a key reason. Competition in Beijing and Shanghai is fierce and it is difficult to settle in. Compared with the new first-tier cities' attitude of opening up and embracing talents, the new first-tier cities have become the places that many people yearn for.

Data in the "2021 China Undergraduate Employment Report" shows that about 30% of undergraduates from the 2014 and 2015 classes who worked in first-tier cities after graduation chose to leave after five years of hard work. Beijing, the capital, is a first-tier city in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen with the highest proportion of young people leaving. Among the new first-tier cities, ranked according to the proportion of talent leaving, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, and Changsha are the top three, and the three cities at the bottom are Chongqing, Chengdu, and Hangzhou. These three cities not only attract a large number of non-local talents, but are also the big cities that are best able to retain people. This not only involves the level of economic development, but is also closely related to the continuous improvement of the urban employment environment and the improvement of the life happiness index.

Speaking of this, in fact, whether it is studying or working, it is just like taking a high-speed train. In the end, you have to get off, live a normal life, and find your own little happiness. Whether you stay in the city or go elsewhere, needs to comprehensively consider your actual situation, consider the suitability of urban development and individuals, and what is best for you is the best.

If you don’t understand the times

- you may be eliminated by the times.

Volition, industry, and city are three relatively concrete perspectives. The next part of is more about our relationship with the times. To understand majors and employment, you must first understand the times. The discussion of "sunrise industries" and "sunset industries" in seems to have never stopped. Faced with the current unprecedented "involution" of the job market, how should we enter the game? In addition to focusing on micro-standards such as employment rate, salary level, and professional matching degree , we also need to understand the macro background of 's economic and social development and have the ability to plan and act according to the situation.

First, the world is changing, globalization and internationalization are affected by the epidemic, and China's economic development cannot be immune to it. second, technology is changing, and the transition speed of technology has increased significantly. From the emergence of 1G to 2G, it took 15 years; from 2G to 3G, it took 10 years. It took 5 years to go from 3G to 4G. Today, the fourth industrial revolution , which is based on 5G communication technology and general artificial intelligence technology (AGI), is rapidly emerging. Human beings are liberating themselves from the "shackles" of machines step by step, and data, information, and knowledge have become the highest productivity.

"Computing is no longer just about computers, it determines our survival." The sharp insights made by American scholar Negroponte in his book "Digital Survival" published in 1996 have become a reality. In the digital age, with the help of ubiquitous terminal information acquisition devices, our acceptance of information has been greatly improved, the computing power of data processing has been significantly improved, and the cloud storage capabilities have been significantly enhanced.

Third, the natural environment is changing, and climate changes caused by human activities are continuing and profound. Since the 19th century, human activities and carbon emissions have led to dramatic warming of the global climate. The global average temperature has increased by 0.8~1.3℃, and under current carbon emissions, it will increase to 2.1~3.5℃ by the end of this century. As the world's second largest economy and the world's largest industrial country, my country's realization of the "double carbon" goal itself is an extensive and profound change. In the process of carbon neutrality, the world's economic development will transform from resource-dependent to technology-dependent; currently household consumption accounts for more than 65% of total carbon dioxide emissions. Under the background of "double carbon", the lifestyle of this generation may change. fundamental changes occur. Along with , industries are changing, industries are changing, careers are changing, and the job market is also changing. These changes are reflected in employment carriers, employment forms, labor literacy and employment skill requirements and so on.

In the digital age, are we ready to be replaced by machines?

Today, the Internet platform has become an important employment carrier. According to calculations by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the number of jobs in China's digital economy reached 3.191 billion in 2018, accounting for 324.6% of the total employment in the year. Among them, the number of jobs in the field of digital industrialization reached 312.2 million, and the number of jobs in the field of industrial digitalization reached 3.178 billion. The flexibility of working time and space has rewritten the form of employment. Especially since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020, remote working and flexible work system have become “standard”. In December 2021, the number of online office users in my country reached 469 million, accounting for 45.4% of the total Internet users. At the same time, emerging business formats have broken the fixed restrictions of traditional employment on one job and one person. The "Digital Cultural Industry Employment Report (2020)" released by the China Employment Research Institute of Renmin University of China shows that the total number of full-time and part-time employment in live broadcast, online literature, games, e-sports and other related industries is about 30 million, of which The number of full-time employees is 311.45 million, which has exceeded the of 327.89 million people employed in traditional cultural industries announced by the National Bureau of Statistics. "Slash youth" has become a career choice for more young people, and has even become an attitude towards life.

