Image Network News (Henan Radio and Television Media Reporter Feng Zhanhua Correspondent Jiao Qiuli) Safety is the guarantee for students’ learning and is an important task that the school constantly focuses on. In order to enhance students' safety awareness, Yangzhuang Humiao Pr

Image Network News (Henan Radio and Television Media Reporter Feng Zhanhua Correspondent Jiao Qiuli) security is the guarantee for students' learning and is an important task that the school constantly focuses on. In order to enhance students' safety awareness, Yangzhuang Humiao Primary School in Xiping County has carried out a series of safety education under the leadership of principal Zhao Yanhui in recent days. On June 28, Yangzhuang Humiao Primary School in Xiping County held a safety education summary meeting to summarize the safety education work this semester.

html In March, the school held a flag-raising ceremony on the "Student Safety Education Day" to popularize safety knowledge to students and improve their ability to avoid risks. At the same time, we call on all teachers and students to improve their safety awareness and strive to be campus safety personnel. Each class uses theme class meetings, safety education classes, etc. to carry out various forms of publicity and education activities. And after the students studied the safety lessons on the "Safety Education Platform", the school held an emergency evacuation drill. The entire activity was carried out in an intense and orderly manner, achieving the expected results. This activity cultivated students' ability to escape quickly when encountering danger. ability.

In mid-June, summer vacation is approaching, and the issue of "preventing drowning" cannot be ignored. The head teachers of each class conducted theme class meetings to introduce safety knowledge such as common sense of drowning prevention and drowning rescue methods to students. In order to make anti-drowning safety education deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the school promotes anti-drowning safety knowledge to parents through a "letter to parents", asks parents to pay attention to cultivating their children's anti-drowning skills, and reminds parents to strengthen their children's anti-drowning skills. educate.

In normal times, Yangzhuang Humiao Primary School in Xiping County regularly carries out colorful safety education activities. Each class carries out theme class and team meeting activities, including: safety education cartoons, interactive questions, on-site imitation, etc. The development of such activities allows students to learn various safety knowledge, further enhances students' safety awareness and improves students' self-protection abilities.

At the end of the meeting, Zhao Yanhui, principal of Yangzhuang Humiao Primary School in Xiping County, said: Student safety is a top priority and a major issue that cannot be ignored. All teachers at Humiao Primary School should pay special attention to safety education for students, keep safety education in the hearts of every teacher and student, and let health and happiness accompany the growth of children.

(Yingxiang Zhumadian news hotline: 0396-3599908, submission email: Yingxiang’s “Elephant Assistant” phone number is 18003719699)