The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate.

2024/05/2404:26:34 education 1963

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In September 2017, a girl carrying a schoolbag stood at the gate of Zhejiang University. Judging from her clothes and appearance, she looked like a child who had not grown up.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. They found out from the conversation between the girl and her parents that this child was actually their classmate.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

During the self-introduction in the class after enrollment, the students even learned that this girl named Chen Shuyin was actually only 12 years old this year.

How did this girl manage to get admitted to Zhejiang University at this age? Did she rely on her own efforts or was she a "prodigy" who was pushed to the top?

Five years have passed, what story happened to her in college now?

If we talk about Chen Shuyin’s story, it is a well-known “legend” in her hometown.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

School interview

In 2011, in a primary school teacher’s office in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong, several school teachers were having a serious conversation with Chen Shuyin’s family.

This is the elementary school where Chen Shuyin attends. This conversation was not because she made any mistakes and she was invited as a parent.

Instead, her parents took the initiative to approach the head teacher and school leaders. wanted this six-year-old child who had just entered the first grade of elementary school to skip a grade!

Although the head teacher had always noticed that Chen Shuyin was very smart, she would never ask the teacher a second time about anything she said, and she could always get full marks on some tests.

However, given the difficulty level of the first-grade elementary school knowledge, such results are common in the class, so the class teacher did not expect that she would want to skip a grade.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

He had never heard Chen Shuyin say anything similar to her parents before, so he was a little worried.

If the family of three asked Chen Shuyin to skip a grade because they thought she was doing well, it would probably have a negative impact.

After all, having a child suddenly study in a new environment with older students will cause a lot of stress.

As the teacher Chen Shuyin had the most contact with and had the deepest feelings for at school, the head teacher carefully asked Chen Shuyin and her parents what they really thought. Teacher

's worry was also out of love for her students. However, compared to her parents, she didn't know how "powerful" Chen Shuyin really was.

In fact, in the eyes of relatives and friends who know Chen Shuyin, it is reasonable for this girl to skip a grade.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

html Chen Shuyin was born in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province in 1945. Although his parents were not rich, his family conditions were relatively average.

But as the only daughter in the family, she has received the most caring care and love from her parents since she was a child.

When Chen Shuyin was a little older, gave her parents an unexpected surprise.

Ever since she was able to walk and talk at two or three years old, she has behaved differently. When other children can't remember anything except eating, drinking and having fun every day, she has already shown her talent.

She doesn't like to play around, and is more like a sensible big child compared to her peers.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

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Although Chen Shuyin is not able to solve some things by herself, she can always keep in mind the education her parents gave her.

When she was four or five years old, Chen Shuyin’s favorite thing was to explore all unknown areas.

She has a spontaneous desire to explore all new things and wants to understand the laws of how things work.

Her parents also supported her wish. They bought her a lot of children's comic books and taught her pinyin literacy while teaching her some common sense about society.

Normally speaking, some children may still be interested in this kind of comics when they are about ten years old.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

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But since Chen Shuyin knew more and more words, she became more and more fond of books with more words and more content.

When she started studying at the age of five, she became very interested in the school mentioned in the book, and even made a request to her parents to go to school.

When they heard this request, the couple were surprised. They had never seen children who took the initiative to go to school.

They asked Chen Shuyin why she wanted to go to school. The answer given by my daughter is that you can learn a lot in school, and she also heard that you can read a lot of books in it.

After some discussion, the parents still felt uneasy about their daughter going to school at this age.

"The child is still too young, one year shy of the normal school age ."

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

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After some discussion, the couple still felt uneasy about their daughter going to school at this age.

Although they did not let her go to school, their daughter's ideas also inspired them.

It so happened that during this period, Chen Shuyin was always complaining that children's books were not interesting, so the couple decided to buy some elementary school textbooks to see if the children would like to learn.

What happened next surprised them.

Chen Shuyin has a strong desire to learn. She can bury herself in a sea of ​​books from morning to night, to the point where she forgets to eat and sleep.

