Fortunately, after experiencing the pain of "stuck neck", Academician Ni Guangnan's warning has finally been taken seriously. Most domestic manufacturers have begun to increase investment in R&D and have joined the trend of independent core manufacturing, such as Ali. , Gree, Xia

2024/05/1902:23:32 digitals 1945

Twenty years ago, Xu Guanhua, then Minister of Science and Technology, pointedly pointed out that my country’s information industry had a huge shortcoming of “lack of core and lack of soul”. If it was not made up for soon, it might be “stuck” in the future. However, at that time, some well-known domestic companies insisted on " comprador ". Even though Chinese academician Ni Guangnan repeatedly emphasized the importance of core technology, they were still ignored and even eventually kicked out of the company.

With the outbreak of Huawei and ZTE incidents, it has indeed confirmed what Academician Ni Guangnan said: core technology cannot be bought, exchanged or requested.

Fortunately, after experiencing the pain of

Fortunately, after experiencing the pain of "stuck neck", Academician Ni Guangnan's warning was finally taken seriously. Most domestic manufacturers have begun to increase investment in R&D and have joined the trend of independent core manufacturing, such as Ali , Gree , Xiaomi , OV and so on.

Among them, Xiaomi has attracted the most attention. Since 2017, Xiaomi has launched its self-developed The Paper S1 chip for the first time, and then released the ISP imaging chip The Paper C1. Thanks to the blessing of core technologies, Xiaomi's market competitiveness and share have been greatly improved.

Fortunately, after experiencing the pain of

Unexpectedly, this attracted special "care" from the United States. In the second half of 2020, the U.S. Department of Commerce added Xiaomi to the so-called "entity list" on the grounds of "military involvement." Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just a "gimmick" used by the United States to sanction my country's high-tech companies.

What is exciting is that Xiaomi did not choose to bow to the frame-up of Laos and the United States. Instead, it filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice. After half a year of fighting, in May 2021, Laos and the United States could not come up with anything. In any case, Xiaomi finally took the initiative to compromise and settle.

Fortunately, after experiencing the pain of

For Chinese companies that are also suffering unfair treatment from Western countries, Xiaomi’s victory has brought a positive impact to them, allowing more Chinese companies to dare to fight in the face of Western bullying.

After Xiaomi experienced this turmoil, Lei Jun became more determined on the road to independence. Therefore, at the end of last year, Lei Jun publicly stated that Xiaomi will invest 100 billion in independent research and development in the next five years, focusing on technology and focusing on hard-core technology.

Fortunately, after experiencing the pain of

This dedication and sweat finally paid off. Recently, Xiaomi officially announced the results of its first cooperation with and Leica . Needless to say, there is no need to say more about imaging. With the technical support of Leica, domestic mobile phones have been upgraded to a new level in terms of photography. The point is that after Xiaomi released the top-notch ThePaper P1 fast charging chip last year, it once again came up with a self-developed chip, this time the charging management chip ThePaper G1.

You must know that Ti Company in Texas, USA has always been in a monopoly position in the field of power management chip , and the domestic market is highly dependent on its import. In the context of the ever-increasing technological competition between China and the United States, this is obviously a huge hidden danger that must be taken seriously.

The good news is that now Xiaomi has broken the monopoly of US chip in power management. Combined with The Paper P1, Xiaomi 12S Ultra has basically realized the domestic fully self-developed closed-loop technology industry chain of charging chips. There is no need to look at the performance of these US chip giants. His face became pale.

Fortunately, after experiencing the pain of

It is worth emphasizing that whether it is The Paper P1 or The Paper C1, Xiaomi is unambiguous in its research and development technology. The performance of these two domestic charging chips has also reached the world's top level.

According to the test data provided by the evaluation agency, Xiaomi 12S Ultra monitors battery safety to the millisecond level, and its battery life has also been greatly improved, far exceeding the performance of US charging chips.

Fortunately, after experiencing the pain of

Although the road to "de-beautification" is still long and full of thorns, excellent domestic manufacturers such as Xiaomi have not backed down. We have every reason to believe that as long as we adhere to the belief of independence and rely on huge R&D investment, the domestic market will surely Can comprehensively break through the Western technological blockade as soon as possible.

At the same time, we also hope that some companies can recognize the reality, abandon the concept of "comprador", stop spreading the false proposition of "technology without borders", focus on technology, increase research and development efforts, and get rid of the label of big and useless as soon as possible.

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