Image Network News (Henan Radio and Television Media Reporter Wang Donghong Correspondent Zhu Qing Shan Jiangkun) On June 29, private enterprises in Pingyu County celebrated July 1st and held an educational event with the theme of "Red Hearts to the Party and Walk with the Party"

Image Network News (Henan Radio and Television Media Reporter Wang Donghong Correspondent Zhu Qing Shan Jiangkun) On June 29, private enterprises in Pingyu County celebrated "July 1" and held an educational event with the theme of "Red Hearts to the Party and Walk with the Party". Ma Quanli, member of the Standing Committee of the Pingyu County Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, Li Hongwei, Vice Chairman of the Pingyu County CPPCC and Chairman of the County Federation of Industry and Commerce, and others attended the event.

At the Red Education Base of Guosi Village, Wantong Town, everyone followed the guide's footsteps to review the revolutionary history, remember the revolutionary martyrs, accept the baptism of the revolutionary spirit, and draw on the strength of progress. Subsequently, all the staff visited Henan Lanling Environmental Waterproof Materials Co., Ltd. and Badao Engineering Hospital to learn more about the company's production operations and business development.

At the symposium, the participants jointly studied the "Notice of the State Council on Issuing a Package of Policies and Measures to Solidly Stabilize the Economy". The heads of Pingyu Branch of Postal Savings Bank and Pingyu Branch of Zhongyuan Bank were invited to give a detailed interpretation of the preferential policies for corporate financing loans. ; Entrepreneur representatives spoke enthusiastically.

Ma Quanli hopes that all relevant departments will study, implement and respond to the opinions and suggestions put forward by entrepreneurs one by one to provide greater support for enterprise development and transformation and upgrading, and create better conditions and create a better development environment. Entrepreneurs must continuously improve themselves in terms of patriotism, innovation, integrity, social responsibility and international vision, and strive to become a new force in building a new development pattern in the new era and promoting high-quality development of the county economy. The County Federation of Industry and Commerce should serve as a bridge between private enterprises and government and enterprises, continue to lead development, serve to solve problems, gather strength, and promote enterprise development to a new level.

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