June every year is a very important month for the majority of students. It is the month to realize dreams and it is also the graduation season. Senior high school students take the college entrance examination, and now it has reached the application stage, while June is also the

Every June is a very important month for the majority of students. It is the month when dreams come true and it is also the graduation season. Senior high school students take the college entrance examination. Now it is time to apply for the exam, and junior high school students also welcome the exam in June. Here comes the high school entrance examination.

The end of the high school entrance examination means the end of junior high school. In elementary school, everyone is still relatively ignorant, but in junior high school, they have matured a lot. When they graduate, they cherish their encounters more and value the friendship between classmates and teachers and students.

In order to commemorate this precious period, many classmates will write classmate records for each other when they graduate. This can be regarded as leaving a thought for each other. Whenever we open the classmate records again, the past will be recalled. emerge before our eyes.

The woman accidentally opened the classmate book, and a note made her feel sad. She regretted not discovering it earlier.

This classmate had graduated from college for several years. She looked at the students taking the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination. , couldn't help but recall what he looked like in junior high school.

So she rummaged through the old things at home, and happened to find a class directory from when she was in junior high school among a pile of books. When she saw the graduation messages from her classmates, she couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

And one of the pages is even more disappointing. On this page, it says, "I don't know if I can see you again after graduation. I hope I can." After that, there is a note, which says: Tear it apart after graduation. .

As a result, the girl tore it open and wrote a beautiful "secret": Actually, I like you. The girls felt very complicated after seeing this note. If they had not graduated and were busy doing other things, they would have had the opportunity to open it, but they were too busy and forgot about it.

And perhaps because of this, I missed a good marriage. Although puppy love in middle school and high school is very youthful and ignorant, when you see the note, it will make people think a lot. Maybe this classmate will also have regrets in his heart. And regret it.

The relationship between classmates when I was a student was beautiful and simple, and people can’t help but miss

In fact, everyone’s emotions in junior high school were very beautiful. At that time, the classmates were more innocent, and the love at that time was not fake, but with us What adults call "love" is not the same thing. At that time, it should be more about appreciation and simple liking.

However, it is very important for students to correctly grasp the standards for getting along with the opposite sex, so as not to affect their studies, or even hurt others, and the students will end up in an embarrassing end.

Perhaps many students have fantasized about contact with the opposite sex in middle and high school. Some people put this fantasy into action, while others slowly bury this fantasy deep in their hearts.

But no matter what, these are beautiful and pure friendships . Even if they have the idea of ​​​​puppy love, it is due to the secretion of adolescent hormones. Teachers and parents do not need to be too panicked, but should not be blocked.

After the high school entrance examination, it is the end of the junior high school era, and it is also the beginning of a story . You don't have to worry too much about whether you can see your former classmates. If you are all in the same city, you can still see them.

And now the Internet media is also very developed. Keep in touch and encourage each other. Only friendships like this can last forever. Friendships will not be interrupted just because they are not in the same high school or even in the same area.

How should students make their junior high school life better?

Learning at the junior high school level is still very important. Learning at the junior high school level can lay the foundation for learning at the high school level. and the role of high school entrance examination diversion is becoming more and more obvious. Students who do not do well in the high school entrance examination will have difficulty in going to high school.

However, it is much easier to study in junior high school than in high school. Everyone should master the learning method that suits them, avoid partial subjects in junior high school, and seize the time to check for deficiencies.

The mood of students in junior high school is relatively complicated, and it also coincides with the rebellious period of youth . Many students are rebellious, and it is very difficult for parents and teachers to manage them.

However, teachers and parents can still understand students well. I hope that if junior high school students encounter unhappy things in their study and life, they must talk about it and resolve it in time, and not hide too many things in their hearts.

Students should work hard to be a positive and positive person, instead of worrying about trivial matters all day long and worrying about things that should not be our business. How can this not be tiring?

What age should you do? What should you do at any age? . In junior high school, students not only study but also relax. Other problems are solved by teachers and parents. As long as everyone does not get into trouble, it is the best thing.

Final summary

The girl accidentally opened the junior high school classmate booklet. She missed it so much that she will never get it back. Maybe this is the best result. We treasure each other's beautiful memories, and the memories can still bring smiles after many years. silently bless the other party in my heart.

Junior high school is the most beautiful stage for students. You must understand it with your heart, feel more and work hard to live your junior high school life well. Don’t leave regrets for your youth. Plan your junior high school study life well!

Today’s topic:

Have you ever looked through the classmate records after graduation? Welcome to communicate and share!