The three middle schools in Chongqing are known as "reapers of prestigious schools", with strong teaching capabilities and a gathering of students

is the same as the rich resources of colleges and universities. Chongqing also has a wealth of excellent high school resources. It can be said that a lot of excellent talents are sent to the country every year. Next, let us find out which excellent high schools in Chongqing have.

Bashu Middle School

Bashu Middle School, as a Chongqing Key Middle School , was ranked as the fifth national high school with good results in the national ranking. A banner of education". school is located by the yellow garden bridge, with very beautiful scenery, and also has the middle school’s largest indoor gymnasium of 10,000 square meters. Learning in the environment.

The school also has a team of first-class scientific research teachers with new concepts, high professional skills, and high ethics. The teaching level is at the forefront of the city. school also has a very rich campus community culture, volleyball team, chess team and other school teams are at the top level in the country, so that students can fully experience sports and cultural life after studying.

Over the years, students’ college entrance examination scores have been among the best in the city. There are also many graduates admitted to Tsinghua Peking University, and the students have also demonstrated outstanding talents in various discipline competitions. ,In various innovation competitions, there are also good performances.

Chongqing Foreign Language School

Chongqing Foreign Language School, also known as Sichuan Foreign Language University, is the first batch of well-appointed foreign language schools affiliated to Sichuan Foreign Languages ​​University. One of the thirteen schools in the country that enjoys the qualification to be recommended. The teaching strength of school is very strong. As one of the first seven foreign language schools established in the country, it has very rich experience in running schools.

The school has very complete teaching equipment, as a boarding closed management school, its students’ accommodation environment is very complete, various living equipment is very abundant, so that students can live a comfortable life Learning in the environment. The school also has a very strong teaching staff. There are 269 teachers with a master's degree or above. It can be said that the teaching level is at the first-class level.

Over the years, the college entrance examination, students' test scores have been among the highest in the city, and the number of students admitted to key universities each year accounts for more than 80% of the number of graduates. It can be said that the teaching results are outstanding.

Chongqing First Middle School

Chongqing First Middle School,It is the first batch of key middle schools in Chongqing. Various supporting facilities are first-class, with very sufficient school-running equipment, supporting equipment and facilities. There are also many related physical exercise places, so that students can get sufficient physical exercise apart from studying, and cultivate a lot of comprehensive development talents every year.

The comprehensive teaching strength of the school is very strong, and it also has very strong teaching strength, excellent teachers and subject leaders at all levels are very rich, and the teaching level is first-class. Through the college entrance examinations over the years, Chongqing No. 1 Middle School has ranked among the best in the province. It has trained more than ten provincial and municipal champions. Every year, many students are admitted to world-class universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University and Singapore.


In addition to the three above-mentioned middle schools, Chongqing also has many excellent key middle schools. They not only graduated with very strong teaching ability, but also possess very good teaching ability. Health prospects.

I hope students will work hard and enter their favorite colleges.
