The first offline job fair of the School of Telecommunications in the new semester ended successfully

In order to do a good job in the employment of the college’s 2022 graduates, on the afternoon of September 25, the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology invited Zhejiang Fute Technology Co., Ltd., Xianheng International Technology Co., Ltd., and Wuxi Jiukexin Microelectronics Co., Ltd. came to the college to recruit.

Before the job fair, more than 20 people including Xu Guanhuai, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, Tang Ke, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, instructors of the graduating class, and student representatives of the graduating class, had exchanges and discussions with the three households in the conference room B407 of Lixing Building. Xu Guanhuai extended a warm welcome to the arrival of the three-person unit, briefly introduced the school's history, construction achievements, future development, college development history, professional disciplines, graduate employment, etc., and communicated with employers to discuss the supply and demand docking of schools and enterprises, etc. Questions, listen to the opinions and suggestions of the employer on the training of the college’s talents.

At the job fair, the three employers introduced the basic situation, development status, future prospects and employment needs of their respective companies to the graduates in detail, and explained in detail the working environment, salary and benefits, promotion channels and other issues that students care about. Afterwards, the students interacted with the staff of the company and submitted their resumes, showing a strong willingness to find employment. In the evening, the three companies organized interviews.

job fair scene (photographed by Li Guohui)

This offline special job fair attracted more than 100 graduates to participate, and established a face-to-face interactive communication platform between employers and graduates, and a many-to-many presentation The recruitment method has laid a solid foundation for the employment of college graduates.

(Writing, reviewing: Heng Lianwei, Li Guohui, Tang Ke Editing, reviewing: Xia Yafeng, Dong Kun of the Propaganda Department)