In order to be able to understand many unknown words in the textbook, she also learned a new skill: looking up the dictionary.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

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Since then, the Chen family can often see such a funny scene: A child has a book in front of him and a thick dictionary piled next to him. He looks like an "old scholar".

The knowledge in primary schools is more about cultivating children’s interest in learning. And for a child like her who loves learning very much, can even read classics that are full of words, let alone these textbooks with pictures and texts.

In the process of learning "Sayazi", Chen Shuyin was absorbing knowledge crazily every day.

Before she entered elementary school, she had learned most of the knowledge in the entire elementary school period.

in After Chen Shuyin entered elementary school in September 2011, things that shocked her parents came one after another.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

Before the end of the first semester, she had already learned all the knowledge in elementary school.

But precisely because she has mastered all the knowledge in advance, other children feel like they are learning new things in class, but she just boringly repeats the content that she has already mastered day by day, which makes her feel more and more boring.

After returning home, Chen Shuyin often complained to her parents. The parents also realized that the current step-by-step routine had become a constraint on their daughter.

The idea of ​​​​skipping this time was a decision made by a family of three after careful consideration. After knowing the whole story, teacher

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

also understood the family’s difficulties. But Chen Shuyin has just started school, and according to regulations, she needs to wait until the end of the school year before she can skip a grade.

Since it is a rule, parents do not embarrass teachers.

Just when the family and the teachers were saying goodbye, the head teacher stopped the child's parents. She gave the couple a kind advice:

"Many people will think that the most important thing for a child to skip a grade is IQ. But in fact, the most important thing is to consider how children will adapt to a strange environment. "

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

is not like other children who go to school and make friends normally. After skipping a grade, they will be surrounded by classmates who are older than themselves. How to socialize normally in is the top priority.

If a child only learns more profound knowledge in advance and does not develop a good and correct outlook on life in the process of learning, that will be an irreparable mistake.

Parents who returned home also began to pay attention to this issue.

and gradually began to guide Chen Shuyin in a more outgoing way of getting along with others besides studying. used this to cultivate Chen Shuyin's independent character.

In the past, Chen Shuyin was more likely to be immersed in her own life. Rather than playing with other people, she preferred reading quietly by herself.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

Parents began to let Chen Shuyin do things within her ability, let her participate in housework, hygiene and other activities that can exercise hands-on skills. Of course, the premise is that it does not affect their daughter's daily study.

They changed their daughter's entertainment activities from reading books to playing outside. allowed Chen Shuyin to have more contact with people and things in the outside world.

But blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, and they are not sure whether they are doing the right thing.

When Chen Shuyin goes out, she is often praised by neighbors and acquaintances nearby.

"Smart, genius, high IQ..."

At first, these compliments made parents feel proud of their children, but when more and more people said the same thing, they had new worries.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

What should Chen Shuyin do if she develops a proud and complacent character because of other people's praise?

The lesson of "hurting Zhongyong" is still fresh in my mind. Her talent is undoubted, but success must be achieved without hard work.

In order to prevent her from feeling in her heart that she is a "genius" who does not need to struggle, her parents have made a lot of efforts.

Parents usually tell Chen Shuyin that only by working hard can you learn more knowledge. If you don't study, you won't realize your dreams.

Moreover, when someone praises Chen Shuyin, parents will solemnly tell them that the child's performance is the result of her hard work, not because the child is smart.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

Over time, this pair of "alternative" parents did not like others praising their children's intelligence, and they became famous among nearby residents.

But it is precisely under this kind of precepts and deeds that Chen Shuyin has maintained her original intention and has always been able to persist in the idea of ​​​​learning hard.

In 2012, accompanied by her parents, Chen Shuyin took the exam to skip a grade.

Originally, her parents only considered letting Chen Shuyin jump to fourth or fifth grade, but her performance in the test was too good.

She proved with her own results that she has thoroughly mastered all the knowledge in primary school.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

Chen Shuyin, who was confident with her results, told her parents her bold idea:

"I want to go to junior high school!"

Although her parents were worried about whether their daughter could adapt to living in such an environment with such an age disparity, when they saw Chen Shuyin After seeing their shining eyes, they had no choice but to agree to the proposal.

