AirPods Max/Sony XM4s/Bose 700/Sennheiser comparison

Compared with noise-canceling headphones of other companies such as Sony and Bose, AirPods Max is priced at 4399 yuan ($550), which is obviously a bit expensive. So is AirPods Max worth buying? Foreign media MacRumors compared it with Sony WH-1000XM4s, Bose NC Headphones 700 and Sennheiser Momentum Wireless to see if it is worth the money.


The other three headphones retail for $350, but there are often promotions. For example, the promotional price of Sony's MX4 is around US$280, while the purchase price of Bose 700s is around US$340, and Sennheiser is around US$300. The AirPods Max is priced at 550 US dollars, a premium of nearly 200 US dollars. Although the design of

is largely subjective, each headset has its own characteristics. The appearance of the Bose 700 is very high-grade and futuristic; Sennheiser has a retro taste; while Sony’s headphones are quite satisfactory, but overall they are good.

Foreign media MacRumors believes that AirPods Max is the best-looking of all headphones. Followed by Bose and Sennheiser headphones, Sony came last. But this is his subjective judgment, for reference only. However, it should be noted that AirPods Max is the heaviest of the four headsets.

wearing comfort

comfort is also super subjective, depending on each person's head shape, ears and size. Most people think AirPods Max is very comfortable, but some people find the weight unbearable. Sony headphones use plastic design, which is the lightest for those who want to reduce weight.

Foreign media MacRumors personally thinks AirPods Max is the most comfortable, followed by Sennheiser headphones, Sony headphones, and then Bose. They are also somewhat heavy and have smaller earmuffs. In terms of overall feeling, they are relatively close to wear.

control experience

When it comes to buttons, Apple provides a good control experience for AirPods Max, providing a digital crown (Digital Crown) and a switch to activate active noise reduction (ANC), but the foreign media MacRumors cannot Understand why there is no power button. The case of AirPods Max is not protective and does not look good, and it is the worst of all headphones.

sound quality

In terms of sound quality, AirPods Max sounds very good. But the same sound quality is also subjective. Foreign media MacRumors believes that the sound experience of AirPods Max is the most balanced of these headphones. Compared with other headphones, the performance of Sennheiser headphones is not satisfactory, but Bose and Sennheiser perform better on heavy bass. Except for AirPods Max, all headphones have adjustable EQ settings, so you can adjust them to your liking.

Active Noise Reduction

In terms of active noise reduction, Sony XM4 and AirPods Max win. Sony is even better in noise reduction.