What we should think about in this process is whether it is "machine replacing people" or "machine calling people"? Our country has become the world's largest consumer of industrial robots for eight consecutive years. The application fields of industrial robots have covered 52 major industry categories and 143 industry types such as automobiles, electronics, metallurgy, light industry, petrochemicals, and medicine. Service robots and special robots are Large-scale applications have been realized in the fields of warehousing and logistics, education and entertainment, cleaning services, security inspections, and medical rehabilitation, and the process of "machine substitution" is constantly advancing.

At the same time, the replacement of old and new business formats has accelerated the elimination of positions and has become more prominent. Some labor-intensive industries will be severely impacted due to industrial innovation and upgrading, which will lead to a certain scale of unemployment.

For example, the development of the e-commerce industry has triggered the decline of the traditional commodity trading market. The proportion of employment in the traditional commodity trading market to the total employment in the wholesale and retail industry has declined year by year from 33.0% in 2007 to less than 18.0% in 2018. As the influence of smart technology further deepens, its impact on the employment of Chinese residents will continue to strengthen. According to McKinsey's prediction, by 2030, at least 118 million people in China will be replaced by artificial intelligence or robots, and another 7 million to 12 million people will change careers.

In 2017, JD Group adopted intelligent sorting robots to replace 86% of manual sorting, ushering in a new era of intelligent logistics. However, JD Logistics’ employees increased from 95,000 in 2018 to 316,000 in 2021, including front-line employees. More than 300,000 employees. Using AI technology to improve platform operation efficiency and order volume, employment opportunities have increased instead of falling. In the era of weak artificial intelligence, machines will eliminate backward industries and unchanging thinking. The height of cognitive thinking will determine whether we create value or be replaced.

Jingdong unmanned delivery robot

Therefore, under the impact of modernity, technology and environmental changes, human beings' pursuit of their own health and the meaning of life is also constantly moving forward. BGI Group CEO Yin Ye believes that is currently in the "life era" and will integrate the physical world, the information world, and the life world to build a new life world. Today, modern biotechnology is gradually moving to the center of the human stage.

Modern vaccine technology is becoming more and more developed. In 2021, the output value of the vaccine industry is expected to be 0 billion , of which the new crown vaccine will be approximately 95 billion. ; the revenue of in vitro fertilization technology in 2020 will reach 4.9 billion. ; the revenue of genomics technology in 2020 will reach 13. billion US dollars, the compound growth rate in the next five years will be 5.4%... Along with this, we will have a huge demand for emerging talents such as professional genetic analysts, genetic counselors, and health managers.

picture from unsplash

Ten years from now, which field will be completely popular? It's a pity that we all lack a pair of eyes that can penetrate ten years. But that doesn’t mean we have to follow the crowd. As parents, are our considerations thorough and far-reaching? As young people, are we ready to grow with the times? From the time we enter college, we have to spend 4, 7, or 11 years studying. During this period, how do we cultivate our judgment and competitiveness? I hope that children can find the "new and unique" in "high-precision" in the land of practice, and not let the current "hot" blur their eyes.

The ability to turn "danger" into "opportunity"

- Do you have it?

What the era has not given us needs to be created by ourselves. The core of this last part is how we understand and deal with "crisis" and "opportunity" in .

New Oriental Online Education was officially established in 2005, and achieved revenue of 600 to 700 million yuan in the first year of its launch. In 2021, after the introduction of the double reduction policy, New Oriental Online announced the closure of the company's K9 business. On December 28, New Oriental officially launched the "Oriental Selection" live broadcast platform on Douyin, and Mr. Dong became a popular knowledge-based blogger overnight.

picture comes from Sina Finance

Those earth-shattering initiatives always make waves quietly. The "crisis" and "opportunity" of are sometimes just a matter of a second thought.

Looking back at the SARS period in 2003, China’s Internet development also ushered in new opportunities. China has a total of 30.89 million computers with Internet access and 79.5 million Internet users, compared with 20.83 million units and 59.1 million people respectively in 2002. SARS gave birth to the rise of e-commerce, travel platforms, online education and other industries. The three major information portals Sina, Sohu and NetEase all achieved their first full-year profits since their listing this year; Qidian Chinese website began Explore paid reading; countless people choose to submit resumes online to find jobs. 51job’s online recruitment service revenue increased by 166% that year, and it completed its listing in the United States in 2003.

