In Jinan No. 11 Middle School, this concept has been implemented in all aspects, from the "Binyi Special Project Course Class" that opens up more development channels for children, to the aerobics team and track and field team that frequently provide talents to various sports uni

Reporter Kong Yutong Correspondent Yang Ying

What is the essence of education? In addition to pursuing academic performance, we also want every student to become a better version of themselves.

In Jinan No. 11 Middle School, this concept has been implemented in all aspects, from the " Binyi Special Project Course Class" that opens up more development channels for children, the aerobics team that frequently supplies talents to various sports universities, and the track and field to the "Volunteer Service+" and "One Good Habit Every Month" projects that comprehensively improve students' quality; and even painstakingly set up a "reading club" for parents that uses positive psychology as a model and aims to discover children's strengths...

"Everyone can make the most of their talents, "Comprehensive development" is engraved in the hearts of every No.11 Middle School student, and the shining points that each child can have in life are constantly being illuminated.

A group photo of the aerobics team

"Binyi Special Project Course":

Make growth more coherent

In recent years, general high school education has paid more and more attention to establishing a "diversified and distinctive" development pattern. In 2017, after the Shandong Provincial Department of Education issued the "Guiding Opinions on Joint Education of Colleges and Universities and Regular High Schools," Jinan No. 11 Middle School joined hands with Binzhou Medical College to become a provincial pilot school for "Double High School Joint Education." We began to innovate the talent training model and achieved the "throughput" of educating people from high school to university.

Since then, teachers from Binzhou Medical College have often come to No. 11 Middle School to give theme lectures and lectures. No. 11 Middle School also regularly organizes students to visit Binzhou Medical College for study. As a result, more students can get to know the university in advance, discover, plan and inspire learning. In 2019, Jinan No. 11 Middle School began to select interested students among the freshmen of high school to establish the "Binzhou Medical College Joint Education Specialty Project Course". Many students who entered this special project course went all out.

, a special educational channel, has also received support from social forces. Ms. Li Li, a 1978 graduate of Jinan No.11 Middle School, gave back to her alma mater after her successful career and donated 1 million yuan to her alma mater to reward students with excellent academic performance and support students in need. For those admitted to the clinical medicine major of Binzhou Medical College Children in No. 11 Middle School can enjoy the rewards and have priority to enter the "MEBO Regenerative Medicine International Class". Those with outstanding results can also be recommended for employment first.

"This kind of connection in education makes children's growth more continuous. At the same time, it also creates an additional channel and a platform for students in need, so that everyone has more opportunities to choose on the road to growth." Jinan 11 Shao Jinbo, the principal of the middle school, said.

Parents Reading Club:

trains parents to make their children shine

Family Education Reading Club

Have you ever seen a high school that takes parents to study together in order to better train their children? In 2017, in Jinan No. 11 Middle School, a "Parent Reading Club" activity was held every other week.

Yang Ying, director of the News and Publicity Center of No. 11 Middle School, introduced that the school has formally established a team of lecturers, including Han Jian, director of the Student Development Guidance Center, and psychology teachers Wang Xiaona and Liu Ying. They use " positive psychology " as a model and communicate through exchanges. , help parents correct some educational deviations, understand and understand their children, discover their shining points, and provide encouragement so that children can bring more confidence and positive attitude into their learning and growth.

So, in the past five years, "Trying to Understand Children", "The Role of Positive Mothers", "Exploration of Professional Personality", "Family Education Participating in High School Career Planning from the Perspective of the New College Entrance Examination"... nearly a hundred issues of different themes have been shared one by one, and the more and more More and more parents are joining this class, and often after the two-hour activity is over, they are reluctant to leave and continue to communicate.

"Frequently yelling at your children, 'You can't do this well, you can't do that well', is the key to tense relationships." "I hope parents can talk to their children and think with them instead of asking their children to obey." "We need to see The shining point of every child. "...

's thoughts close to reality and inspiring reminders time and again. More and more parents are beginning to face up to the importance of family education and home-school collaboration, and strive to be "better parents". .Over the past five years, those children who have brought positive psychology into their lives with the encouragement of their parents have become more confident, self-disciplined, sunny and hardworking.

High School with Characteristics of Aerobics:

Students took to the Winter Olympics performance stage

html On February 20, at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics , Dou Shengkai, a 2014 graduate from Jinan No. 11 Middle School, participated in the "Light Up" and " A two-part performance of "Athletes' Entrance Ceremony". In this world-famous sports feast, Dou Shengkai, who was wearing a blue volunteer uniform, said that he "felt the highlight of life." This boy who graduated from No. 11 Middle School changed his life by being admitted to Beijing Sports University and studying for graduate school precisely because of the training environment of this provincial aerobics specialty senior high school.

