Summer vacation is here, and children who are at home during the holidays have more time to interact with mobile phones. When the time spent looking at screens inevitably increases, the eye protection of mobile phone screens becomes even more important. In fact, mobile phone manu

2024/06/2911:19:32 digitals 1575

Summer vacation is here, and children at home during the holidays have more time to interact with mobile phones. When the time spent looking at screens inevitably increases, the eye protection of mobile phone screens becomes even more important. In fact, mobile phone manufacturers have made a lot of efforts in screen eye protection, and many screen features are designed for eye protection. If you want to buy a mobile phone that is more eye-friendly, what features does the screen have? The article will help you learn more.

Summer vacation is here, and children who are at home during the holidays have more time to interact with mobile phones. When the time spent looking at screens inevitably increases, the eye protection of mobile phone screens becomes even more important. In fact, mobile phone manu - DayDayNews

Which of the controversial dimming methods is more eye-friendly?

Most mobile phones now use OLED screens. Many OLED screens use low-frequency PWM dimming at low brightness, using the residual principle of human vision to achieve screen brightness adjustment. However, this low-frequency PWM dimming method that continuously alternates on and off will cause stroboscopic problems.

used a mobile phone to shoot the OLED screen in high-speed shutter mode. You can see that there are constantly moving black bars on the screen, which is caused by low-frequency PWM dimming.

Most people generally cannot see screen flicker with the naked eye, but some people who are sensitive to flicker may constantly make unconditioned reflexes to this situation when watching the screen, which may lead to dizziness or eye fatigue. question. Under high brightness, many OLED screens will switch to DC-like dimming mode. Although there will be flickering, the flickering sensation will be greatly reduced, making it more difficult for the eyes to detect this change, making it more eye-friendly.

Different people have different sensitivity to the flicker caused by PWM dimming of OLED screens. Many people may not feel any discomfort even under low-frequency PWM dimming, but many people have reported discomfort caused by OLED flicker. Therefore, the dimming method of mobile phone screens is also worthy of attention, especially for children who are still growing up.

Summer vacation is here, and children who are at home during the holidays have more time to interact with mobile phones. When the time spent looking at screens inevitably increases, the eye protection of mobile phone screens becomes even more important. In fact, mobile phone manu - DayDayNews

Mobile phone manufacturers have also made a lot of efforts to change the problems caused by low-frequency PWM dimming. For example, some models provide a DC-like dimming switch. When turned on, the low brightness will also be in a DC-like dimming mode, thereby reducing the discomfort of sensitive people under low brightness. However, the DC-like dimming mode enabled by the software may significantly increase picture noise at low brightness and degrade the display effect. Currently, there are relatively few OLED models that support DC-like dimming.

Some mobile phone manufacturers use high-frequency PWM dimming. The higher the frequency, the more difficult it is to detect the stroboscopic effect, which can provide better eye protection. Under the high-speed shutter of mobile phones, the density of black bars in high-frequency PWM dimming is much greater, and the strobe is much higher than that in low-frequency PWM dimming. High-frequency PWM dimming not only brings a more comfortable low-brightness viewing experience, but also solves the picture degradation problem caused by software-based DC dimming at low brightness.

Summer vacation is here, and children who are at home during the holidays have more time to interact with mobile phones. When the time spent looking at screens inevitably increases, the eye protection of mobile phone screens becomes even more important. In fact, mobile phone manu - DayDayNews

Low-frequency PWM and high-frequency PWM dimming

Currently, mobile phones that use high-frequency PWM dimming can achieve PWM dimming at a frequency of 1920Hz or 1440Hz. Compared with the common low-frequency PWM dimming such as 480Hz, the frequency has been greatly improved. In theory, Much friendlier to people who are sensitive to strobes.

Low-frequency PWM dimming may be more likely to cause visual fatigue for some people with sensitive eyes. Some sensitive users may even suffer from dizziness, eye discomfort and other problems due to low-frequency PWM dimming.

Because the principle of LCD screen is different from OLED screen, LCD screen can support true DC dimming, and this true DC dimming can solve the problem of stroboscopic. What is the difference between

low blue light screens?

There is also the issue of blue light and related to screen eye protection. The harmful blue light generated by the screen may cause varying degrees of harm to the eyes. Therefore, reducing harmful blue light is an important way to improve the eye protection effect of the screen.

It is understood that the blue light in the 415-445nm blue light band range has short wavelength and high energy, which can easily cause retinal damage. If you avoid this blue light band, you can effectively reduce the damage of blue light to the eyes. The OLED screen is self-luminous and can reduce harmful blue light from the luminous material.

For example, the earlier Samsung E3 material OLED screen, by optimizing the luminous material, reduces harmful blue light by 42% at the hardware level compared to E2, achieving a more eye-friendly effect. Moreover, this kind of hardware-level low blue light will not have a particularly obvious yellowish cast problem, minimizing the impact on the picture.

Summer vacation is here, and children who are at home during the holidays have more time to interact with mobile phones. When the time spent looking at screens inevitably increases, the eye protection of mobile phone screens becomes even more important. In fact, mobile phone manu - DayDayNews

OLED screens using new materials generally have a considerable low-blue light advantage over traditional LCDs and can provide better eye protection.The LCD screen used in the recently launched Redmi Note11T Pro series changes the backlight to reduce the proportion of blue light in the 415-455nm blue light band range, which provides better eye protection.

Summer vacation is here, and children who are at home during the holidays have more time to interact with mobile phones. When the time spent looking at screens inevitably increases, the eye protection of mobile phone screens becomes even more important. In fact, mobile phone manu - DayDayNews

When we buy a mobile phone, we should pay attention to whether the mobile phone supports hardware low blue light. Usually flagship-level OLED screens have good low blue light characteristics and can provide better eye protection.

In addition to hardware-level low blue light, mobile phone manufacturers also reduce blue light damage through software. Mainstream mobile phone systems generally have a built-in eye protection mode. When turned on, the color temperature of the screen will be adjusted through software to reduce blue light emission and provide better eye protection. However, this software eye protection mode will make the screen yellow or darken, which will obviously affect the screen color effect, and the blue light reduction is also limited. Of course, you can adjust the screen color temperature in eye protection mode to achieve a better balance between eye protection and display effects.

Summer vacation is here, and children who are at home during the holidays have more time to interact with mobile phones. When the time spent looking at screens inevitably increases, the eye protection of mobile phone screens becomes even more important. In fact, mobile phone manu - DayDayNews

Default mode Eye protection mode


If you want a more eye-friendly mobile phone screen experience, you can pay attention to the screen's performance in terms of flicker, blue light, etc. Choosing an LCD screen that fully supports true DC dimming can effectively avoid the impact of stroboscopic effects on the eyes. However, there are not many mobile phones using LCD screens at present, and some poor-quality LCD screens may also have high blue light problems.

Choose OLED screens and try your best to choose products that support high-frequency PWM dimming or DC-like dimming. These can reduce the impact of stroboscopic effects on the eyes to a certain extent. In addition, in order to reduce the impact of blue light on the eyes, you can pay attention to whether the mobile phone screen supports low blue light. If you want a more extreme eye protection experience, you can also choose a phone with an ink screen.

Although some screen features can bring better eye protection, the core method of eye protection is to use your eyes scientifically, control the reasonable use time, and look at the screen less. 【END】

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