By the end of 2003, China had a total of 30.89 million computers with Internet access and 79.5 million Internet users. Compared with the situation in 2002, it can be said that the development is rapid. The speed of development is evident. Looking at the current situation, domestic economic development is facing triple pressures of shrinking demand, supply shocks, and weakening expectations that have not been seen in many years. The impact of the epidemic on various industries in society is still continuing. Enterprises in some industries have reduced labor demand, and the pressure on enterprises to stabilize employment has increased.

On the "National Corporate Bankruptcy and Reorganization Case Information Network", we searched for corporate bankruptcy cases in the two and a half years since the epidemic, and the number was 160,000. Looking back two and a half years, from mid-2017 to the end of 2020, the number of bankruptcy cases was only a little over 30,000, a five-fold difference. In 2021 alone, 460,000 companies closed down and 3.1 million self-employed individuals were cancelled. In particular, industries such as wholesale and retail, accommodation and catering, transportation and tourism are recovering slowly, and there is still a process for recovering recruitment demand. For the graduate group, the number of college graduates in 2022 exceeded 10 million for the first time, and the incremental growth rate reached a new high. At the same time, the number of former students taking postgraduate entrance examinations and civil service examinations has increased sharply. The phenomenon of World War II and World War III is common, and the number of "slow employment" and those waiting for employment continues to accumulate. The phenomenon of "slow employment" and the number of people waiting for employment continued to accumulate during World War II and World War III.

In 2022, there will be about 34.57 million master's degree applicants nationwide, an increase of 800,000 over the previous year, and a year-on-year increase of 21.22% , while the actual enrollment number is about 1.1 million . Coupled with those who have returned from studying abroad and former unemployed graduates, the pressure on the total number of youth employment continues to increase.

China Criminal Police College registration list. Originated from Sohu personal account

. It was also under this environment that "flexible employment" became more and more popular. According to figures disclosed by the National Bureau of Statistics, as of the end of 2021, China's flexible employment population has reached 3.2 billion.. The employed population in China is .75 billion, and flexible employment actually accounts for nearly one-third of the total employed population. The proportion of flexible employment for 2020 national college graduates is 6.9%, and the proportion of 2021 college graduates is 316.9%. Flexible employment accounts for 316.25%. Among the undergraduates who graduated last year, the proportion of flexible employment at Tsinghua University and East China Normal University exceeded 10%.

Some people say that flexible employment and are equivalent to being laid off and unemployed. Is this true? Our country uniformly uses the expression "flexible employment" for concepts such as informal employment and non-standard employment. It includes not only part-time, temporary, seasonal, and flexible employment in the formal sector, but also includes small and micro enterprises, families, etc. Employment in the informal sector by enterprises and individual workers .

As a policy concept, flexible employment was proposed relatively late, but in fact it runs through the entire process of economic development: from gig labor in the agricultural economy era, to flexible employment in the industrial economy era, to new employment in the digital economy era. Form, different economic and social development periods have different manifestations. ’s current flexible employment positions are mainly concentrated in “blue-collar” positions. Relevant data from shows that “ordinary workers” are the most concentrated positions in companies using flexible staff, accounting for 45.6%. Among them, the number of flexible employment in the construction industry ranks first at 44.496 million, with flexible employment in construction companies accounting for 76.60% of the total number of employees; the number of flexible employment in the manufacturing industry is second only to the construction industry, at 15.302 million.

Picture comes from the consumer website

Since the 21st century, the platform economic model based on the Internet has been widely used, further giving birth to new features of flexible employment that break the boundaries of time and space. "IT and other technical personnel" is the second most concentrated position for enterprises to use flexible employment personnel, accounting for 18.2%. There are also a large number of flexible employment personnel in the tertiary industry. They are the "digital nomads" of the new era. They stay at home and engage in creation, writing novels, playing games, and doing post-production work, and gain more fulfillment through part-time jobs. From the perspective of policy guidance, from 2019 to 2022, the government work report mentioned "flexible employment" for four consecutive years. Policies have shifted from supporting the development of new employment forms and expanding flexible employment development channels to increasing the protection of the rights and interests of flexible employment personnel, further promoting the development of flexible employment.

