We log in to social platforms such as WeChat, QQ, and Weibo on the computer. Many times, we save some important pictures transmitted by others on the computer. We may use them one day, or save them to record our lives, just like the editor , not only will I save some important ph

If we delete the photos saved on the computer, is there any way to recover accidentally deleted photos? This article will tell you in detail how to recover accidentally deleted photos on your computer. If you also have this trouble, I suggest you read this article.

We log in to social platforms such as WeChat, qq, Weibo, etc. on the computer. Many times, we save some important pictures transmitted by others on the computer. We may use them one day, or save them to record our lives, just like children Editor, I will not only save some important photos on the platform on the computer. If the photos in the camera are full, I will also transfer them to the computer to save them, so as to free up more space for the camera and use the computer to save them. Some important photos can be said to be very convenient. Not only does it have enough memory, it can be viewed and opened at any time. But there are also some disadvantages. For example, when we use the computer, we make some mistakes and accidentally delete the photos on the computer. At this time, we feel uncomfortable. How to retrieve these accidentally deleted photos?

If the photo is in the recycle bin, it is okay. You can restore it directly in the recycle bin. If the recycle bin has been emptied, or has not been deleted to the recycle bin, is there any other way we can recover accidentally deleted photos? It is recommended that you use EaseUS Data Recovery software to recover accidentally deleted photos on your computer. You don’t need to seek help from others. You only need to install this software on your computer for free and follow the detailed tutorial below. To recover accidentally deleted photos on your computer, believe me, the steps are very simple. If you are a person who doesn’t want to trouble others, just give it a try.

First of all, when you want to recover deleted pictures, you can learn about some helpful functions:

  • Filtering: This function provides a quick way to find the files you need. To find the pictures you need to recover, select "Pictures" in the filter list.
  • search: Search for the correct file name or file type. Search for specific types of images in the search box, for example: enter png, .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, etc.

Come again, please follow the following instructions to recover deleted pictures:

Step 1: Choose a location.

Select the correct disk letter (can be the local disk or an external device), and then click the Scan button.

Step 2: Scan for lost data.

EasyUS Data Recovery Software quickly finds deleted content on the selected disk. The "Delete File" result will appear shortly. After the scan is complete, many different categories of scan results will appear.

Step 3: Filter pictures and restore them.

Use the filter function to quickly find image files from the results. Additionally, you can search for file names and file types in the search box. Finally, select the desired pictures and click on the Recover button.