On June 13, 2022, Teacher Zhang Guangyi, director of the Academic Affairs Committee, led colleagues to visit Shanghai Zhongteng Food Technology Co., Ltd., an outstanding enterprise that made significant contributions during the epidemic. Mr. Chen Zhengshuai, chairman of Zhongteng

On June 13, 2022, Teacher Zhang Guangyi, director of the Academic Affairs Committee, led his colleagues to visit Shanghai Zhongteng Food Technology Co., Ltd., an outstanding enterprise that made significant contributions during the epidemic. Mr. Chen Zhengshuai, chairman of Zhongteng Food Technology Co., Ltd. and SMBA 56th batch alumnus, personally welcomed the arrival of Guangjian friends.

Mr. Chen Zhengshuai, Chairman of Zhongteng Food Technology Co., Ltd., introduced in detail the challenges and opportunities the company has encountered during this round of Shanghai epidemic.

Opportunities are for those who are prepared. In the early stages of the epidemic, the company began to provide large gift packages to quarantined communities, and at the same time successfully applied to the district for a guaranteed supply unit. After communication and consideration with the district, the company decided to apply to the city for a municipal guaranteed supply unit. After countless efforts, we successfully became one of the more than ten city-guaranteed supply units in Shanghai on March 16, and began to provide group meals to Shanghai's largest Lingang Fangcang Hospital and many places. On March 22, the TV station went to Zhongteng Food Company for an interview and promoted the company, but it also increased the pressure. Faced with the pressure, the company decided to fight. We will continue to explore while ensuring safety, and do our best to help Shanghai win the battle against the epidemic.

Company employees’ hard work! During the severe epidemic period, the maximum number of meals served in a single day reached 120,000, and the average daily meal number reached more than 100,000. Due to the epidemic, the manpower shortage is more than 1/3 less than usual, and the supply chain is broken. However, the amount of meals that need to be provided is indeed several times that of usual. The pressure to ensure the safety of staff during the epidemic and the quality of meals is very high. The company changed its approach to focus on safety, independent operation, closed management, and temporarily built a rest area in the corridor of the workshop. The conditions were very difficult, and all workshops were managed in a closed loop.

Government support! The government arranges medical staff to conduct single-person and single-tube nucleic acid tests on company employees every day, and arranges special security personnel to protect the company and ensure its safe production. In order to alleviate the company's serious shortage of manpower, the government has provided policy support and issued certificates that companies can find temporary workers in nearby communities. During this period, a positive infection occurred in a dormitory building next to one of the company's production workshops, and there were employees in the production workshop who were close contacts. If there is a close contact with the company, it will have to close down. However, if the business is closed, the food supply for Shanghai residents and medical workers will not be guaranteed. The district government held an emergency meeting overnight and arranged for medical workers to supervise the company to conduct nucleic acid tests until two o'clock in the night. The nucleic acid results came out, all employees of the company are safe, and production can continue.

Perseverance to the end is the real success. Until Shanghai was lifted from the lockdown, Zhongteng Food Company's epidemic prevention and safety work was in place, and no one was infected. During the epidemic, it provided meals for tens of thousands of citizens and medical workers at affordable prices, making a significant contribution to winning the battle against the epidemic, and was recognized by Shanghai leaders.

wishes the alumni company Shanghai Zhongteng Food Technology Co., Ltd. to establish a new starting point, embark on a new journey, and create new glory.