Text | Chen Huihui entered the Tencent conference account, logged into the online classroom, adjusted the computer's camera and microphone, and primary school music teacher Zhang started another online class journey with her students.

Text | Chen Huihui

Enter Tencent Conference number, log in to the online classroom, adjust the computer's camera and microphone, and primary school music teacher Zhang starts another online class journey with her students. The audio and video courseware for each class taught by

is designed by Teacher Zhang on the basis of the school’s music textbook, combined with the teacher’s official online learning platform, search platform, production software and other online resources. It not only meets the requirements of the teaching curriculum standards, but also Adapt to the needs of students during online classes.

After class, Teacher Zhang assigned the homework for this class to the students using the DingTalk software, and then began to correct the homework submitted by the students in the previous class. Any areas that needed correction were also fed back to the students and parents through DingTalk one by one.

"In the era of online classes, this is a teaching process and skill that all teachers need to master. In fact, today's offline music teaching also requires teachers to learn and master some skills that keep pace with the times." Teacher Zhang said.

As a music teacher, in the wave of the information age, teachers must have higher "surfing" and learning abilities in order to discover, screen, select audio and video and other teaching materials, edit, design, and produce music content, etc. Students demonstrate and supplement more high-quality teaching content.

Make good use of the official learning platform

Teacher Teng, a music teacher who has taught in a primary school in Tianjin for more than ten years, said that nowadays, both teachers and students are faced with the impact of a large amount of information every day. How to learn to process information is something that teachers need to master. Ability is also a skill that needs to be taught to students. Facing the vast flow of information, it is very important to find and establish a measurement standard. Combining what he studied at the Normal University Conservatory of Music and his teaching experience after starting work, Teacher Teng concluded: "Students' learning in school should focus on classics." Classical content can set a correct music standard for students, and at the same time , classic content is often more profound and is suitable for deepening children's understanding of some regular content, thereby helping students master the correct learning methods. In this way, students can use a positive value system and correct learning methods to judge and learn extracurricular content independently after class. If teachers do not set a positive value standard for children, they will easily lose themselves in the changes, especially the rapid development of the Internet information age.

For this reason, whether it is an online class or an offline class, every time Teacher Teng makes teaching design, in-class supplements or music expansion content, he will first consider the learning content provided for teachers by official learning platforms such as schools or relevant education departments. Platforms such as the Continuing Education Network and One Teacher, One Excellent Course provide authoritative and high-quality content for teachers’ continued learning and teaching improvement. These platforms also maintain regular updates to adapt to the changing characteristics of teaching and student development in different periods. The official platform is authoritative, complete and scientific, and is a high-quality online database that can be prioritized for music teachers, especially young music teachers.

New skills are changing with each passing day

Wang Weiwei, vice principal of moral education and music teacher at Tangguwan No. 1 Primary School in Binhai New District, Tianjin, has witnessed the development of technology applied in music teaching in her many years of front-line teaching work. "I remember when I first became a teacher, film-style slides were still used in class. Later, the computer disks and CDs used to store courseware may have become 'cultural relics' that teachers today have never seen." Wang Weiwei She recalled that in 2007, she participated in a national multimedia information technology courseware competition in Beijing. Some of the courseware participating on the spot used Flash animation technology, which was already an advanced technology used in music classroom teaching at that time. In the music micro-lesson research she led in the past few years, most of the teachers in the research team still used computers to make micro-lesson videos. In just a few years, a mobile phone can easily complete the production of a micro-lesson of more than ten minutes. The emergence of various videos and design apps has greatly facilitated the production of music teaching courseware. While providing convenience to music teachers, it also provides them with more choices and space for learning.

Wang Weiwei said that currently the Ministry of Education and education departments at all levels are providing teachers with information technology learning content, platforms and opportunities.In the past, the model where information teachers from various schools went to study and then came back to teach everyone has developed into a model of training + individual independent learning. In addition to the popular information technology training and learning in schools, music teachers with strong learning ability or interest in this, especially young teachers who have just graduated a few years ago, have become very proficient in "playing" with the ever-changing new technologies, providing micro-classes. , Online courses have added richer forms. Not only music classes, but also some class meetings have changed from the boring and monotonous past due to the application of new technologies. Many interactive links have been added to make students feel more novel. For example, seewo software, which is widely used in educational information technology, facilitates teachers to project downloaded or self-produced content into the classroom. Many young teachers are already familiar with the application of similar educational software.

Reverse learning

Short video platforms have emerged in recent years. Teacher Teng has also keenly observed the impact of these platforms on students in his daily contact with students. “Many children listen to music using APPs such as Douyin and Kuaishou.” Sometimes students talk to her about the music and songs they hear on Douyin, and she will take the opportunity to screen and select for them, and try her best to give them a Helpful guidance. Teacher Teng believes that completely preventing students from accessing these platforms and software is not realistic in a social environment with rapid information development. Teachers can provide some guidance in different ways. And this is also an opportunity for music teachers to learn in reverse - to understand the current popular song types and song content, and to understand what kind of songs students are currently listening to and what kind of music they like. In addition, Teacher Teng will also search various versions on the search platform to find more classic and better versions to recommend to students. In the process, he teaches them to choose and identify good music and good versions.

Teacher Huo, who is over 50 years old, is a music teacher at a key primary school in Beijing. Since the beginning of the epidemic in 2020, she has participated in recording online music courses for students across the city many times. During the recording process, she admitted that she also learned many new skills, such as the difference between the volume, speaking speed, facial expressions and movements of recording online classes and offline classes, how to face the camera more naturally, and what content is more suitable for online classes. Display etc. If she had not participated in online classes, she might not have had the opportunity to learn these new skills. With the help of the school's information technology teacher, she also learned how to use a lot of teaching software and production software. When students at school were taking live online classes, her proficiency in operating various functions of the online classroom impressed the students in the class. Teacher Huo said that in the past, some people would think that older teachers would have difficulty learning and applying new instruments and new technologies. In fact, the difficulty lies in their own learning attitude. In today's diversified information age, no matter what content and when they are learning, Learning, as long as you want to learn, it is possible to learn.


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