Recently, the college entrance examination results have been released one after another. In Yangzhou, a candidate was very happy that he could finally apply for the medical school he had always wanted to apply for this year, and all of this was due to the doctors who saved his fa

Recently, the college entrance examination results have been released one after another. In Yangzhou , one candidate was very happy that this year he could finally apply for the medical school he had always dreamed of. And all of this was due to the doctors who saved his father 22 years ago.

"The situation is not only dangerous, but also desperate. The doctor said he will die in two to three months." In September 2000, Mr. Qian, who was only 27 years old, suffered from hepatic ascites, jaundice and general weakness, and local treatment in Yangzhou failed. Afterwards, he was transferred to the emergency department of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital. The doctor diagnosed Mr. Qian as having end-stage liver cirrhosis, and the only way to save his life was a liver transplant.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Director of the Hepatobiliary Center of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital Wang Xuehao recalled: "He would not be able to survive without a transplant. The operation took about 10 hours, because it was in the early stages of transplantation technology at that time, and the technology was not as good as it is now. Mature.”

During the operation, Academician Wang Xuehao led the team to overcome technical difficulties such as massive bleeding. This operation gave Mr. Qian a new life in his prime, and he has regarded these doctors as his relatives ever since.

"Including when my wife is pregnant, giving birth to a child, or when the child is growing up, I call the academician and Director Li immediately to make them happy. This is also the result of their efforts." Mr. Qian said.

Academician Wang Xuehao and his team also witnessed Mr. Qian’s entire process from being single to building a happy family. This experience of her father's youth inspired her daughter to have a "dream of studying medicine" since she was a child. In this year's college entrance examination, her daughter got a good score of 605 points. She plans to apply for Nanjing Medical University to repay those who once saved her father. Doctors.

Wang Xuehao said: "I support it. I am very happy. After his organ transplant, his daughter's grades have been so good. It has no impact on her daughter, because after liver transplantation, she needs to take immune preparations for a long time. Although the dose is small, it has certain side effects." "As a doctor, I am still a little worried."

Mr. Qian said: "She has always had the idea of ​​studying medicine, because studying medicine itself is about treating diseases and saving people. Although studying medicine is a little bit harder, it is not good for others. People will be of great help.”

(Reported by reporters Shen Can and Xie Yu of Jiangsu Radio and Television Station·Integrated Media News Center)

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