For example, in "The 14th Five-Year Plan for Digital Economy Development Plan" , the rights and interests of workers with flexible employment including work-related injury insurance and social security are improved, and at the same time, the pilot housing provident fund for flexible employees is promoted. But the problem remains. The characteristic of "unstable production" of flexible employees restricts the sustainability of their career development. For a long time, my country's labor rights and interests protection system has been mainly designed for stable employment relationships. Flexible employees are often excluded from system protection due to the short-term, diverse and complex nature of labor relations, especially in new employment dominated by platforms. Under the current situation, labor relations have become multiplexed and virtualized, making the lack of protection of labor rights and interests of relevant practitioners increasingly prominent.

Encouraging flexible employment is an inevitable trend of the development of the times, but promoting high-quality employment requires system design and humanistic care. We should treat every occupation and employee with less discrimination and more care. On the other hand, daily needs have been suppressed and amplified under the special social environment of the epidemic, while at the same time changing, subverting and reconstructing new industrial forms and consumption scenarios.

For example, the mask manufacturing industry is booming, the prepared vegetable market continues to be popular, and so on. In 2020, a total of 156,000 mask-related companies were registered, a year-on-year increase of 468%; in 2021, the growth rate of mask companies slowed down, but the increase continued to rise, with a total of 241,000 related companies registered, a year-on-year increase of 54%. Since April, the stock prices of many listed companies related to the concept of prepared vegetables have continued to rise. In 2021, the scale of China's prepared vegetable industry will be 345.9 billion yuan. It is expected that the scale of the prepared vegetable market will reach 1.072 billion yuan in 2026. The prepared vegetable industry will become the next trillion market.

Picture comes from unsplash

In addition, the number of daily active accounts of Tencent Meeting exceeded 10 million within two months of its launch, and the international version of VooV Meeting has been launched in more than 100 countries and regions around the world; the home cleaning and care market continues to expand. China's home care market has grown from 95.5 billion yuan in 2016 to 110.8 billion yuan in 2019, with an average annual compound growth rate of 3.65%, and is expected to reach 141.7 billion yuan in 2022. There are also smart security, unmanned delivery, online medical care, online education, cloud performing arts...

At the same time, the demand for talents in key industries is expanding, and the supply of some related occupations has also increased. New careers are also emerging. The "2022 Future Talent Employment Trend Report" released by Liepin Big Data Research Institute shows that the number of new jobs in the field of artificial intelligence in 2019 will increase by 13.96% compared with the same period last year, and in 2020 it will increase by 28.12% compared with the same period last year. A year-on-year increase of 51.39% ; the number of new jobs in the manufacturing industry in 2019 increased by 32.88% year-on-year. In 2020, affected by the epidemic, the year-on-year growth of new jobs has slowed down, to 2.20% , but it is still rising, in 2021 year-on-year growth of 38.73% .

On June 14 this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced to the public that robot engineering technicians, additive manufacturing engineering technicians, data security engineering technicians, digital solution designers database operation administrators, information system adaptation verifiers, digital There are 18 new occupations including twin application technician, business data analyst, agricultural digital technician, B&B housekeeper, family education instructor, and study tour instructor. Under the background of the normalization of the epidemic, our outlook on employment must also change. We must not only treat the epidemic calmly, but also correct our attitude towards employment and adjust our psychological expectations in a timely manner. For children who graduated during the epidemic, experienced industry reshuffles or even layoffs, please be enriched while waiting and try while enriched.The fluctuation period can also be a cooling-off period and a recharging period. Reading, studying, and seeing different scenery will all be your plus points. Don't regard a difficulty as a prelude to life's lament.

In 1929, Dewey published the book "The Search for Certainty". Turning to the homepage, what comes to mind is: "People live in a dangerous world, so they have to seek safety." Today, with the spread of the new crown epidemic, frequent extreme weather, and turbulent international situations, Dewey said, and The current living situation of mankind is very consistent.

He wrote in the book that there are two ways to seek safety. Path 1: changes oneself emotionally and conceptually, and surrenders to the various forces that control one's destiny to gain a sense of security; Path 2: invents various skills, changes the world through actions, and uses natural forces to benefit oneself Build a safe fortress.

The picture comes from the official website of Tsinghua University

In the ancient world, due to the rudimentary production tools and low technical level, people were more inclined to find a "security" by passing through. In today's ever-changing world, what choice will you make? If you don't take refuge in things, it will not be difficult if you know they are difficult. As it is written in "Song of Youth", "As long as you float, you struggle, and you are willing to grit your teeth, the ocean of life will never sink you."

Young people, may you have "style" Chang Yi has the broad mind of , the stamina of that “remains strong despite repeated hardships”, and the determination of that “still calmly flies through the chaotic clouds”!

Nine golden sayings, share with you

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