[Anchor Technology News] As the mining tide recedes, the price of graphics cards has gradually dropped. Now even NVIDIA can’t sit still. According to foreign media reports, Nvidia will announce price cuts for the RTX 30 series of graphics cards at the latest this week, especially

2024/07/0121:40:33 digitals 1175

[ Anchor Technology News ] As the mining tide recedes, the price of graphics cards has gradually fallen. Now even NVIDIA can't sit still. According to foreign media reports, Nvidia will announce price cuts for the RTX 30 series of graphics cards at the latest this week, especially for the high-end RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 series, with a drop of up to 25%.

[Anchor Technology News] As the mining tide recedes, the price of graphics cards has gradually dropped. Now even NVIDIA can’t sit still. According to foreign media reports, Nvidia will announce price cuts for the RTX 30 series of graphics cards at the latest this week, especially - DayDayNews

According to reports, the RTX 3090 Ti will drop from US$1,999 to US$1,499, a drop of 25%, the RTX 3090 will drop from US$1,499 to US$1,299, a drop of 13%, and the RTX 3080 Ti will drop from US$1,199 to US$1,099, a drop of 8%.

[Anchor Technology News] As the mining tide recedes, the price of graphics cards has gradually dropped. Now even NVIDIA can’t sit still. According to foreign media reports, Nvidia will announce price cuts for the RTX 30 series of graphics cards at the latest this week, especially - DayDayNews

RTX 3080 12GB has never had an official price. This time it is directly priced at US$799, which is only US$100 more expensive than the 10GB version. It is very cost-effective. Models of the

RTX3070 series and below still maintain the original price, and there is no intention to reduce the price. The new price of

[Anchor Technology News] As the mining tide recedes, the price of graphics cards has gradually dropped. Now even NVIDIA can’t sit still. According to foreign media reports, Nvidia will announce price cuts for the RTX 30 series of graphics cards at the latest this week, especially - DayDayNews

will be implemented within this week, but foreign e-commerce and graphics card manufacturers, such as Newegg, Best Buy , EVGA, etc. have already begun to reduce prices. RTX 3090 Ti, RTX 3090 and RTX 3080 Ti on

Newegg have updated prices.

EVGA’s U.S. direct stores directly cut prices across the board. The embarrassing thing is that RTX 3080 12GB is cheaper than RTX 3080 10GB.

[Anchor Technology News] As the mining tide recedes, the price of graphics cards has gradually dropped. Now even NVIDIA can’t sit still. According to foreign media reports, Nvidia will announce price cuts for the RTX 30 series of graphics cards at the latest this week, especially - DayDayNews

Best Buy is the slowest. As the official distributor of NVIDIA Public Edition in the United States, currently only the RTX 3090 Ti has been reduced in price, but it is still $100 more expensive than the new price, and the prices of the rest of the graphics cards have not changed.

[Anchor Technology News] As the mining tide recedes, the price of graphics cards has gradually dropped. Now even NVIDIA can’t sit still. According to foreign media reports, Nvidia will announce price cuts for the RTX 30 series of graphics cards at the latest this week, especially - DayDayNews

As for when the price of domestic graphics cards will be reduced and by how much, there is currently no relevant information, but it should not keep us waiting too long. After all, if the inventory is not cleared, it will be difficult for the RTX40 series to be released. Should you wait for the RTX40 series or start with the RTX30 series?

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