In this way, seven-year-old Chen Shuyin skipped five grades and came to Zhanjiang No. 2 Zhonggang City Middle School to study.

It is not uncommon for children to skip a grade due to stroke

in junior high school. Those with such a long span as Chen Shuyin can be considered unique.

As early as when she entered school, the name "Prodigy" was already known to everyone in the school.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

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Everyone wants to know what "supernatural powers" this seven-year-old child has.

When Chen Shuyin entered school in September, the ill-fitting junior high school uniform made Chen Shuyin a little fat on her body.

Her underdeveloped height and skinny appearance disappointed many classmates.

During the class, the classmates didn't think there was anything special about this girl. This "genius" from other people's family seemed to be no different from them.

What the teachers are looking forward to more is how Chen Shuyin will perform in the first monthly exam of junior high school.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

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Compared with the elementary school exams, the junior high school exam rankings are more realistic. Hundreds of people were "fighting" silently. Although there was no blood, it still left people with lingering fears.

Chen Shuyin used to be in the top three in her class at school, and she was originally full of confidence in this exam.

But something unexpected happened. She only ranked around 300 in her grade in this exam. It can be said that the ranking of

is the last in school.

This is a score she has never taken before. The seven-year-old girl couldn't help but doubt herself.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

Not only did she have to calm down her self-blame, she also had to face the questioning looks of her teachers and classmates.

Fortunately, at this time, Chen Shuyin's parents did not put too much pressure on her, and they could understand their daughter's difficulties.

The reason why her grades have plummeted is more complicated:

First of all, it is the current learning environment.

The students around her were on average at least five years older than her. The tension brought about by such an atmosphere was completely different from , which to some extent put Chen Shuyin under great pressure.

And Chen Shuyin competed with her current classmates, and her past advantages were wiped out.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

The knowledge she learned in advance is now at least the basic skills of her classmates. Chen Shuyin must work harder to win over other students.

Secondly, she entered the school as a genius, and more or less, she also developed a slack mentality.

In fact, the students around her are more mature due to their age advantage. Even though Chen Shuyin is extremely talented in self-study, she still has shortcomings in not comprehensive thinking, which requires her to work harder to make up for it.

Therefore, if she shows signs of arrogance, her grades will decline. has led others to think that she now has the title of "genius" but does not have any substantive abilities.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

In addition, from a curriculum point of view, the primary school curriculum for students generally progresses from simple to complex. As age increases, the difficulty of the courses and the speed of learning will become faster and faster.

And she only went to the first grade of elementary school . Most of her knowledge was obtained through explanations from her parents and self-study.

When I was in elementary school, except for mathematics, Chinese, and English, other courses were used to develop the brain.

When I was in junior high school, I had to face the four major subjects of history, geography, life and politics . Under the sudden pressure of adding math subjects, it is understandable that her grades declined.

’s parents were very considerate. They calmly analyzed the main reasons for the current problem with Chen Shuyin.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

They did not blame the child, but told her "Let's work hard to improve our grades and do well next time."

But Chen Shuyin was holding back her strength.

Although she is still a child, she is stronger than her classmates in junior high school. She wants to earn back the face she has lost.

, a top student whose "personality" has collapsed, must overcome this difficulty on his own before he can rise from the ashes.

After Chen Shuyin worked up the energy to study, three hundred soon became a thing of the past.

During the second monthly exam, Chen Shuyin advanced one hundred places.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

Although the first two hundred students in grade are considered to be in the middle of the pack, in her opinion, this result is not ideal.

She was determined to "avoid her previous shame." As a result, Chen Shuyin's progress improved by leaps and bounds, and she was ranked among the top 100, top 50...

When she was in the second grade of junior high school, Chen Shuyin, who burst out with amazing learning enthusiasm, became the top 30 good student in the whole grade.

Those who used to talk about her behind her back could no longer say "no" from their mouths. The teachers and classmates who questioned her also saw her strength from this progress.

