On the morning of June 28, the province-wide county-wide action promotion meeting was held in Lanzhou. Our county set up a branch venue to listen to the live meeting. County Party Committee Deputy Secretary and County Mayor Yu Tiande, County Party Committee Deputy Secretary Gong

On the morning of June 28, the province-wide county-wide action promotion meeting was held in Lanzhou. Our county set up a branch venue to organize listening and viewing of the meeting.

Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and County Mayor Yu Tiande, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee Gong Weidong, members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee Su Xiaohu, Lei Xiaoning, He Jinyu, Cui Juan, Liang Shaoqing, Yao Limin and leading cadres at the deputy county level and above in Yong attended the Yongchang branch meeting .

The meeting emphasized that to strengthen counties, we must first develop the county economy, but it is not just an economic issue. We must accurately grasp the connotation and essence of the action to strengthen counties. The Action to Strengthen Counties pursues high-quality development of , and the new development concept of should be integrated into the entire process of various fields to promote the realization of higher quality, more efficient, fairer and more sustainable development, so as to bring the development of counties into a positive state. Circular track; the Action to Strengthen County Areas adheres to non-balanced development. It should guide counties and cities to advance at different levels and develop in echelons, encourage places with solid foundations and better conditions to accelerate development and upgrade their capabilities, jump up and climb to higher places, and try their best to Maximize efforts to expand the economic aggregate; the Action to Strengthen County Areas emphasizes functional development, which must be based on its own actual conditions and conditions, and adhere to a characteristic and differentiated development path; the Action to Strengthen County Areas focuses on coordinated regional development and must strengthen the county-level Linkage to build a relatively complete industrial chain and system; the Action to Strengthen County focuses on the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and the integrated development of urban and rural areas should be carried out throughout, and gradually realize equality in policies, complementarity in industrial development, and inclusive public services between urban and rural areas; In the final analysis, county actions are to promote people-centered development, and to combine meeting people's needs, changing people's concepts, stimulating people's motivation, and promoting people's development, so that the people can live a better life.

The meeting emphasized that we must effectively grasp the key tasks of strengthening county operations. First, we must strengthen the county's economic strength, identify leading industries, adhere to both traditional and emerging industries, coordinate transformation and upgrading, and incremental expansion, promote industrial development to increase speed, accelerate the development of modern agriculture, and integrate and upgrade county industrial parks. Continuously optimize the business environment. Second, we must improve the infrastructure system, adhere to the integration of traditional infrastructure and new infrastructure, and combine strong networks with strong muscles to promote continuous improvement of development conditions. Third, we must enhance the carrying capacity of cities and towns, focus on the two nodes of county towns and central towns, supplement and improve them in a targeted manner, and promote the healthy development of urbanization. Fourth, we must strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, plan and implement a number of key ecological projects, do a good job in land greening, fight against pollution, and effectively improve the quality of urban and rural living environments. Fifth, we must improve the lives of the people, make "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" a top priority, make urban and rural people more prosperous, and provide universal access to public services. Sixth, we must improve the level of social governance, give full play to the role of party organizations as a fighting bastion, deepen the practice of villagers' self-governance, and jointly maintain county security. The

meeting emphasized that we must find the right path and method to promote the action of strengthening counties, be good at consolidating projects and achieving development based on major national strategies, be good at showing our achievements and strengthening ourselves in integrating into the province's regional development pattern, and be good at leveraging our comparative advantages to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses. , seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, be good at promoting county development and solving problems through deepening reform and opening up, and be good at using systemic thinking to coordinate the promotion of economy and ecology, development and security. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the coordination mechanism, improve the policy system, do a good job in team building, give play to the role of evaluation, strengthen publicity and interpretation, strengthen party building guidance, and solidly promote the organization and implementation of strong county actions.

The meeting emphasized that all levels and parties must gather strong synergy, strengthen policy integration, stimulate endogenous power, continue to enhance hematopoietic function, and promote the strong county-level action to break through and blossom in an all-round way.