"Over the years, nearly a hundred children have gone through a similar growth trajectory as Dou Shengkai and have been admitted to well-known sports universities." said Hongmei, an aerobics teacher at Jinan No. 11 Middle School.

In 2007, Jinan No. 11 Middle School began to offer aerobics classes for students and formed an aerobics team to open up more channels for students to enter college. "Some children who are admitted do not have excellent grades and may not be able to advance to undergraduate courses only through cultural courses." Fu Hongmei said, but the aerobics major can help them overcome this "impossibility."

The children of the first-level aerobics team live a life of hard training similar to that of athletes: after the third period every afternoon, they train intensively for nearly 4 hours until the end of the day at 8:30 pm before eating and writing. Operation. "But the children have never complained because the senior brothers and sisters who have graduated and entered university before have inspired them and given them enough confidence." Fu Hongmei said.

The teachers of Eleventh Middle School are also fully supporting these children who are pursuing their dreams. Leng Feifei, deputy director of the Student Development Department, said that the school provides children with special practice rooms equipped with the best equipment, and arranges for children to participate in large and small competitions from the beginning to the end of the year to accumulate experience and achievements. .

Every day, "Chief Coach" Fu Hongmei, who was supposed to get off work at 6 o'clock, accompanied the children to practice until nearly 9 o'clock. The cultural teachers also tried their best, "There was a time, in order to give the children in the team Tutoring, some teachers are still giving lectures to children through video at 11:30 in the evening. "

The common belief and sweat of teachers and students have yielded fruitful results. Over the years, the aerobics team of Jinan No. 11 Middle School has won double championships in the National Youth Aerobics and Dance Skills Competition, won the Shandong Province National Fitness Games Championship for three consecutive years, won the Jinan Campus Aerobics and Cheerleading Team Championship, The team ranked second in the 14th Shandong Provincial Middle School Sports Games... This is the children's gorgeous resume and a solid brick for every step forward.

After the scores for the 2022 college entrance examination were released just now, teacher Fu Hongmei’s phone calls haven’t stopped—students are telling her the good news: all the professional and cultural subjects of the aerobics team of Jinan No. 11 Middle School who participated in the college entrance examination have exceeded the undergraduate level. Three people ranked among the top 30, 50, and 100 in the province in professional results respectively.

The story of the aerobics team is just a portrayal of the school. In recent years, the school's track and field team and instrumental band have become better and better, and behind it is hard work: every afternoon, even in the scorching sun, teachers such as Wang Minggeng and Sun Baoya stay by the side of the training field to accompany the students in their enthusiastic "sprint".

"You may not have the best grades in the past, but we will work hard to make everyone better." Leng Feifei said, every Tuesday club activity day, handicraft club, drama club, rope skipping team, calligraphy club, shuttlecock More than 30 clubs and societies will organize a variety of campus activities. In the bustling campus, the children of the Light and Shadow Club are carefully recording the world, the children of the Drama Club are performing novel life on the stage, and the children of the Classical Jewelry Club may be showing off carefully crafted hairpins. Behind those shapes are the children’s Ingenuity shines with the beauty of inspiration in the sun...

"Let every child have a stage to discover and show themselves. Here, in addition to learning, you can also discover a richer life path, more happiness and possibilities." Leng Feifei introduced.

Volunteer service has become a "fashion":

With love in the heart, born towards the sun

In 2021, Jinan City's primary and secondary school moral education work meeting and Jinan City's third primary and secondary school moral education brand commendation and promotion meeting, Jinan No. 11 Middle School's "Student Volunteer Service+" "The project is on the list, and this is the third consecutive time that No. 11 Middle School has won this honor. It is reported that this brand moral education project takes volunteer service as the core, and extends six major volunteer service projects such as environmental protection, etiquette, poverty alleviation, and respecting the elderly based on students' abilities and interests. Li Yan, secretary of the Youth League Committee of

school, said that the school is willing to provide children with more and larger stages for volunteer service. During the epidemic, each class will arrange three volunteer positions to distribute lunch to students; in addition, the school will arrange student volunteers to take on tasks such as storage of materials in the examination room and assisting with nucleic acid testing.

