The excitement of the smartphone market is really not stopping for a moment. The Snapdragon 8Gen1 war has just ended, and the already anticipated TSMC 4nm new machine is about to start again.

The excitement of the

smartphone market is really not stopping for a moment. The battle between , Snapdragon 8, Gen1 and has just ended, and the already anticipated TSMC 4nm new machine is about to start again. After the launch of the Snapdragon 8Gen1 Plus flagship, many friends have been planning for it early. Among them, and Xiaomi are still the most popular. After all, it is really good at grabbing the right to launch. But what I didn't expect was that this time Lei Jun actually went on a "killing spree", firing three arrows at once, overwhelming friends and businessmen.

However, in addition to the Xiaomi 12S series, there is currently a new Snapdragon Gen1 Plus flagship phone worth looking forward to, and that is the iQOO 10 Pro, which has been warmed up for a long time. It is reported that the release time and various configurations of the aircraft have been basically finalized, and it is expected to be officially launched next month. The overall strength will be as strong as ever, and there will be quite a few surprises.

Powerful dual-core is indispensable, and there is also 16+512GB large storage to accompany

After Qualcomm suddenly woke up, Snapdragon 8Gen1 Plus is finally the flagship chip that everyone wants. It uses TSMC’s 4nm process, and the performance of CPU and GPU is at The standard version has been significantly increased by 10%; the power consumption is no longer hot, and has been reduced by a full 30%, making it the strongest king in the Android world. With the support of this chip, the gaming experience of iQOO 10 Pro will be even more outstanding. At the same time, coupled with the independent graphics chip Pro, "performance killers" like "Genshin Impact" can also be played with high frame rate .

In addition, iQOO 10 Pro has also made great breakthroughs in storage, finally arranging a large storage combination of 16+512GB, which is incomparable with Black Shark and Red Magic professional e-sports flagships. Shortcoming. With the help of this high memory, at least five lags can be achieved, and the smoothness is extremely smooth.

The first release of 200W ultra-fast flash charging can fully charge in 12 minutes

Secondly, the upgrade of iQOO 10 Pro in terms of battery life is even more remarkable. The first release of 200W ultra-fast flash charging is no doubt about it. This is the real ceiling of fast charging. , the 4550mAh large-capacity battery can be fully resurrected in just 12 minutes, allowing you to say goodbye to battery anxiety and continue playing games until the end.

As for the screen and image, iQOO 10 Pro has also become more perfect. is equipped with a 2K+120Hz dynamic high refresh screen, and the use experience will be extremely smooth. The image will use a 50-megapixel luxury dual main camera solution, and a 14.6-megapixel telephoto lens blessing, which supports 3x optical zoom , 8K video shooting, etc., and the shooting experience is comparable to that of a professional camera.

In the end, it is inevitable that the price will rise. Perhaps the iQOO 9 Pro, which has dropped 800 yuan for the whole series, is more popular.

Overall, the upgrade of this iQOO 10 Pro is indeed not small. The configurations in all aspects are fully loaded, and it will become a A new generation of all-around flagship players. But it is inevitable that the price will increase. The top-end version of 16+512GB may be as high as 6,499 yuan. How many consumers can accept it? At present, in order to make way for the new phone, the previous generation iQOO 9 Pro is ready to step down and give way to the next generation. The price of the entire version has been reduced by 800 yuan, which is too good for the waiting party.

iQOO 9 Pro is equipped with Snapdragon 8Gen1+ independent graphics Pro dual-core blessing, coupled with the waterfall VC three-dimensional cooling system, the gaming experience is very exciting, and daily life is no problem. It is equipped with a 2K E5 Super Retina curved screen, supports infinite variable speed high brush 2.0, and has smooth vertical smoothness. It has a 50-megapixel micro-gimbal dual main camera, making blockbusters easy to shoot. It has a built-in 4700mAh large-capacity battery and supports 120W fast charging, so the battery life is adequate. For such a perfect comprehensive flagship, you can now get it for only 4,199 yuan, which is an unbeatable price-performance ratio.