On June 29, the founding conference of Hainan Hotel and Catering Vocational Education Group and the founding and unveiling ceremony of Hainan Vocational and Technical College Qiongcai College were held in Haikou.

html On June 29, the founding meeting of Hainan Hotel and Catering Vocational Education Group and the founding and unveiling ceremony of Hainan Vocational and Technical College Qiongcai College were held in Haikou.

At the unveiling ceremony, Huang Yinzhen, the acting principal of Hainan Vocational and Technical College and chairman of Hainan Hotel and Catering Vocational Education Group, expressed the hope that members of the vocational education group would strengthen cooperation, continue to innovate the school running model and operating mechanism, and strive to achieve a win-win situation for all parties; Give full play to comprehensive advantages, promote the integration and docking of Hainan's hotel and catering industry and education, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of Hainan's hotel and catering industry and the innovative development of the digital industry, commit to cultivating a new generation of high-quality skilled talents in the hotel and catering industry, and jointly promote international tourism consumption Center for high-quality development of .

Hainan Hotel and Catering Vocational Education Group is jointly established by Hainan Vocational and Technical College and Hainan Hotel and Catering Industry Association. It is composed of Hainan University of Science and Technology, Hainan Vocational and Technical College of Economics and Trade, Hainan Tourism School, It is composed of more than 100 domestic vocational colleges, enterprises, industry associations (society) and scientific research institutions, including Real Madrid Holiday Inn Group Co., Ltd., Hainan Longquan Group Co., Ltd., and Haikou Catering and Cooking Industry Association, to serve the Hainan hotel and catering industry. Development is the purpose, employment promotion is the guide, the construction of a modern vocational education system is the guide, and the improvement of the quality of technical skills talent training in the industry is the core, deepening the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation, innovating the technical skills talent system training mechanism, facing Hainan The transformation and upgrading of modern service industries such as the hotel industry and catering industry has created a demand for talents. We should give full play to the advantages of the Vocational Education Group's institutional mechanisms and focus on Hainan's hotel industry, catering industry and other related fields to cultivate a large number of high-quality technical skills and innovative talents in the modern service industry.

At the preparatory meeting before the unveiling ceremony, Hainan Vocational and Technical College was elected as the chairman unit of the group, and Huang Yinzhen, the acting president of Hainan Vocational and Technical College, was elected as the first chairman. Hainan Vocational and Technical College Qiongcai College was also established at the same time.

Hainan Vocational and Technical College Qiongcai College is an Qiongcai research and development institution jointly established by the Tourism College of Hainan Vocational and Technical College and the Hainan Hotel and Catering Industry Association. The main functions include Qiongcai research and development, Qiongcai culture promotion and standard formulation, and Qiongcai talent training. The research team is mainly composed of members such as Chinese cooking masters, National May Day Labor Medal , Nanhai craftsmen, Hainan Province outstanding contribution technicians, and Hainan Province technical experts.

According to reports, the establishment of Hainan Hotel and Catering Vocational Education Group and Qiongcai College is another practice to deepen the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation, promote the reform of the vocational education system and mechanism, and explore the construction of a modern vocational education system. In the next step, we will optimize the positioning of vocational education types, deepen the integration of industry and education and school-enterprise cooperation, and promote the effective connection between the education chain, talent chain, industry chain, and innovation chain.