Nowadays, the popularity of iPad tablets is getting higher and higher. Whether for office, entertainment, or as a professional productivity tool, to a large extent now we may all need an iPad. New ones are too expensive, and second-hand ones are too expensive. Many people are wor

Nowadays, iPad tablets are becoming more and more popular. Whether in office, entertainment, or as a professional productivity tool, to a large extent now we may all need an iPad. New ones are too expensive, and second-hand ones are too expensive. Many people are worried about overturning, so I share my iPad experience with everyone, hoping that everyone can buy a good and cost-effective original tablet.

1: When buying second-hand electronic products, the first priority is quality, not price. If you buy second-hand electronic products and don’t care about the quality, but only care about the price, it will be easy to overturn. After comparing the quality, you can compare the price. Some Expensive things must be expensive for a reason, and for cheap things, look at where they are cheaper.

2: You need to know how to check the serial number of the iPad. Each mobile phone or tablet has its own serial number. These can basically query some information about the iPad. Before purchasing, ask the buyer to provide you with the serial number query. , you can go to the official website to check, you can also go to gxs to check, expand the machine, and change the memory.

3: It is also very important to find the right reliable store to buy second-hand tablet computers. It is also very important to find a reliable seller. How do you know how this seller is? Look at his updates and comments. The public’s eyes and comments will not deceive you. If a person is of bad quality or a liar, he cannot always be there.

4: What issues need to be paid attention to before placing an order, and what issues need to be clarified. After placing an order, it is necessary to state whether the machine has been dismantled and repaired, and whether it can be supported by taking it to a direct store for inspection. There is a big difference between the original and repaired second-hand tablets. Big, is there a store warranty? If there are any problems after receipt, can you support returns and exchanges? After confirming receipt, what is the after-sales warranty period of the tablet? If there is a problem, who will bear the freight incurred during the process? Can you make it clear? Everything is explained clearly, and all the conditions of the machine are described clearly, so that the transaction will be pleasant and there will be no unhappiness.

5: What issues should you pay attention to after receiving the goods! (Key point) After receiving the express delivery, it is recommended to open it in person to prevent someone from sending you a model. However, this rarely happens because there is surveillance video when the express delivery is packaged. Open it and see if there is any damage. Contact the seller in time. After you get the iPad and turn it on, check the serial number to see if it is a capacity expander. Then look at the screen carefully to see if there are any bright spots, white spots, or colored spots on the screen. Some small screen blemishes are caused by carelessness. If it doesn't come out, check to see if the description is consistent with what the seller said, and whether all functions are normal. Another point is very, very important. After you get the second-hand electronic product, you should use it for a few more days, and don't rush to confirm receipt, because It is difficult to test out some machines with hidden problems, such as: machine restart, screen blur, touch disconnection, machine crash, machine getting very hot, so use it for a few more days after you receive it, don’t ignore it after you receive it, as long as it is Original machines rarely have problems.