During this year's graduation season, thousands of graduates are walking on the trails, and most graduates are worried about employment issues after graduation. 2022 is also the most difficult employment season. Among many graduates, the employment rate reaches only 30%. However,

In this year’s graduation season, thousands of graduates are walking on the trails, and most graduates are worried about employment issues after graduation. 2022 is also the most difficult employment season. Among many graduates, the employment rate reaches only 30%. However, there is one organization whose employment rate has reached 100%! This organization is Zhongsha Technology.

Looking at the training institutions on the market, why can only Zhongsha achieve such a high employment rate? First, as a gaming company, their training focuses on modeling and original painting. In terms of teacher strength, all teachers participated in the project of the downstairs play group. Teaching experience and work experience are beyond doubt. Zhongsha advocates applying what you learn and combining teaching with practice. During their studies, students can participate in project production. During study and work, everyone can learn new content and knowledge while participating in practice. It greatly improves students' learning ability and work experience. Compared with other training institutions, students at Zhongsha Technology are already accustomed to a life of study and work. They work while learning and learn while working. We have already won at the starting line. Part-time study: the key to the success of Zhongsha Technology.

In addition, as a game technology company, Zhongsha Technology has shown absolute advantages in the fields of games and film and television. After years of in-depth research on game development and film and television post-production technology, in addition to its technical advantages in 3D modeling, game original painting , VR, and AR, as well as the superb skills of Zhongsha original painter and modeler, Zhongsha He also participated in the production of many game projects such as " Genshin Impact ", "King of Glory", "King of Fighters" and "World of Warcraft", and also participated in the production of "Changjin Lake" scene special effects.

As the General Office of the State Council released the "Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of the National Cultural Digitalization Strategy", Zhongsha, as a model of the technology-based cultural industry, has given full play to the advantages of its own game company, created high-tech talents for the country, and opened A batch of training courses on "original game painting, era-specific modeling, big data, and network front-end" continue to cultivate high-tech talents for the country. Zhongsha also participates in school-enterprise cooperation and has reached long-term cooperation with more than 10 colleges and universities in and outside the province, enabling science and technology to cultivate talents and promote the employment of more than 10,000 students.

Zhongsha Technology: Technical excellence is the key to ensuring employment

Regarding the employment rate, Zhongsha Technology’s answer is that the key to ensuring employment is to learn technologies that conform to the characteristics of the times.

The AI ​​era is coming, and the future employment situation in game modeling, metaverse, game original painting, artificial intelligence, big data, etc. is very good.

From the perspective of industry trends:

The game industry, as one of the popular industries in our country, is developing very rapidly. At the same time, the development of 3D technology and the increase in user demand have made 3D games, especially 3D next-generation games, account for an increasing proportion of the gaming industry. The production of 3D games is inseparable from game modelers and original painters. Whether it is mobile games or online games, there is a great demand for game modelers and original painters. Therefore, original painting of game shapes has broad application prospects.

From the employment perspective:

Development talents such as game modeling are generally cultivated in game companies, game studios and other enterprises. They can serve as game scene modelers, game character modelers, weapon and prop modelers, next-generation modelers, low-model hand-painted texture modelers and level designers according to their own strengths and preferences. With sufficient experience and qualifications, game modelers can also develop into senior modellers and senior modellers, or positions such as technical art, project leader, art director, producer, etc.

In summary, it can be said that students from Zhongsha Technology will not be eliminated.

No matter you have zero foundation or are an art major, you can increase your value through Zhongsha Technology and enter the company and industry of your dreams. Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!