The scores of college entrance examinations in various places have been announced one after another. Some students are happy and some are sad. Some students' results are not satisfactory, while others have achieved ideal scores. Zheng Yunyi, a candidate from Xiangyang, is the lat

College entrance examination scores from various places have been announced one after another. Some students are happy and some are sad. Some students' results are not satisfactory, while others have achieved ideal scores. Zheng Yunyi, a candidate of Xiangyang , is the latter. got a good score of 691 points this year, and the advantage subject English got a good score of 146 points.

When Zheng Yunyi first entered Xiangyang No. 4 Middle School , he ranked first and second, but later encountered several setbacks, especially in the Hubei Provincial Division of the 38th National Middle School Student Physics Olympiad (rematch). , although he won the first prize in the country, he missed out on the provincial team due to one ranking difference.

After this competition, Zheng Yunyi cried at home for more than 20 minutes. After crying, he secretly made up his mind: "No matter what happens, I must grit my teeth and persevere and never give up." This is how we saw the score of 691 in the college entrance examination. Good results.

Throughout the three years of high school, Zheng Yunyi worked very hard. He said: "Throughout the three years of high school, I was persevering. This is what makes me think highly of myself." Especially in English learning, he has a lot of experience and also passed the exam. A good score of 146 points, with a total score of 150 points, which is close to a perfect score.

When talking about the learning methods of various subjects, Zheng Yunyi believes that he has quite a lot of experience in learning English. also summarized 4 key points and shared them with students in need.

1. Seize the main position of the classroom

In the English class, the teacher teaches in English. Listening carefully to the teacher's lecture is learning English in itself. You should also take notes on key and difficult contents so that they can be easily reviewed later. In the

English class, the exam will also include scenario settings and free activities, giving students the opportunity to practice and use English. This must be firmly grasped. actively and boldly practices speaking English, and improves spoken English through practice.

2. Master the vocabulary

English speaking learning and English listening require a strong vocabulary as a source of motivation. This is what Zheng Yunyi did. He made an English learning plan every day and memorized a number of words. Through accumulation over time, he improved his vocabulary and English proficiency.

3. Develop good study habits

English learning pays great attention to interests and learning methods. Zheng Yunyi has always told himself that I like to learn English and keep myself relaxed, proactive and effective in learning.

He also would classify and organize the knowledge points he had learned, and prepared two notebooks, one for taking notes in class, and one for recording the difficult and confusing points in English learning. After learning for a period of time, Then sort out the contents of the two notebooks to form a context of English knowledge in your mind to achieve the effect of strengthening memory.

4. Read English every morning

Morning is the clearest time of the day and the most efficient time for learning. Zheng Yunyi has the habit of reading English in the morning. Since elementary school, he has been reading English in the morning for 10-20 minutes every day.

His vocabulary was also gradually accumulated at this stage. Moreover, I have formed my own understanding of English content and gradually developed my own set of ideas for answering questions. No wonder I will get high scores.

Liu Yuyan, a history candidate at Xiangyang No. 4 Middle School, also scored a good score of 142 points in the English test. When summarizing her English learning experience, she said that to find out the text reading ideas that suit her, she relies on reading more original English works. , English extracurricular books, insist on reading them in the morning, and start reading them in elementary school.

Watch more, read more, speak more, and listen more, so as to comprehensively improve your English scores.


Following the footsteps of the top students, how far behind can our children be? Learn from top academics, find learning methods that suit you, and improve learning efficiency. I hope parents and students will read earlier and find ways to get twice the result with half the effort!

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