Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o

2024/05/2709:03:32 education 1061

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that of school teachers, the welfare benefits were much higher than those of school teachers.

However, with the introduction of the double reduction policy, off-campus cram schools have completely entered the cold winter. The relevant departments have strict restrictions on the training of nine major subjects in primary and secondary schools. Although there are "mid-week classes", the overall trend is not as good as before, Major tutoring institutions will either transform or close down. and even large institutions such as and New Oriental are facing the fate of being disbanded on the spot.

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o - DayDayNews

New Oriental has successfully transformed, and the bilingual online shopping network has become popular.

Before the double reduction policy was implemented, cram schools were popular. As a well-known institution, New Oriental is loved by students and parents. . In order to ensure the quality of teaching, they have very high requirements for training teachers. High, many top students came to apply for jobs, and some teachers in public schools even gave up their iron rice bowl positions and chose to teach in tutoring institutions.

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o - DayDayNews

Off-campus tutoring institutions have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and the quality varies. However, they have one thing in common. is that the cost is generally not low. , especially for large institutions like New Oriental, the teaching quality is relatively guaranteed, and the cost will naturally not be low. Teachers’ benefits are also very good.

However, quality education is not equal to cramming. When more and more people realize the disadvantages of this kind of "cramming" education, off-campus cram schools will naturally lose their market. Coupled with the help of policies, will become popular in a short time. Countless cram schools, large and small, have closed or transformed.

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o - DayDayNews

The once popular New Oriental, under the leadership of teacher Yu Minhong , now donated the tables, chairs and benches in the classroom to the mountain village school, and then streamlined the employees. started to start a business again with the remaining elites.

In the Internet era, Teacher Yu Minhong realized the importance of new media, so he appeared in the public eye in another identity. The former New Oriental lecturer has transformed into a delivery anchor . However, unlike other anchors, the New Oriental teacher's live broadcast room looks like a live broadcast on the surface, but in fact he is giving us lectures.

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o - DayDayNews

html Mr. Dong Yuhui, who was born in the 190s, is very popular among netizens for his humorous teaching methods . During the delivery period, he was very good at speaking out, and he could speak famous quotes and aphorisms freely. He could also switch between Chinese and English freely, which made people admire New Oriental teachers again. cultural connotation.

New Oriental teachers were always exporting knowledge during the delivery period, which made many people deeply feel the charm of learning. Many parents took their students to watch in front of the screen. While relaxing, they could also learn a lot of knowledge . For students, it is really beneficial.

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o - DayDayNews

After the successful transformation, New Oriental was questioned for "changing vests" to provide subject-based training to students.

As the saying goes, "There are many popular people, right and wrong." New Oriental teachers' live broadcast rooms, while giving people motivation to learn, have received some negative feedback. People complained, believed that they were "changing vests" to conduct subject-based training for students , because teacher Dong Yuhui was in the live broadcast room, was also teaching English knowledge and exporting his literary qualities while delivering goods, believed They are teaching English and Chinese.

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o - DayDayNews

double reduction policy clearly stipulates that all subject training of is prohibited from teaching on working days. Even in mid-week classes, there is no time limit, let alone teaching in advance. and Oriental Selection live broadcast room, subject teaching is carried out every day , so some people think that they violate the double reduction policy.

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o - DayDayNews

Relevant departments attach great importance to this, and stated that it will severely crack down on illegal education and training institutions . However, the official reply caused heated discussions among netizens. Many netizens said that Oriental Selection did explain English knowledge points during the live broadcast, but did not charge students, and many people on the Internet were teaching related subjects during the live broadcast. This was not illegal training.

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o - DayDayNews

The vast majority of netizens have a supportive attitude towards New Oriental teachers. You can learn a lot by watching their live broadcasts. They have no illegal training. is just a little explanation while bringing goods. There is no charge for . It’s not considered illegal training. Some people think that this is real cultural education.

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o - DayDayNews

is written at the end:

Parents have the heart of "hoping for their children to become dragons and their daughters to become phoenixes". They always hope that their children can learn more knowledge, especially after the out-of-school cram schools are strictly controlled, many students can be said to be indispensable. , When you see such a talented education and training teacher live broadcast, it will naturally attract everyone to come and watch.

These live broadcast teachers can be said to be well-read, and what they say has made many students understand the meaning of learning . One day in the future, when they have achieved success in their studies, they can also be able to express themselves like them.

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o - DayDayNews

As for whether New Oriental is involved in illegal training issues, relevant departments still need to investigate from an objective perspective. After all, does not charge training fees, and is just selling goods in a live broadcast. As for whether the people in front of the screen buy it or not, it is all voluntary.

Once upon a time, off-campus tutoring institutions were the first choice for many normal school students. They could enjoy the social status of being a teacher and did not have to go through the teacher preparation examination. Although the stability was slightly less than that o - DayDayNews

When students return to school from cram school, parents should play a guiding role in their learning process to make students realize the importance of learning and understand what learning can bring to themselves. School is the main place for students to acquire knowledge. Source, but not the only way, In the Internet age, students can use the convenience of the Internet to help themselves improve their grades.

Today’s topic: Do you think New Oriental has made up lessons in violation of regulations?

(pictures from the Internet, please contact us if there is any infringement)

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