On July 4, teachers at Qingdao School for the Blind rushed to deliver the news: Liang Jiangbo, who graduated from the school, was admitted to Tsinghua University as a graduate student 12 years after graduating from university, becoming the school's first visually impaired graduat

2024/05/2605:23:32 education 1538

On July 4th, teachers at Qingdao School for the Blind rushed to deliver the news: Liang Jiangbo, who graduated from the school, was admitted to the postgraduate program of Tsinghua University 12 years after graduating from university, becoming the school's first visually impaired graduate student. .

37 years old, a relatively embarrassing age, exceeding the upper age limit for recruitment in many units. The blind Liang Jiangbo cannot see the world, but he firmly believes that Jiang Heng is the world's best and travels thousands of miles, and there are dreams worth pursuing in life. For this reason, more than ten years after his graduation, when the country introduced a policy for blind people to enter ordinary universities and Tsinghua University could accept visually impaired people to apply for master's degree , he applied for the Tsinghua University of his dreams without hesitation.

On July 4, teachers at Qingdao School for the Blind rushed to deliver the news: Liang Jiangbo, who graduated from the school, was admitted to Tsinghua University as a graduate student 12 years after graduating from university, becoming the school's first visually impaired graduat - DayDayNews

Liang Jiangbo is confident and cheerful in life.

Congenital visual impairment sought medical treatment in many places

In 1985, Liang Jiangbo was born in an ordinary family in Bengbu City, Anhui Province. When taking pictures for a hundred days, facing the spotlight, no matter how the photographer guided him, he did not know to look into the camera. The photographer judged that he had either vision problems or mental retardation. The mother found the delivery hospital, and the doctor said her head was twisted when she was born, and she seemed a little afraid of light. In order to find out the cause of the disease, the family traveled to hospitals in Anhui, Tianjin, Shandong and Shanghai, but could not find the cause.

Later, his parents had another child, hoping that he and Liang Jiangbo could take care of each other in the future. Unexpectedly, two months after his brother was born, he was also found to have vision problems.

Because of his severe vision loss, no school in the city was willing to accept him. His parents hung up a blackboard at home, borrowed textbooks, and became his first teacher. His father copied the contents of the textbook onto the blackboard word for word, deliberately writing them in large fonts, and his mother took him to recite them. This time lasted for nearly 5 years. It wasn't until the age of 11 that Liang Jiangbo had the opportunity to receive formal education: his father secured a spot for him in a regular class in rural areas.

On July 4, teachers at Qingdao School for the Blind rushed to deliver the news: Liang Jiangbo, who graduated from the school, was admitted to Tsinghua University as a graduate student 12 years after graduating from university, becoming the school's first visually impaired graduat - DayDayNews

The blackboard I studied with when I was a child.

Before he graduated from elementary school, darkness swallowed up all his light. Liang Jiangbo's parents asked around, and finally found out about the Nanjing School for the Blind in 1998, and sent Liang Jiangbo and his younger brother there together. At the Nanjing School for the Blind, Liang Jiangbo started learning Braille again from the first grade.

Have a happy academic career in Qingdao

Braille is a pinyin language, which only expresses sounds but not shapes. Reading Braille is similar to a sighted person doing the task of "reading Chinese pinyin and writing sentences". "Drilling" is the only way to train the strength and speed of writing. It is common to fill up the six braille dots quickly, which can cover dozens of pages. It is common for the alloy pen tip to be worn out. Liang Jiangbo once hand-copied the complete " Sun Tzu's Art of War ", "The Analects of Confucius" and vocabulary books, which came in handy when preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination.

On July 4, teachers at Qingdao School for the Blind rushed to deliver the news: Liang Jiangbo, who graduated from the school, was admitted to Tsinghua University as a graduate student 12 years after graduating from university, becoming the school's first visually impaired graduat - DayDayNews

Liang Jiangbo’s Braille materials.

Although Liang Jiangbo learned to read and write, Liang Jiangbo also felt a sense of loss over the past few years. Through volunteers, he learned for the first time that there are only two higher education institutions in the country for the visually impaired - the School of Special Education of Changchun University and the School of Special Education of Beijing Union University. From then on, the word "university" was like a seed buried deep in my heart.

In 2003, Qingdao School for the Blind, the only high school for the blind in the country, sent an admissions brochure. Liang Jiangbo, who served as monitor, learned that blind people would have the possibility to take the general college entrance examination in the future, so he immediately applied for Qingdao School for the Blind. Admission to high school went smoothly, and his goal of taking the general college entrance examination became the source of his unremitting efforts. This persistence lasted until the second semester of his sophomore year of high school in 2005. The teacher officially informed Liang Jiangbo that the country had not yet issued corresponding documents, and he could only participate in courses for the blind. Special college entrance examination. Liang Jiangbo's performance in school left a deep impression on Xu Qinggang, a teacher at Qingdao School for the Blind, and was impressed by his persistence in pursuing his dreams.

He pursues the light with a pure heart and never stops.

In 2006, Liang Jiangbo was admitted to Beijing Union University. Apart from studying, his whole goal is to explore development possibilities beyond acupuncture and massage. "If God allows me to fulfill my dream, I will not hesitate to choose to embrace the sun that I have searched for thousands of times in my dreams." Liang Jiangbo, who served as the host, recited affectionately at the 8th Disabled Persons Art and Culture Show. .

During college, he looked around for jobs he could do. He worked as a part-time waiter in a restaurant, trained an operator, and worked as an insurance salesman. His first income was the salary from band training, playing flute , a total of 1,700 yuan, all of which he gave away. Mother.

On July 4, teachers at Qingdao School for the Blind rushed to deliver the news: Liang Jiangbo, who graduated from the school, was admitted to Tsinghua University as a graduate student 12 years after graduating from university, becoming the school's first visually impaired graduat - DayDayNews

Liang Jiangbo is recording an audio program.

Although life is getting better, Liang Jiangbo has always regretted not being able to take the general college entrance examination. This regret lasted until 2014. That year, the Ministry of Education issued a notice clearly stating that when a blind person takes the exam, the blind candidate will be provided with Braille test papers, electronic test papers or be assisted by specialized staff. For 29-year-old Liang Jiangbo, a dream that was once out of reach is finally possible.

Prepared fully to finally realize the dream Tsinghua

In October 2021, when Liang Jiangbo called Tsinghua University for the first time to inquire whether it could accept visually impaired people to apply for master's degrees, the admissions office teacher replied "You can register if you meet the conditions." These eight words set off a storm in Liang Jiangbo's heart. From striving for the opportunity to compete with ordinary candidates to taking the postgraduate examination, Liang Jiangbo persisted for 25 years. He immediately started preparing for the postgraduate examination. During the preparation period, his hands were bruised and bled countless times. Each time, he would put band-aid on to continue studying. Over time, my hands have become calloused. During that time, poetry and exercise became his good teachers and helpful friends in regulating his emotions. Every week, he would go hiking or take the subway for a walk with his family.

In July this year, he finally received the admission notice from Tsinghua University to study for a master's degree in social work in the Department of Sociology. "I'm very glad to finally have the opportunity and still have the enthusiasm and ability to realize my dream as a boy! Thank you for your continuous self-improvement, and thank you for Tsinghua University's kindness! Tsinghua Campus Here I come!" After receiving the notice, Liang Jiangbo said to his friend Circle sighed. (Guanhai News/Qingdao Evening News reporter Xu Meizhong)

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