Privacy is so important. Who hasn’t clicked on private files, photos, and movies these days? Since some things don’t want others to see them, they must be encrypted. Today I will teach you how to encrypt folders and make the encrypted folders become Your exclusive private space.

[Computer] Issue 22 Sharing

Privacy is so important. Who hasn’t clicked on private files, photos, movies these days... Since some things don’t want others to see them, they must be encrypted. Today I will teach you how to do it. folder encryption and make the encrypted folder your exclusive private space. The encryption method of

is as follows

1. Follow the public account "Butler Quick Repair"

▼Long press the QR code and follow the Butler Quick Repair

2. Reply in the public account "Butler Quick Repair": 022

replied to the link through the public account. 022』Download the tool to your computer.

3. Right-click the [022] compressed package and select [Extract to 022].

4. Open the decompressed folder, right-click [022] and select [Copy].

5. Open the folder that needs to be encrypted, right-click and select [Paste] (I will encrypt the folder under the E drive of the computer disk, so open the E drive directly).

Focus on: If you want to encrypt the folder, copy the [022] tool to the folder path.

6. Double-click to open the [022] encryption tool.

7. Set the access password for the encrypted folder and click [Encrypt] (this password is the password you will use to open this folder in the future. If you forget the password, the folder will not be open and cannot be retrieved. Please remember the password you set) .

8, encryption completed. If we want to open our own encrypted folder, we can directly double-click the [022] application under the encrypted folder, enter the password and click [Decrypt].

Key points: If you check "Complete Decryption", you will not need a password to access this folder in the future; if you check "Temporary Unlock", you will still need a password to access this folder next time. Pay attention to the difference between the two.

This sharing is over. Have you learned it?

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[Mobile | Computer | Maintenance | Usage | Tips]

● [Computer] Issue 1 Sharing: How to clean the computer C drive?

●[Computer] Issue 2 Sharing: What should I do if I forget my computer power-on password?

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●[Mobile] Issue 9 Sharing: How to correctly clear WeChat cache?

●[Computer] Issue 10 Sharing: How to copy large files to a USB flash drive?

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●[Computer] Issue 13 Sharing: Is there any relationship between computer card and C drive capacity?

●[Mobile phone] Issue 14 Sharing: How to improve WIFI Internet speed?

●[Computer] Issue 15 Sharing: Solutions to common blue screens.

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●[Computer] Issue 17 Sharing: How to remove broadband speed limit?

●[Computer] Sharing in Issue 18: How to remove and restore the small arrow in desktop shortcuts.

●[Computer] Issue 19 Sharing: How to open multiple WeChat computers.

● [Computer] Sharing in the 20th issue: Ten computer usage skills that must be mastered

● [Computer] Sharing in the 21st issue: How to improve the computer startup speed

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