Mobile phones now have more and more functions, but we may not know them all, such as the function of thermal imaging cameras. This function is not available on all mobile phones, but more on some relatively niche devices. There may be many friends who don’t know what this functi

2024/06/0611:15:33 digitals 1811

mobile phones now have more and more functions, but we may not know them all, such as the function of thermal imaging cameras. This function is not available on all mobile phones, but more on some relatively niche devices. , many friends may not know what this function is used for, let’s take a look below.

In layman's terms, thermal imaging camera converts the invisible infrared energy emitted by objects into visible thermal images. The different colors on the thermal image represent different temperatures of the object being measured.

Mobile phones now have more and more functions, but we may not know them all, such as the function of thermal imaging cameras. This function is not available on all mobile phones, but more on some relatively niche devices. There may be many friends who don’t know what this functi - DayDayNews

By viewing the thermal image, you can observe the overall temperature distribution of the target being measured, study the heating situation of the target, and make judgments about the next step.

Modern thermal imaging cameras work by using optoelectronic devices to detect and measure radiation and establish a correlation between radiation and surface temperature.

All objects above absolute zero (-273°C) emit infrared radiation. The

thermal imager uses the infrared detector and the optical imaging objective lens to receive the infrared radiation energy distribution pattern of the measured target and reflect it on the photosensitive element of the infrared detector to obtain an infrared thermal image. This thermal image is consistent with the surface of the object. corresponding to the thermal distribution field.

Many years ago, the well-known thermal imaging camera manufacturer FLIR (Filier) launched an external temperature measurement component suitable for mobile phones. Although the price was very "cheap", it did attract a lot of attention.

What are the benefits of putting the thermal imaging camera function on a mobile phone? First of all, compared with ordinary industrial-grade thermal imaging cameras, mobile phones inherently have larger screens, larger storage spaces, and higher performance, which gives them some advantages in terms of experience and convenience in terms of thermal imaging .

Mobile phones now have more and more functions, but we may not know them all, such as the function of thermal imaging cameras. This function is not available on all mobile phones, but more on some relatively niche devices. There may be many friends who don’t know what this functi - DayDayNews

In addition to measuring body temperature in daily life, thermal imaging cameras can provide help in measuring oil temperature during daily cooking and measuring short circuit points during home appliance repair. Thermal imaging cameras that can visually see the temperature and hot spots can help.

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