On May 30, 2022, the Ministry of Education announced to the public: "In response to the illustration problems in the People's Education Edition of primary school mathematics textbooks that have been reported by the society recently, the Ministry of Education has set up an investi

On May 30, 2022, the Ministry of Education announced to the society: "In response to the illustration problems in the People's Education Edition of primary school mathematics textbooks that have been reported by the society recently, the Ministry of Education has set up an investigation team to conduct a comprehensive investigation. The identified problems will be immediately rectified, and any existing problems will be addressed." Those responsible for disciplinary violations will be held accountable and dealt with seriously in accordance with laws and regulations, and the results of the investigation will be announced to the public in a timely manner.

At the same time, the Ministry of Education has deployed a comprehensive investigation of teaching materials in universities, middle schools and primary schools across the country. The problem will be rectified immediately, and those responsible for violations of disciplines and regulations will be dealt with seriously in accordance with relevant regulations." When the announcement of

was released, people saw that the Ministry of Education will never tolerate problems in textbooks and must deal with them seriously, including "comprehensive and thorough. The four key words of "investigation", "serious accountability", "never tolerate" and "timely announcement" also made everyone feel excited and happy!

It has been a month since the investigation team started working today (June 30, 2022), and people have not yet been able to see the promised "timely announcement to the public" investigation results!

Is this "textbook illustration problem" too complicated in all its aspects? Wu Yong, the main person responsible for the design of the textbook "Problem Illustrations" is still a mysterious existence. What kind of cooperative relationship is between "Wu Yong Design Studio" and People's Education Press ? According to media reports, "Wu Yong Design Studio" has not carried out industrial and commercial registration, so did the People's Education Press sign an commission contract with "Wu Yong Design Studio" or is Wu Yong just a signed subcontractor? We hope that the results of the investigation will be announced to the public in a timely manner, and we will not give everyone the illusion that the "textbook illustration problem" may eventually go unsolved!