A good life does not necessarily mean how beautiful and amazing it is, but it means living your own light. Countless people set dreams for themselves when they were children and worked hard to achieve them. Even if there are all kinds of difficulties lurking around, as long as th

A good life does not necessarily mean that it is beautiful or stunning, but that it is about living your own light.

Countless people set dreams for themselves when they were children and worked hard for them. Even though is surrounded by various difficulties, as long as you have a strong energy in your heart, it is possible to break out of the siege and complete the counterattack against .

Life is full of hope, and the road ahead is created by me. Sichuan armless boy Peng Chao is one of them.

When I was six years old, I lost my arms in an accident. My dream has not yet been realized. Is this the end of my life?

Peng Chao did not give up. He held the reins of destiny tightly with his feet, and all activities were completed by his feet, even in his daily study and life.

html For more than 0 years, Peng Chao's academic performance has been very good. Some people say that he has received " special care ".

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Is Peng Chao himself under the camera or as the outside world says? This can only be proven through the "real battlefield".

Under the attention of everyone, Peng Chao walked into the examination room to take the college entrance examination . Unexpectedly, he failed because he volunteered to fill in the application form.

Regardless of the process, the results are here, and the outside world's doubts have not subsided. Peng Chao walked to the examination room again. How many points did he get this time?

Armless boy

Peng Chao was born in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province. His parents are both farmers, and his family conditions are relatively average.

When their children were about to go to school, the couple chose to return to their hometown to start a business. Because Peng Chao also had an older brother, he could take care of the family while making money, which was a relatively good choice.

Because of his busy business, Peng Chao was taken to the factory by his mother during weekends to play with several children in the store next door.

When Peng Chao was six years old, a bad news suddenly came. His son was hit by high-voltage electricity..

The couple were eating at the time, and they immediately threw down their chopsticks and bowls and took the child to the hospital. In order to keep the child alive, the doctor suggested amputating both arms to avoid the risk of cross-infection of to .

There is no hesitation between the two. As long as they can keep their children alive, they are willing to do anything.

After Peng Chao woke up, he found that his two arms were missing. He couldn't accept it for a while. still cries every day, but he should be glad that he is still alive .

His mother stayed with Peng Chao every day, taking care of his son's daily life and also providing spiritual guidance. Peng Chao gradually got used to this kind of life.

Through his mother's guidance, he began to do many things with his feet, such as eating, dressing, going to the toilet and so on.

The incident lasted for half a year. Peng Chao could basically take care of himself, but the blood blisters on his feet were very distressing because no one could imagine the amount of sweat he put into this process.

Since life can take care of itself, it is necessary to return to the essence. Now is Peng Chao's prime time to acquire knowledge, so he should be sent to school to study.

When I finally got to school, I faced difficulties far beyond my imagination.

As far as writing is concerned, summer is okay, but the weather is extremely cold in winter. In order to make it easier for him to flip through books, etc., Peng Chao can't even wear socks, and his feet are numb every time after class..

Since he learns slower than others, he should work harder.

Peng Chao gets up an hour early and goes to bed an hour late every day to review and preview. Gains and efforts are always directly proportional. Peng Chao's results are always at the top of the roster.

Everyone has seen his excellent grades, but who would have thought how much hard work he put in behind the scenes?

Dream Comes True College Entrance Examination

After graduating from junior high school, Peng Chao was admitted to Panzhihua No. 7 Middle School with excellent results.

Peng Chao, a freshman in high school and a sophomore in high school, is still boarding at school, and his classmates will help him from time to time, such as changing pen refills, running errands and buying meals, etc. This kind of "care for him" is also a kind of encouragement to him.

Because he wants to be grateful, be grateful to his parents, teachers, and classmates . The only way is to study hard and get good grades.

After the liberal arts and sciences classes were divided, Peng Chao adjusted his work and rest time again.

will free up another hour every day to correct errors on the day and conduct "testing" of the same type of test questions to ensure that he will not make the same mistakes again.

For Peng Chao, he himself is "slower" than others, so he must use his limited time wisely. Repeating mistakes in the same type of test questions will only widen the distance between him and others.

After entering the third year of high school, his father rented a house nearby to accompany Peng Chao in order to devote himself to his studies.

He understood what his father's intention was, and he used a hundred times more energy in the following studies.

Time flies quickly, and the college entrance examination is coming. Peng Chao is smiling and looking particularly confident.

This armless boy attracted the attention of everyone present. In addition to admiration for him, the most interesting thing was Peng Chao's score .

After the results of the first college entrance examination were released, Peng Chao obtained a good score of 538, . Unexpectedly, he ended up outside the university because of the problem of filling out his application form.

Peng Chao did not give up and decided to repeat the exam for one year before fighting again. At the same time, he also received a 30% time extension to ensure that he could answer fully.

Hard work pays off. This time Peng Chao got a high score of 603 in the college entrance examination, which aroused great discussion among netizens.

If a boy without arms is working so hard, what reason do you have for standing still?

laughs about the world

After all, it is his inner will that supports him.

Life is a journey. Most people have expectations in their hearts, but no one can stop the occurrence of setbacks and difficulties. Should we give up because of this? Even if he is in purgatory, he must spread his wings and fly high to pick up the fruits of victory. Peng Chao is the "practitioner".

At the end of the article, I would like to give you a word: is still strong despite the hardships, regardless of the wind from east to west, north or south..

In the long journey of life, you may feel tired, but this is a necessary stage in the growth process. Only by enduring hardship can you become a master, and win the final victory through sweat and hard work. This is the sky that truly belongs to you.

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