"Giving children more opportunities to participate in important positions can help them train themselves. Being able to do important things well will give children more confidence and a greater sense of their own value." Li Yan said that children entering school now will have a In this volunteer service booklet, every time a service is completed, there will be a certification record. In recent years, the 15 volunteer positions in the campus library, carports, laboratories, club activity rooms, etc. have always been full every time they are recruited. There have even been situations where "more than 20 volunteers were recruited, and more than three times the number of students signed up."

"The children are very enthusiastic and can really feel it. Now volunteering is like a campus trend." Li Yan said. In 2022, the school's "Volunteer Service+" project will be upgraded to "curriculum-based". Teachers want children to gain relevant knowledge and skills while doing charity. Li Yan introduced that, for example, before volunteering in the library, professional teachers will be invited to teach children book sorting classes; before volunteering in cleaning-related activities, children will be given classes on hygiene, storage, and garbage classification. In 2021, Jinan Metro Line 2 opened, and the teachers took students from No. 11 Middle School to experience it. Before doing volunteer guidance services, they specially invited staff from Jinan Rail Transit Group to give a class.

Li Yan felt the joy of students in volunteer service. "There was a sophomore in high school who was not a student cadre. She once told me very proudly that she had served 200 hours of volunteer service," Li Yan said.

"With love in your heart, you are born toward the sun." This is how Li Yan summarizes the goal of this project. Over the years, I have taken the children to donate books to Tibet, sell walnuts for charity, and go to nursing homes and orphanages to do charity. I have truly seen the children's feelings in the process of giving love.

"I hope that in caring for others, everyone will experience the benefits of self-acceptance, stimulate interest in learning knowledge, experience warmth, regain self-confidence, and experience personal sense of accomplishment and value. This is also an important part of education." Li Yan said.

A good habit every month:

Give children a lifetime of nourishment

"A good habit every month" themed class meeting

Habits are a huge and tenacious force that can influence and even dominate life. In 2017, Jinan No. 11 Middle School began to carry out the "One Good Habit Every Month" activity in the school, and it has been five years so far.

Be calm as soon as you enter the room, have a plan in doing things, and treat others with a smile... Zhang Kejian, director of the Student Development Department, said that although they have entered high school, as educators, they are still insisting on correcting some bad behavioral habits for children and establishing some bad habits even if they are not right now. Good habits that will have obvious results but may affect your life.

Such as the monthly theme "Books to be read aloud". "The ancients said that reading should be done with the eyes, the heart, and the mouth," Zhang Kejian said. Educators know that reading aloud is conducive to deepening the understanding of the text, focusing attention, and cultivating the sense of language, sentence fragmentation, tone, and intonation; reading aloud in foreign languages It can also train pronunciation and listening. In addition, collective reading will create a better learning and reading atmosphere around children.

In 2018, the theme activity of "Reading books aloud" was launched. The school introduced the meaning of "reading aloud" through some theme class meetings, reached a consensus with students, and established the goal of reading aloud 20 minutes before and during morning self-study; thereafter, teachers patrolled and filmed Some reading scenes can enhance students' enthusiasm by sharing "competition" among grade groups.After that, teachers could often hear the sound of "reading aloud" on campus, and even felt the progress of some children's language expression.

"obey the rules" education is carried out every month. "We want to cultivate children into good citizens, and rule awareness is indispensable." Zhang Kejian said that the reality is that some rules are contrary to children's nature. At this time, children need to understand and obey the rules. "Teaching the rules to children and letting them remember them is the first step, and then helping them understand through some daily requirements and even punishments."

Long before the country introduced campus mobile phone management, the 11th Middle School issued relevant requirements for mobile phone management. , which not only meets the needs of day students to use mobile phones, but also prevents them from using mobile phones during school hours through strict management; No. 11 Middle School is close to a densely populated area, and students often do not obey traffic rules at the school gate. The school helps children by taking the children to conduct civilized traffic diversion at zebra crossings. Children develop a better awareness of civilized safety.

"Through habit-forming education, some problematic habits in the compulsory education stage have been gradually corrected, and the school environment order and children's personal qualities have changed significantly. We work hard to do this part because these will accompany them throughout their lives and will also It has a profound impact on the environment and society," Zhang Kejian said.

Behind the Bazi teaching concept of "making full use of talents and developing all-roundly" is the importance and dedicated cultivation of every child in No. 11 Middle School.

"Although some students have relatively weak foundations, we hope to provide them with different growth paths and explore the shining points of the children. We hope that the children will grow into people with perfect character, sound personality and mental health." Principal Shao Jinbo said.