This child finally used his tenacious perseverance and tenacity to prove his ability through hard work.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

In view of the lessons learned from skipping a grade in elementary school, although she had learned all the knowledge of junior high school before the third year of junior high school, the family decided not to do such a risky thing as skipping a grade. Both the parents of

and Chen Shuyin believe that continuing to skip the grade of will not be of any benefit to her, and may instead affect her growth.

In 2014, she took the high school entrance examination step by step. The 9-year-old girl took the exam and ranked 13th in Zhanjiang City.

Carrying flowers and applause, she entered the first-grade experimental class of Zhanjiang City No. 2 Middle School .

became famous in the college entrance examination

There are only 60 students enrolled in the experimental class, and Chen Shuyin is still the youngest.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

Even in this "strong class", she was called a genius and a prodigy by her classmates.

She has matured a lot. Faced with these compliments and pursuits, she has learned to treat them with humility.

She will no longer let these "mundane trivial matters" affect her studies. From the first day of entering high school, this nine-year-old child has been thinking about the college entrance examination three years later.

Chen Shuyin's parents felt mixed emotions when they saw their child being so focused and serious. They not only hope that their children can achieve academic success, but they cannot bear that children under ten years old have to work so hard every day.

In order to ease their daughter's mood, the couple often find ways to make their child happy.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

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They often take their children to do some leisure activities. If there is enough time, the family of three will play badminton and hang out in a nearby park.

Parental companionship is also an indispensable part of a child's growth, but compared to academic performance, no one can rate it. After

entered high school, the daily classes became more intensive and the free time became less and less. But in addition to writing homework and completing schoolwork, Chen Shuyin still makes time to read books that interest her.

She has never studied to get good grades. She has always studied to satisfy her thirst for knowledge, to be able to walk on a broader road and pursue better things.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

Time flies, and life in high school is tense and fulfilling.

Chen Shuyin took the college entrance examination in 2017 and became one of the "thousands of troops crossing the single-plank bridge".

With her parents' eager eyes on her back, she stepped into the examination room door confidently.

In the examination room, this young-looking girl also attracted the attention of many candidates.

Even the teacher who invigilated the exam read her identity information twice before believing the girl's age.

After two days of intense examinations, Chen Shuyin looked at her family members greeting her at the entrance of the examination room and threw herself into her mother's arms.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

She did not relax after finishing her high school life. After a period of rest and relaxation, returned to her daily routine of reading and studying. This has become a habit for her.

Until the results of the college entrance examination came out, her peaceful life began to be completely disrupted by a steady stream of visitors.

This year, 12-year-old Chen Shuyin scored 620 points! It exceeded the local score line of 135 for science subjects! The news of

caused a sensation. In addition to relatives and friends, reporters also interviewed Chen Shuyin.

In addition to wanting to know her past, everyone also wants to know which university she is going to go to in the future? What major should I study?

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

Chen Shuyin already had an answer in her mind. Her goal was to major in medicine at Zhejiang University.

I don’t know when she started, but she wanted to be a doctor. She longed for this sacred profession.

In her heart, saving lives and healing the wounded is her dream that she wants to fulfill in the future.

Chen Shuyin, who successfully received the admission notice, , later entered the Zhejiang University and became the youngest student at Zhejiang University.

Chen Shuyin lived more freely in college. In addition to being able to learn her favorite majors, she also actively participated in many clubs and made many friends in college.

The freshmen who had just entered school looked at the girl in surprise. From the conversation between the girl and her parents, they discovered that this child was actually their classmate. - DayDayNews

When he graduated at the age of seventeen, he got the opportunity to directly learn and with his excellent results. He is still studying for further studies.

Chen Shuyin has shown extraordinary knowledge since she was a child, but what really makes her successful is her hard work and persistence day after day, and her study habits that never let up.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and fate never favors lazy people. No matter who you are, you need to work hard day and night to live up to your talent. But diligence is only the first step. How to bring out your own strengths requires everyone to keep trying to succeed.

What do readers think of Chen Shuyin, who went to junior high school at the age of 7 and entered Zhejiang University at the age of 12? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area.

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